Questionable Content


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When are the robots going to fuck, jeph?

Neber because the robots don't resonate with anyone because they don't mental problems Jeph can saddle them with as a replacement for a personality like he does with the human girls. He's only going to do queer pairings with the robots and the mentally ill characters who will cease to be mentally ill after writing them as such becomes inconvenient for him

All this time I've waited for some nice patient guy to step up with Brun and now she's going to fuck a toaster.

What a cunt.

Oh hey, yet another storyline where somebody has a gay/queer awakening, no way

So this is basically
>brown autism girl the comic
now right?

I don't follow it much anymore but that's what it seems like. I happened across some Hannelore rule 34 of her fucking Winslow recently, but I'm right to assume that's not based on anything from the comic right? Hanners is still a virgin right?

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I fucking hate black fat Dora.

>Men suck
>Whites suck
>How DARE you ask someone about their ethnicity (I still don't understand why this was so WRONG, Jeph)
>If it's not gay, it's NOT okay
>But she's allowed to be attracted to Elliot

Seriously, the guy who asked Brun what she was got called a "pig" and kicked out. What was the big fucking deal? He asked politely and everything.

>these people can get along for three hours
>obviously they are soaking their britches for each other

Wasn't she basically sexually harassing the buff gay guy as well and got away Scot free?

And yet you share this garbage with us. Let Jeph do himself in by his own shittiness.

>How DARE you ask someone about their ethnicity (I still don't understand why this was so WRONG, Jeph)
I'm a PoC who has been asked about where I'm from tons of times. I've never once been offended by that and the idea that I should reeks of a white guilt ridden guy getting offended on my behalf.

I'm Hispanic and other Hispanic people ask that shit all the time. Not a racism thing they're just curious what cultural background I come from.

Yeah, she just got a slap on the hand.

Exactly, yet fat black got offended for Brun.

I also legit have OCD. Pic-related pissed me off because it shows such a gross misunderstanding of OCD. You can't just "logic" yourself out of your OCD thoughts.

A large part of the anxiety from OCD comes from realizing what you're doing doesn't make sense yet still feeling compelled to do it. That "out of control" feeling is a huge part of the distress you feel and seeing pic-related... this huge part of Hannelore's character being hand-waved away off screen was such horseshit.

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Honestly I first started reading the comic because I found Hannelore to be an endearing OCD waifu. Nowadays she's barely in the comic and when she is she's a completely different character.

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I don't have OCD, but I do have a minor case of motor tics, and you definitely can't out-logic a compulsion. Like, there's no reason for me to shut my right eye and jerk my head up, but my body is still telling me to do it, and even if I'm aware that my body is telling me to do it, the compulsion isn't going to go away.

Reminder that Mille was unable to conceptualize their time spent as a date until afterwards and Brun seems to have assigned no significance towards their interactions at all. Additionally, the entire time spent together was a result of Brun rotely copying Renee's actions with zero contextual understanding. Mille is ignorant of social situations and sought guidance for what she believes might be romantic inclinations, Renee is not only making huge assumptions, she's playing headgames with an autistic woman, and Brun just had a nice meal and walk in the park with her friendly neighbor.

Shoveling shit and taking bbc day in day out for three months does that to you.

It's called a "compulsion" for a reason.

Jeph making a comic telling OCD people to just logically stop having OCD? He might as well have made a comic telling alcoholics to "just stop drinking... it's that easy!"

>"You're depressed? Just stop being unhappy!"
>"You're thinking of pink elephants? Just stop thinking about them!"
Genius advice thanks.

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>>How DARE you ask someone about their ethnicity (I still don't understand why this was so WRONG, Jeph)
You'd be amazed at how modern-day leftists get upset over this. I had to attend a diversity seminar where it got hammered down our throats that asking a PoC where they're from is just the worst thing you can do and you never should

Honestly, the best policy is to never talk to a PoC at work unless it's work related.

>telling alcoholics to "just stop drinking... it's that easy!"
Or telling himself not to stab himself anymore after the first time.

That body is wasted on lesbianism and wasted on robosexuality. Putting them together is compounded waste. Not doubled, but squared.

Asking someone where they're from isn't even racism. It's not a statement saying "I consider your race inferior"... it's just a statement of curiosity.

There is nothing inherently malevolent about being curious where someone or their family is from. White people love telling me what percentage of their genes are Irish or Italian or whatever unprovoked. I don't consider it a big deal just a random little fun fact.

>"oh okay she's partly Irish whatever"

>He asked politely and everything.
I recall that he called her exotic like she was some sort of collector’s item. I think she was upset because her tinder date looked like he was trying to put the moves on her roommate right after fucking her.

>Brun just had a nice meal and walk in the park with her friendly neighbor.
Whom she held hands with and apparently no one has taught her that she shouldn't do that with someone she just met.

>"I'm (this.)"
>"Oooh, exotic!"
It was a joke. There was nothing offensive about it.

don't forget this gem
>You shouldn't ask strangers for their phone number imo! It can make people extremely uncomfortable!a

Offense is a subjective matter..

There are PoC that describe themselves as PoC? I thought that was a white people thing.

A black dude

The WE WUZ KANGS crowd. Normal folks like yourself fucking know better.

I only called myself a PoC because I'm drunk and figured I was probably talking to a white person. Personally I think the term is stupid. "Colored people" is offensive but "people of color" is okay? Shit doesn't make sense.

A Spic

I'll be honest. The Tinder dude did come off as tactless and sleazy. The problem was that he was some guy Renee hooked up with off Tinder at 2am and invited to her place, what the fuck did she expect?

Something else to blame on Renee; not only has Renee been shown to not have much in the way of boundaries, her first appearance with Brun had her acting more like Brun's girlfriend than friend.

It's all just a cover story because Hanners didn't want to admit that there was no temple, no yaks, no trip around the world, just three months in a hotel suite with nothing but a suitcase of benzos and Winslow's sex protocols set to Maximum Ultrafuck.

> "Colored people" is offensive but "people of color" is okay? Shit doesn't make sense.

“Colored people” is a dated term from the Jim Crow era where everything was segregated between “colored people” (blacks) and white in several parts of the country, especially in the Deep South.

Yeah I know but it's still weird that they remixed the term into "people of color" and that shit is totally PC. That they sound so similar is what makes it weird. You know the people who invented the term "people of color" only did so because the term "colored people" was subconsciously kicking around in the back of their head.