Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
Black Cat
Sexy woman are offensive
>the pot is shaded
>Black Cat is not
This show is fucking hideous.
Oh boy, another thread of this
Honestly, it doesn't look all that bad as an outift. They should've made the entire undersuit one piece instead of having that pelvic-line separator and it could definitely use more, higher-placed pouches, but otherwise it's ok. Still agree though: Black Cat's bust is an indelible part of her design and to try to completely hide it away doesn't make any sense when there wasn't a problem about showing it off in decades of kid-friendly comics and cartoons.
Her fabulous hair tho
what's wrong with it
looks cute, why are you mad, OP?
Do you really think they can get away with Triple E sized Black Cat saying how she wants to suck Spider-Man's cock?
Yeah it's pretty fucking terrible OP
All Marvel women have to be ugly as sin now
At least she's got the fur collar unlike the dumbass PS4 version.
She looks cute in a non-sexual way. What's your problem OP?
Imagine hating beautiful women and wanting to make them ugly.
I call it abanimation. I didn't like the Ultimate Spider-Man show that came before but I admit that it was not that bad for what it was trying to do and it did eventually became less stupid. The thing is though, at least Ultimate Spider-Man was actually animated, the first few episodes that I watched before quitting looked like they weren't finished. It's basically on the level of 60s' Spider-Man except more obnoxious.
The thing that pissed me off the most was the scene in the 1st episode where glass is falling on cops.
Looks cute and sexy. What's the problem?
I don't think that's a horrible design.
Can't say anything bout the character though cause I don't want to watch this.
The thing I dont like the most is how they cut off her fabulous white hair and also the fact that they just turned her to another villain instead of spidey's love interest. I admit that she does looks cute but looks nowhere similar to Black Cat
I liked that they incorporated the bad luck powers all adaptations always ignore and that they had Grey Delisle voice her.
Too bad they're not allowed to have Peter have any romance with anyone, so she's just playful with him instead of flirty. I think the closes he's had to chemistry with any woman is Kamala.
>Too bad they're not allowed to have Peter have any romance with anyone,
What? Why?
Well, I don't know 100% if they're forbidden, but both this and the last show completely lacked any romantic stories for Peter and has completely platonic relationships with Mary Jane and Gwen. USM had no Black Cat, and again, BC is barely in this show and there's no flirtation or anything. I'm assuming execs don't want it because they think boys will think it's icky or uninteresting.
The closest they have in this series is Peter and Kamala being weird around each other and spending time off-screen. If you count Superior Spidey, Otto had Anna Maria before his death.
I have a feeling that MJ is Black Cat.
Unless they're having her switch voice actresses, I doubt it. Felicia Day is supposed to voice MJ.
>I'm assuming execs don't want it because they think boys will think it's icky or uninteresting.
I dunno. Having hotties in a show, and romantic plotlines, was generally a draw when I was watching cartoons.
Not the best redesign but not especially offensive, she’s still cute. If they’d added shadow and shiny highlights it would have looked a lot better.
>I'm assuming execs don't want it because they think boys will think it's icky or uninteresting
I always thought romance was uninteresting as a kid (still kinda do).
Not sure if it's because boys in general don't care for romance, or if it was just me.
coomers go home
I don't like that they replaced her crimes with weird stuff like a priceless comic book and money from a hot dog-eating contest. Feels pretty small for her.
what about lewds?
alex from totaly spies....?
This version is kiddie friendly so its easy to dock off points. My problem is that she has a shitty jacket, and that her hair is short. Why bitch about the short hair you ask? It's not really preference, but a contrast to Catwoman, whom is normally depicted with short hair in most appearances. Felicia's look is a great balance between black and white, and I'd argue that the flowing white hair compliments the design far better.
I really like her with short hair, it's adorable.
Can we talk about Black Cat's design for a minute? For the most part, Felicia's costume has remained the same over the years, which I suppose is evidence of how strong/iconic the look is. Outside of Ultimate and that Claws look she had with Wolverine in a brief mini, pic related seems to be her go-to attire. Compare that to Catwoman, who's had a dozen different costumes over the time. I think the only hated costume Felicia has had is that crime lord costume where the fur was black and had cat eyes on the chest.
This begs the question; is it even possible to give The Black Cat a good redesign?
>coomer tears
pathetic, just like hulked out She-Hulk haters.