This is getting really cringy, like even cringier than usual willis

this is getting really cringy, like even cringier than usual willis

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Why not just kill Amber’s evil Dad at this point? He has made it clear he plans getting rid of everyone in his way. And has hitmen. Granted his henchmen are probably still around. But honestly Amber Dad is more dangerous alive.

Also are they going to leave him alone so he can escape?

remember when this was a slice of life comic about a naive girl starting college?

I really don't know how that group of dialogue makes her think she'd be a good president.

I call bullshit on them chewing through all that tape.

He could have just written it as Dina freeing them, too. I dunno why he chose the stupid way.

And remember, this one was suppose to be more grounded.

That is what I thought was gonna happen.

>grab his cell phone so he can't call the hospital

what is a house phone

I don't think I'll ever know what's going on in this comic anymore. At least, not unless the nightly threads come back.

No death. You could have a knife shoved right into your aorta and be slowly driven to the hospital in gridlock traffic, and you'd still live with just a massive scar.

Does Willis remember?

Yeah, you're gonna have to catch me up on this.

Or the computer

yall still be reading walky's comics, huh?

anything interesting happen in sluggy freelance lately?

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Nobody reads your comic Willis.
Fuck off.

>Ol' Warboss Hamfist had himself a plan, ya see? Release that there Sista o' Fightan' and have 'er run back. She was gonna bring them Beakies so the Evil Da's could have a proper scrap. But Nob Hammahandz had to go an' krump Hamfist in the middle of his cunnin' plan like a git. Now the humies are runnin' an' no humies mean no beakies. S'alright though, if Hammahandz wants a krumpin', Warboss Hamfist gonna give him a krumpin'.

>What are you?

I like how Willis rips on his one character who can only draw in anime style and then expects us to take shitty shonen speak like this seriously.

The cringing continues.

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So who are these guys anyways? Some kind of League of Ordinary Frat Bros that Amber's dad hired to not kill everybody? What happened to his apparent mob ties which I learned about in the last thread?


>the protestant girl can take down a big adult male easily
So he' dropping the little logic this shity comic had left.

I'm more concerned about the fucked up perspective and that Joyce is somehow able to knee and elbow him in the balls at the same time.

You can absolutely bit through duct tape. This is why it's important to gag your captive. And to stick something in their mouth to keep it open if you insist on using tape.

This has got to be the final arc. You don't go back to college hijinks when the college has to answer for multiple back-to-back kidnappings, attempted murder and god knows what else. They'd have that place shuttered in a heartbeat

and she was caught by fucking surprise

>You can't lift your knee while bringing down your elbow
>It's unpossible

Then stop reading it, fucking idiot

>SWAT a hospital
I feel like that would be impossible. Unless Mike is the receptionist in the front lobby.

Didn't Willis at one point say that the comic was never going to progress beyond freshman year? Something about how he didn't want to actually move forward and remain in a "comfy" place where nothing meaningful changed and the stakes were always low.

>This guy doesn't have guilty pleasure comics that he reads like watching a train crash
You're missing out.

>and remain in a "comfy" place where nothing meaningful changed and the stakes were always low.
And then BAM superhero arc with less logic than fucking Kick-Ass

You know at least Willis hasn't pulled a Jeph Jacques and engaged in drunken self-harm yet. There's that.

Stand up and try it while mirroring Joyce's position. Even accounting for her lean, dude's crotch is level with her tits, Joyce would have to be lifting the dude off the ground with the force of her kick by at least a foot.

This comic just reached a new low.