Is she a simp?

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No, if you're referring to her relationship with rose then it was mutual, this has been confirmed

is this show still on?

She got cucked really hard

Attached: 485555A5-3F03-4148-92D2-CE4E8128CBEF.jpg (1456x819, 78.83K)

>literally born a slave
>cuckolded and permanently abandoned by the woman you repeatedly tried to sacrifice your life for
>forced to devote your love to raising her mixed race spawn

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>you repeatedly tried to sacrifice your life for
Debunked since we know now it's all about perpetuating the ruse that RQ and PD are different individuals and not the same gem.

t. Pearl

Da fack? Did you even watch the show?

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Which is why she fell in love with a human and then had a child with him right?

>mutual, this has been confirmed
I fucking hate Yas Forums buzzwords but COOOOOPE

her devotion is a second nature of Pearls, but it's pretty damn obvious that she fell in love with Rose.

still not a simp, Pearl is a turbo stacy.

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Squirrels in her pants?


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I get that "simp" is the modern buzzword of the moment but it feels so forced how I suddenly see it everywhere. Like I know words like "cuck", "seethe", and "dilate" were words in the past too but it's obvious you guys only say that shit cause you're faggots who find it difficult to communicate in forms other than memes.

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I fucking hate all of you yet I'm stuck here in a never ending form of hell.

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Biggest simp I've ever seen

The worst fact of modernity we have to face is that people raised on memes will only be able to speak in memes. Words no longer have meaning, and genuine communication and conversation are a thing of the past. Prepare for decades more of meaningless buzzwords flung like a monkey's shit in lieu of actually talking like human fucking beings. Brace yourselves, for it will only ever get worse as the attention economy continues to inflate in a bubble that will only pop with our extinction.

All hail the new flesh.


Hi, OP here.
I mean normally I'd be in the same boat as you. I hate just about every word you mentioned and hate the buzzword train myself. But simp is a concept I find kinda funny and interesting, seeing as I feel everyone has their own qualifications for what actually makes someone a simp.
This thread actually got made because I asked my friends the exact same question, if Pearl was a simp or not, and I got MANY different responses. So I thought it would be fun to ask the question here and see what responses I get.
My buds where curious what you guys would say too.

Don't be a fag dude.

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You all talk like fags and your shit's all retarded.

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why does it feel like the english language is deteriorating

It's been evolving for centuries. Some would argue that it isn't deteriorating, but simply evolving. After all, we don't say thee and thou and forsooth and peradventure anymore.

But then again, at least the replacements for those words actually fucking mean something, and nothing within the past decade has had any meaning besides giving personality-devoid gremlins a 0.025 second dopamine hit for fitting in and saying "da wurd all da other peepul say huehue."

Fine I won't put it against you for using the term. As to your original question it's dependent on the definition of "simp"... most definitions mean she can't be a "simp" as you need to be a male to be a simp.

If you want to be technical and pedantic she isn't a "simp" simply due to the fact she isn't a guy. Mentally and her actions? Yeah she acts like a simp.

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That really a hill you want to die on?

I bet the faggot in your pic is a youtuber E-Celeb and I bet you're a zoomer.

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>you need to be a male to be a simp.
Well, "Sucker Idolizing Mediocre Pussy" doesn't seem to specify sex.

Hey I didn't invent the technical terms. It's sort of how a girl can get cucked or how a guy can be a bitch.

Technically neither of those things are right but we both know a girl can get cucked and a guy can be a bitch.

Better than being an old man yelling at a cloud cause he's got nothing better to do and I don't like the "youth slang" being on my cartoon board.
Lol, I literally just looked up pseudo intellectual and used the image that worked best as a reaction image.
Wouldn't having a shitty E-Celeb with "pseudo intellectual" plastered over his face imply I was being derogatory towards him rather than admiring him like you're claiming anyway?

Nah it's basically like when you have a mutual and longterm but not clearly defined relationship with someone and they meet a new person then decide to pursue that new person knowing that you aren't ready to move on like they are and that you will likely stick around. This creates a window of time where they can, to themselves, justify hooking up with you and the new person but still keep you around as their undefined partner and in some cases try to put limitations onto what you do like you were in what they'd consider an actual relationship because they know you value them more than the other way around.

Pretty much Rose is kind of a sociopath even though she's benevolent and well meaning.

No because Simp is a mainstream meme that is a negative thing to be called and those only work against guys. It's why femcel or whatever the female version of incel only took off on Yas Forums while incel was used anywhere from the internet to Law and Order.

Well, let's look at it a little deeper.
The way the word is used seems to imply a complete loss of self respect in pursuit of a relationship that is potentially unfulfilling, or in which the partner you are pursuing does not hold you in the same esteem you hold them, hence the lack of self respect - you are giving your all to someone at great expense who thinks of giving little or nothing to you. Pearl almost kinda-sorta fits this bill early on. She's built to be loyal to Pink/ Rose, and despite the fact that she shows her devotion at every turn, it's highly apparent that Pink doesn't really see this as a two-way thing. When we flash back to their first interactions on the moon base and we see Pearl eager to please her, their entire dynamic is shown outright.

>Can you imagine running a colony would be this boring?
>I can imagine it, if you would like me to, my Diamond!
>[Pink looks unamused and slightly annoyed by her proposition]

Now while of course ,we see much warmer interactions between them as we move along their story together, it's somewhat uncertain as to how much more respect she has for Pearl, Pink's diamond heritage may be at fault for what s essentially a superiority complex she may or may not be aware that she has. She doesn't even treat Greg like a real person until he confronts her and though this may be because he's a human, we also have to remember how much lower a Pearl is than a diamond as well. Even a lowly Peridot was scoffing at he idea of Pearl being in charge.

Ah get off my lawn, kid.

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shit, last part was for