JSA Storytime: Transformers

Good evening owls and robofuckers,

We're just going to read this trade because I have it

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Hi Storyteller

RPG twitter got into the "orcs are racist" discourse today and I'm ready to die.

Second for Sentinel Prime did nothing wrong.

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These threads are getting weird OP we need to clear the air a little. Some Bronze Age Cape weirdness or something


I only saw Jeremy Whitley's tweets about it but it worried me.

I also played DnD for the first time this weekend and some other players were making racist orc jokes (saying racist talking points but substituting orc) and I wasn't sure of the level of irony and was uncomfortable.

probably gonna give DIE a reread. It's weird to find these RPGs fun but have too bad social anxiety to ever play them

Hello, Storyteller.

It must be really awkward to be a living city. All those tiny things walking around inside of you... ugh.

I saw that and I was NOT TODAY SATAN

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Hi, ST!

Didn't we already read this one, or...?

So long without NautiCUTE.

Holy fuck sorry for doublepost but I saw this.
Honestly call me out if I am deluded but isn't a person actually racist if they read that shit about Orcs and instantly associate this with people of color or something? Seriously what's wrong with such persons, the only one I would expect to make that association are actual far righters at best.
Also, if anything Orcs always reminded me of vikings with their raid culture and war mongery. I doubt that guy meant them when he made that post though.

hey friends!!!

yes but it's on the list and I'm too lazy to extract the proper issues, so we get it all

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Not to mention one of them talks to you.

Cityspeaking is robot Ratatouille. Change my mind.

Why are they teasing me with mai bois?

People who say orcs are racist are just self hating humans who want to get pregnant with a half orc.

A'ight, cool. I'm simply glad I'm not crazy.

Well, Tolkien did base them on "the least lovely Mongol types", so yeah, they kind of are.

Nope. I refuse to believe that anyone actually sticks up for Sentinel. Fuck all the way off with that.

>I also played DnD for the first time this weekend and some other players were making racist orc jokes (saying racist talking points but substituting orc) and I wasn't sure of the level of irony and was uncomfortable.
OK so full disclosure on my part:

1) I think it's worth examining and discussing the historical context and influence of these kinds of things
2) I do not think it's worth making a call-out post on current edition of popular roleplaying game because of how it talks about orcs. I think the level of actual harm you can point to there is very, very tenuous

With that said, I would definitely not play with dudes who make shitty racist jokes and just substitute in orc for them. So I can get feeling uncomfortable there, that'd be a red flag to me.

OP I saw you were asking the other day if AC Odyssey was worth it at 40 bones and I wanted to say even as someone who spent 200 hours playing it as something that scratched an absurdly specific itch, I can't recommend it to anyone else, at pretty much any price.

It's like someone took the Witcher 3 and stripped out all the polish no pun intended and craft and just left a husk of a game that you really want to like because of the surface elements, but whose actual content is just a checklist of popular game mechanics combined to create a black hole that devours all fun and excitement.

What does everybody want?
What does everybody need?

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that's pretty reasonable, user.

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>bottom panel
HA! That turned out to be a fucking lie.

I did get it already so we'll see if I'm mad later!!!

Can't beat Cranky's rec on that front, probably!

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Depends on if they're more noticeable than bacteria or not.
You are more microbes living on and inside you than you are you.

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I agree. The first episodes annoyed me because Bee is a little annoying shit in there and Windblade, well she is ok but gets boring after a while since she is basically just his teacher. I liked it once we got more other characters, that episode with Maccadams was great imo (episode 6? or something) because it also showed the effects of war and introduced that mysterious bar keeper that looks like a big tank Rung.
S2 is better though and we have more of a focus on Optimus and Megatron and other characters.

I like you.

>Uses sister
>But hates girlformers

Sentinel a dumb.

Orcs are super racist and I guess the RPG community? has spent however long since LOTR came out trying to fix it. The England the book was created in was racist and it seeped in and that's just how shit works.

yeah i don't think it's worth a call out post bc like imo that means it's not well known and in my experience it's very well known problematic thing? And the better thing to look at is maybe how it's being fixed, if the changes are good/bad fixes, etc.

I agree with you basically.

Bless you, user. Your words give me strength.


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Seriously, fuck microtransactions. Ubisoft is shameless, so this game does everything in its power to try and harass you into buying more shit.

