What's with yellows self-inserting as white characters?

What's with yellows self-inserting as white characters?

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The first time I heard "I lost the race lottery" was from a yellow. He wanted to be white.

when will Yas Forums artists stop stealing Japanese art styles?

If her hair were darker, and her eyes weren't so round, would she pass?

Honestly she'd look better without the makeup, she's to shinny.

Japanese art style is not a thing since the 1800s. They are thoroughly Westernized since they Meiji era and everything they have comes from us.

>implying an actual white person in that art style wouldn't have huge eyes

>I've never seen anime before

So the entire country of Japan was self inserting as a white person this entire time?

In my opinion, East Asians still look white and so do Jews.
>t. half-Chinese, half-Jewish

sure they do slant eye

Did you really think she was white with that screen name?

I guess Yas Forums finally realized that they hate asians too.

I have no problem with this. I'll take a yellow takeover over western women.

What's with whites self-inserting as yellow characters?

Attached: AVT_Matt-Groening_7647.jpg (520x316, 28.67K)

>soul vs soulless.

>But muh animuh!

>it’s another “decide characters races based on the art style their presented in” thread

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What's with Americans self-inserting as white characters?

Skin tone is a bit over saturated, because it was a quick edit.

Attached: edit.png (1250x770, 485.46K)

White people also don't have big cartoon eyes.

user are you retarded?

Just about every race wants to be another race, but give it a couple hundred more years and we'll all be brown. Then we'll fight about nationality like other countries.

Pale white skin has been considered beautiful in asian culture long before they met whitey and large expressive eyes has been considered beautiful nearly universally, The different coloured eyes and hair is just an asian-strain sparkledog syndrome.

I know user, Yas Forums is indeed full of egotistical retards

Where did the whole "Asians are yellow" nonsense come from? I've never seen someone yellow unless they were dying from bile infection.

Can someone educate me where the yellow comes from? The face reveal looks about as light as I’d expect

Asains have a yellowish hue to their skin

Still white washing

Their skin has warm undertones dipshit.

Yeah because they've been literally painting their whores white for centuries.

I'd fuck her.

Just like pajeets drawing themselves lighter even before whites took over their nation, still white washing

Why does Japanese calarts look better than western calarts?

But they dont

user light skin has nothing to do with the brits.
light skin means a person has not worked in the sun meaning they are not labourers or farmers who work all day and try not to starve.

It means that they have enough wealth and status that they can lead a comfortable life. The Brits thinking that Indians want to be them is wrong tho

How come black people in simpsons are like how they are in real life instead of being darker shades of yellow?