Excuse me. Everyone, I have a brief announcement to make. Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the Devil, and the government is lying about 9/11. Thank you for your time and good night
Excuse me. Everyone, I have a brief announcement to make. Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the Devil...
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he's not wrong about the Reagan part
Jesus was white because he took after his Father (har!)
Jesus was at best middle eastern, Reagan is just a man capable of the same evil you would be if given such power, give me your source on 9/11. You're a kid Huey. An incredibly bright kid but a kid none the less. Stop trying to be grown and just enjoy your youth before you become a bitter burned out adult like me.
Why can’t you be more like Riley?
If only we took good advice as kids... oh well.
user I would kill a man for the chance to go back and redo it all.
>Jesus was black
No he wasn't you wewuzzing mutt
>Reagan is just a man capable of the same evil you would be if given such power,
Damn.......is it fucking retard hours again?
He doesn't even hsve body hair yet.
dancing israelis
Oh i have often wish for that.
I'd probably just make different mistakes, though
It's not good advice, and you're still a failure.
Jazmine is legit incredibly cute.
Ah, Yas Forums, what can you do?
Who gave this small child a can of alcoholica?
Not an american what was Reagan's deal?
>Jesus was black
No he was middle eastern
>Ronald Reagan was the Devil
No that's Bush
>The government is lying about 9/11.
That one is true
If you want the actual historical answer, he got elected after Jimmy Carter and the collapse of the 70s that left America in a slump and caused a great lack of belief in the country itself. Reagan was kind of the answer to that, showing a kind of old grandfatherly demeanor and gave a notable change in attitude to the previous decade of 'malaise'. In a sense he reinvigorated a sense of American pride at the time, which was coupled by taking a tougher stance against the USSR in his first term that helped lead to it's collapse, and a concurrent economic boom that lasted through a good chunk of the 80s. That's the very basic overview.
Now granted there'll be plenty of assburgers who will yell 'BUT WHAT ABOUT THIS' or just yell about boomers to assuage their autistic rage, but that gets more into details. The above is just the very general historic sense of what happened at the time, whether it was directly from his hand or not.
I honestly feel really bad for Carter, he got fucked by stuff way outside his control
He infected black communities with drugs and let people die because he wanted to use AIDS to cull the gays.
Basically, if you were poor he passed laws that made your life harder. This was especially true for urban black kids like Huey.
Niggers are stupid. Stop worshiping stupid niggers.
Pretty sure black people weren’t in the Middle East back then.
You know despite him being the common sense multi-skilled guy the weird activism stuff like this was supposed to be a character negative right? Delving into tons of conspiracies, making plans that are completely impossible, thinking he can make weapons out of stolen alien technology, when he's still just a kid.
The funny part is the show, albeit in a passing joke, says the opposite is true.
>Huey says Reagan is Satan
>Ruckus finds out he's actually an angel watching over the white-only portion of Heaven.
why are black activists so adamant over making every important historical figure black? is it a result of bitter jealousy?
What Carter did in office gave Reagan the keys to go from bad to worse, so I wouldn't feel too bad for him.
>is it out of bitter jealousy?
Literally yes. They refuse to admit that Africa's history is laughable compared to even Asia or the Middle East, so they have to steal stuff. They also blatantly refuse to see themselves as, say American and share in that collective history; the people who do this only see themselves as Black first and foremost.
Only if you're a hotep or any other variety of black incel in America
>Jesus was at best middle eastern
I find it so interesting people argue and make research-based artistic interpretations on what Jesus looks like. No other religious figure has this kind of "But what did he look like?!" controversy, do they?