Well, it depends on which one is talking to you. Metroplex is a lucky bastard.

How silly does it get with Greek history and mythology?

I wish that thread where I tried to get people to imagine a JRRTolkein/Kirby Thor comic had traction

Makes sense, actually. Sisters would be a slur to him.

Well then, hopefully at the very least I'll finally see someone else bitch about the game other than just me writing thousands of words on social media about how much I somehow love the game despite it totally sucking.

Like what's frustrating about it is every single possible opportunity it has to be interesting or unique, it squanders by just making the goal "go here, kill mans, collect 50 bear asses, and return for your reward of yet another sword that's just worse than the one you have"

>other players were making racist orc jokes (saying racist talking points but substituting orc)

Sendinell gets triggered by compromises.

Ah, my heart...

Come to think of it, are all Cityspeakers fembots?

keep in mind I enjoy running around pretty landscapes doing shit

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will Whirl ever get to be this good again

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I don't think it's something you can fix or that has to be fixed. It's entirely down to you how you want to play it and to what extent you carry it forward to in-real-life racism.

>ywn eat Megatron's hand-made Decepticookies
Sadness covers me like a blanket.

>Like what's frustrating about it is every single possible opportunity it has to be interesting or unique, it squanders by just making the goal "go here, kill mans, collect 50 bear asses, and return for your reward of yet another sword that's just worse than the one you have"
This is a common problem for me when it comes to RPGs, or even games with RPG elements. It's so dull and disheartening to do an activity that was basically crossing off a checklist, only to be "rewarded" with some green or red arrows next to some numbers.

Not in idw2 but in 1? I think we haven't seen enough. It seems to be something done by a majority of women though.

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Not nearly silly enough which is why I hate that it's an Assassin's Creed game and not its own thing.
You have the typical "secret society was actually behind everything" stuff and there's a lot of revisionism in order to wank off Sparta, and there are a couple mythological secret bosses, but everything weird is handwaved with the stupid ancient aliens stuff.

They should have leaned in hard to the Greek mythology stuff, I wanna be a damn superhero and kick monster asses, not be attacked by wolves every five minutes while picking up groceries for Demosthenes.

I want a Decepticookie, yes

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I really love the train of thought behind: the robots watch a documentary, and the person the documentary is about and the person who made it are in the room and provide constant bitchy commentary.

also seeing a bunch of Warhammer shit made me wanna buy and build a Megatron which sucks

well re: Orcs in general I meant like, not making them just things to kill. culture and shit I guess? making them characters? also in LOTR all the light=good dark=bad stuff. stay away from that

It's sad because idw2 is really good with characters and most I have seen so far rather got better than worse, at least those with enough screentime to tell.
But will we ever get a Whirl and Megatron as good as those? This is something I sadly doubt. Megatron was the most complex guy JRo ever wrote and you can tell, and Whirl needs a capable writer otherwise he will very easily get memefied or become a blatant evil guy - or he will just be completely different in general which is bad too.
On a sidenote: would not complain seeing him pre-empurata'ed though. Even if he was different then.

JRo's comics are really good at creating density that way--you catch up the audience to the backstory that's going to be relevant, but you also get characterization of individual bots folded in with the commentary

Warhammer confuses my levels of irony processing

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Was there at least some good Philosophy related stuff in there? Maybe like, they send you to kill a philosopher for each of the four hellanic schools?

I mean, at that point it would just be a shitty Wonder Woman game. Do you really want that?

>Warhammer confuses my levels of irony processing

i blame it on being british. Judge Dredd hits me in a similar way

Tolkien also used them as German analogues in an allegory for WW1.

True, I don't want just a copy, but Whirl's wild attitude being rooted in complex genuine pain, that's just good stuff

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Mmhmm! It not only leads into Sentinel being a headmaster who escaped Galvatron's purges, it's fun on its own.

>also seeing a bunch of Warhammer shit made me wanna buy and build a Megatron which sucks
Joooooooooooooooooooooooooin ussssssssssss...

>will we ever get a Whirl and Megatron as good as those?
Nah senpai.

>while picking up groceries for Demosthenes
desu this was one of the things in the ad copy for it that really appealed to me. Like meet random historical personality! Do a sidequest for them!

>Warhammer confuses my levels of irony processing
At some point it also did that with the fans, who now see the collapsing theocratic dictatorship as an inherent good, because PEOPLE ARE DUMB.