ITT: "Being a fan of _________ is suffering"

Post characters whose fans will always get shit on by people and fate.

>Be Hawkman fan
>Be a convoluted mess during the 90's
>Hawkgirl, not Hawkman gets picked for the Justice League cartoon.
>On top of that, a Hawkman facsimile is made the evil toxic male villain in the show
>No Hawkman in Injustice.
>No Hawkman in Injustice 2, because Ed Boon vowed Hawkman would never be in his games because of a stupid cover.
>Nobody knows Hawkman
>Those that do know him as 'the dude with the most convoluted story in comics
>Finally get Hawkman to appear in the new WB DC shows.
>He gets immediately killed off in favor of nigger Hawkgirl.
>Turn to Yas Forums for comfort
>Routinely there's 'What's Hawkman's personality?' threads

Life is pain.

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So which is better: past life memory recovery and only two pair of Ninth metal wings exist, or mass-produced Thanagarian flying cops?

>Be Nadia Fan
>Her first run got cancelled at 8# issue
>Ant Man and the Wasp got cancelled at 5# issue
>Her second run got cancelled at 10# issue again
>MCU never ever

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I genuinely prefer the former. The who alien space cop thing just never lined up with the character to me. That being said I personally think it would be interesting if they kept Carter as a GA character who died and had his next incarnation running around somewhere with a less dated outfit. I think rebooting into Kendra but keeping Carter was a mistake in the long run.

>>No Hawkman in Injustice 2, because Ed Boon vowed Hawkman would never be in his games because of a stupid cover

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>Read the classic New Warriors series and become a huge fan
>Warriors continue to be somewhat relevant through the 90s
>Civil War happens and some fucking piece of shit asshole writer decided to use your faves as the catalyst for his piece of shit story
>Kills off all the team, the name New Warriors is forever linked to stupid, mediocre kid heroes.
>Comics literally write stuff like 'we're gonna turn you from stupid New Warriors into 100% fully fledged Avengers'
>All the Warriors survivors go into oblivion.
>But there is hope: A New Warriors live action series is announced.
>But it's with Squirrel Girl as the main character.
>It's Great Lakes Avengers with the New Warriors name.
>Doesn't matter because who knows what happened to that project.
>Finally the New Warriors return with many of the OG's
>It's a cringe inducing book full of leftie pandering and SJW culture with newcomers the likes of SAFESPACE and SNOWFLAKE

Just... Just pull the trigger. Do it quick Yas Forums

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Midway is the name of the company Boon used to have where he created Mortal Kombat.

Past life. Just.. better handled.

Meanwhile Captain Marvel gets her 18th number 1.

>lol is his power talkin to phish

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Nothing beats being a Hawk and Dove fan.

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I think that he was joking... but with these types, you never know

>Big Bang Theory rehashing the Aquaman joke for the 100th time

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All I know is I can't use Hawkman to bash Batman's brains in.

At least he's no longer le evul replacement big bad guy they made him in Armageddon.

How was it? I think Captain Atom was going to be the one to turn evil but it got leaked so they just half assed it and made Hawk evil. Details are sketchy but it was bullshit.

At least they got to be in Titans, looking good.

Whatever happened to Justice and to his future self Vance Astro?

>suffered a bitch death in IC
>overshadowed by Jaime
>Booster, Mister Miracle and the rest of the JLI get more appearances in ancillary media than he does
>remembered only as the Blue Beetle who died
At least he's still alive in the comics right now...

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I feel like she'd do better if she as free from Jeremy Whitlea. His very touch is poison.

I gave Nadia a shot after Champions and kind of liked her. But holy shit, did her book suck. It felt like the lesbians and SoL shit were getting more focus than Nadia's own (way more interesting) plotlines.

>Great character
>Great first run
>Which switched to a horrible artist halfway through
>Gets a second book, exists solely to shill other characters instead
>Cancelled immediately before the book was to focus on him again
>Whitlea tries to pair him up with Nadia Pym's Parkinsons friend
>Given to Jason Aaron, who writes him so out of character that it's unsalvagable
>Aaron then shits on his lore and ruins him irreparably

There's just no turning back now.

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Just fuck my shit up.

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Also, the New X-Men

>Rockslide and Anole are reduced to minor appearances or just wallpaper roles
>Pixie is whored out to be a cute waifu
>X-23 is a mess once the book ends
>Blindfold forgets her story and kills herself
>Gentle shows up for one team book just up with Tom Taylor's cringe OC, Trinary
>Dust is there, never really doing anything
>Mercury is forgotten about, except to make her bi and hook her up with a crazy stalker lesbian and forget about her
>Nearly a decade of shitting on Hellion, then basically forgetting he exists
>Surge who?
>Prodigy is made bi because Kieron Gillen is horny, now he's only used whenever someone wants a diversity character
>Loa is killed off-panel, immediately forgotten about
>All of Disassembled

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Somebody got envious of Rocky.

I can handle Halposters because at the end of the day the Hal Jordon fanbase was always like that.

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He really is the best Robin

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At this point all I know is pain.

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He's now Drake and wears a literal shit costume.

did he ever get that cheeseburger?

Should've stayed as Yellowjacket

Let's hear it for Tigra, who writers persistently forget has 5-ton level strength and who routinely loses to pretty much everybody. Her appearances in 80s Avengers and WCA were complete embarrassments that culminated with her going "feral", losing her sapience, and being shrunken to mouse size and then literally forgotten about by her fellow Avengers for more than a year before a writer finally had Agatha Harkness rescue her.

That's right. She wasn't helped by her fellow Avengers. A C-lister was the only one who cared enough to help.

Things didn't get much better later on. Writers just don't know what to do with her. How hard is it to read a few old Marvel Chiller issues and recognize that she should appear in serious, borderline horror comics?

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going from a bird theme to a dragon theme is petty weird, but it cant be that awful r-right?