
>lol incest the show
People don't actually like this shit, do they?

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I doubt they're gonna make incest jokes anymore now after that episode where Jing married Duncan. Felt like the writers wanted to put that running gag to rest.

Attached: 1582518267616.jpg (1280x720, 50.14K)

Anybody have a link to the new episode Judge Annie?

Anybody have screencaps of Annie in a bathing suit?

Attached: Chappelle.png (600x471, 352.84K)

Newest episode had Duncan and Kimberly skinny dipping right next to each other
Not yet, but before the end of the night

The only reason people wanted to watch the show was because they wanted to fuck the terrible MILF, yes.

You're forgetting the 5 year old


The adopted Asian daughter wants to marry the teenage son, also there's some jokey incesty moments between the son and the mom (who are both voiced by Amy Poehler)

Attached: 1587341192456.jpg (1131x1600, 147.35K)

Also the repetitive sibling incest jokes. And there might've been a father/son or father/daughter dialogue joke or something.

Imagine being so bored you invent an entire fanfic and start believing in it and making threads about it.

You obviously haven't watched the show since there are incest jokes nearly every episode.

When will Ducan kiss his mom?

moar pls...

Attached: Ralph Wolf.gif (500x363, 992.1K)

Let's cut the crap. What are you peddling - christianity, censorship, or just general "I am outraged" soccer mom bullshit?

It's a harmless and wholesome show, so I postulate that you act in bad faith.

You fail to consider option D, it's fake outrage in order to get people to check the show out so they can indulge in discussions and fan works revolving around their fetish

Can't wait for the inevitable mother/son jokes. Those are always a riot

>make thread that isn't needlessly sucking off a show
>why are you so outraged? you want us to censor the show or summfin?
When did Yas Forums get infested by negative iq retards?

He'll do more than that

Attached: EQq7hlFUUAIKjHs.jpg (1295x874, 134.96K)

They've already had mother/son jokes. The only thing left is daughter/daughter and then they've run out of material.

The duality of user

> do people like this.

it is inoffensive and bland, pleasant enough, but not remarkable. I like Duncan's design, but a lot of the "lol young people" jokes are boring and overdone.

Overall, it is watchable, might even grow into itself, but it is really nothing to me in its present state.

Boilerplate may be a term that works.

I think it's pretty funny and I like both the parents

I like it.

And they played a couple in the previous episode

Attached: Duncanville S01E07 duncan Kimberly.jpg (640x360, 35.95K)

Added new ep to folder

>Jack was fine with being cucked