There exists a forbidden comic book that you can't talk about in public spaces without getting banned from them because...

>There exists a forbidden comic book that you can't talk about in public spaces without getting banned from them because of reasons
I totally missed out on the controversy here, but what the fuck is this Cyberfrog shit and why is it making everyone so angry?

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SJW garbage that have wrecked the industry for the last decade are all failing miserably, and EVS proved easily that you don't need them to make a ton of money and grow a fanbase.

It's gay cultural war shit. Jawbreakers was absolute shit, but I hope Myer sues the shit out of Waid.

Trannies infiltrated online forums and abuse the shit out of their limited power to try and dictate public opinion, which does nothing but backfire horribly every time.

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revival of an old 90's Nina Turtles/ Bucky o'Haire rip off parody comic no one ever read, by the guy who drew all the Hal Jordan revival comics who has become the most legitimate voice of the anti-SJW crowd.

So it's this year's comicgate/indiegogo masterpiece that will destroy Marvel and DC once and for all and return comic books to the "real" fans.

Right but is the comic bashing queers or something? From what I saw it's just a generic dude action 90's type comic with robot frogs. What did it do to make everyone go so nuclear on it?

I tried actually reading this book and I literally couldn't get past the first page because I couldn't tell what I was looking at. There's too much shit all over the place I don't know where I'm supposed to look.

>From what I saw it's just a generic dude action 90's type comic with robot frogs.
Yeah, that's unironically all it is.

this shit is hideous honestly
if you're gonna do the whole anti sojuwah shit you should at least have a pleasing art style with classically attractive characters

EVS is persona non grata among the mainstream industry. I heard a while back a bunch of mainstream people approached them about a 'ceasefire' recently. (strange it's right as the industry tanks, and the outsiders are making more money.)

Culture war shit is gay as fuck, it's so 2014, and it depresses me how little culture has moved on.

Aka, what the anti sjw's think all comics should unironically be

No, but it would certainly be an improvement.

And not to say I don't think indie is the way; it is. If you find an good indie comic, read it, support it and show it to people who might be interested. Because mainstream comics isn't satisfying reader demand (And it exists! Manga has a 50% market share in the west!), and It's not stories anyone'd actually wanna read. It's literally for mediocre writers (like token tranny Maggs) to get Netflix/Network deals, or to design storyboards for the next cartoon or movie.

But the answer is NOT gay cultural war shit. Make, find and fund good indie shit. Big company or no, if something is making money and gets popular, people notice.

An improvement is for creators to write stories people'd actually wanna read. Not engage in the VERY SAME SHIT they say the mainstream hacks are doing.

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Basically, EVS kicked up a stink about SJW's ruining comics and conned people into paying for his shitty frog comics. The guy is weird, but he played them all like suckers

>Not engage in the VERY SAME SHIT they say the mainstream hacks are doing.
They aren't.
There's nothing political about le robot amphibian comic at all, neither the old or new one.

Why are conservatives concepts so fucking bland and unimaginative?

Oh my god what did this fucking EVS dude actually DO though? This shit is like an actual fucking war where nobody even knows why they're fighting each other just that they need to hate them.

>pay for comic
>get comic

Everything they say or do is about 'muh SJWs'.

Wanna know how to defeat the hacks in the big 4? Make fucking good comics that people actually wanna read, and you can do that without acting like abrasive faggots.
It's Comicsgate gayness. He sided with CG, so he's persona non grata.

What I really want to know, during this raging war for the very soul of American comics and our God-given way of life, is why aren't there more Cyberpepe edits?

>pay for custom-made commemorative silver medal
>it's a fucking coin with cardboard stickers

>supplier misled him
>gives everyone a full refund
>everyone still gets to keep their coins

>Wanna know how to defeat the hacks in the big 4?
Let the CCP destroy the world with their engineered virus?

self absorption and an inability the challenge the status quo in any facet of life.

I don't even know what Comicsgate is. Nobody here is giving any actual information on what went down to cause all this. Does anyone even know? Are people only fighting each other because they're "supposed" to?

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>supplier misled him


>"real" fans.
i remember real fans being better than this shit. i've been in comics since it was a hundred fat guys in a hallway in the mid 80's.

these "real fans" are a bunch of angry, out of touch mentally ill edge-lord children and their opponents a bunch of loud out of control self centered egotists whose parents refused to set boundaries and think the world exists to serve them.

ten bucks says either sides ranks couldn't explain to you why they read comics, when they started and all the shit they put up with to continue the hobby.

So how many coins did you order?

>>supplier misled him
He misled you lmao

I don't make grifters rich.

it's not about making comics they're into, it's about stopping Marvel and DC from making the comics they make, they don't about the industry or the medium they just want by the numbers Superhero comics drawn in a uniform house style.

the maga crowd and the social justice movement used relationship drama as a justification to invade comics and claim to be the real fans and the other side is posers.

it's bullshit flag planting by two toxic racist and genderist ideologies invading something that brought people together and using it tear them apart.

EVS might be a weirdo but i think he really does care about comics, the fact that donny cates crawled on to his live stream to call a cease fire has to mean some thing, most people in the industry are weirdos i think the culture war, social media and trump has just brought the weirdness out into the open

So you're literally the only one who's upset about it, when you didn't even buy any?

Yas Forums as a whole have no stakes in this.
But they'd rather not get involved with either side as it's just cancer overall.

Trouble is that even if you don't care for Comicsgate, the instant you say something that someone from Comiscgate would say, Comicsgaters and anti comicsgaters would come out and praise/condemn you. And it can be as innocous as saying "Marvel and DC's comics suck lately"

>are you complaining without buying??
That's how anti-SJWism works, right?