Art Youtubers should be gassed.
Art Youtubers should be gassed
The question shouldn't be "Bad vs Good"
This is "Good, but impractically expensive" vs "Cheap and Simple enough that we can pay chinese sweatshop kids to make it."
The OG does have way too many details, particularly ones that won't be easy to replicate with good perspective from a mulitude of angles.
But aside from limiting fine details, I have no idea how they excuse whatever the fuck they did to its face on that abomination on the right. A characters traits should be instant to recognise, in OG case, her tentacles, her mask, Her legs and tail.
Why the fuck is that hat the hat so awkwardly large and distracting, why does it look like her head was in two seperate car accidents, are they trying to go for the "Obscene Ducklips" look from 2012 to show "Oh yes, this character is sexy, but we're showing it via body language instead of exposed skin because we're WOKE."
I don't know if Sage still works or how it works these days but fuck me.
What the fuck is wrong with the edited's face?
They think theyre being different but instead made it worse
>OG does have way too many details
For a cartoon maybe, Anime characters have much more shit on top of them.
>This character will immediately read as a dangerous femme fatale
I'm getting more of an 'old hag' kinda vibe.
The OG would be just fine for animation if the details were reduced, even. Just remove the tattoos and the writing on the cloth thing, the symbols on the boots and one of the skulls.
The segment is specifically about shapes in character design and supposedly the OG has too many circles and squares - it looks fine as it but alright, just make it more triangular to demonstrate the point.
Why they went the extra mile to piss on the entire body proportions and the face is hard to grasp. They even removed the cool avian-esque mask and turned it into whatever the fuck that is on the right.
OG could be done cheaply if it was animated with flash like Wakkfu. “Edited” just screams it will be off model 24-7.
I initially thought that dude's mouth was his nose and his chin was his mouth, and couldn't figure out what was up with the squiggly line between his eyes.
It’s a well done video but that part there always rubbed me the wrong way.
That pic makes it look like her tail is coming out of her thighs.
Ditto. It felt like the guy changed a design that was frankly fine for no damn reason other than to change it.
The redesign isn't even reminiscent of the original. Even though they share design elements I wouldn't imagine that they're the same character at all.
>instead of simply removing some unnecessary things like the pattern in the dress and the tatoos, he took out all charm from the character as well as turning into an ugly bitch
The saddest part is that this type of thing is encouraged nowadays in the western industry
Right’s hotter honestly
the design on the left is good, the design on the right is just straight up butter face
the left reminds me of les cassos
is he some sort of octonewtadpole?
Just because it makes your peepee hard doesn’t mean it’s a good design
so good design supposed to make it flaccid?
A character should look distinct and her-catching before anything else.
That’s not to say a good design can’t be attractive, but too many fapbait characters are bland and generic.
trying to make it look more octopusy?
Trying to make everything ugly only ever comes from one place. Fear of excellence. Fear of doing better. Fear of expectation to be better. If everything around the individual is ugly and putrid and awful, they feel like nothing is holding them to a higher expectation. Even being NEAR excellence makes such a person feel judged.
It is deeply mentally ill.
I'd say gett rid of that hat's stitching, get rid of the eyebrows and make it look more like she's wearing a mask, get rid of the arm tattoo, get rid of the thigh belt and get rid of the triangle design on the shoe.
Great advice, Horrible example
What even is this take