DC desperate to peddle comics during pandemic

DC fan here; While the rest of the industry took the noble approach not to endanger the public; DC, due to poor financial health is forcing mediocre to bad comics, while putting LCSs in awkward position due to agreement with shady distributors. It could be over.

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Absolutely desperate.

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I thought LCSs wanted new comics?

California and other places where non essentials are closed down seem pretty mad about the whole thing.

I don't care, man, I just wanna read new comics, I don't even go outside for them.

>DC, due to poor financial health is forcing [...more whining]

And yet, they aren't firing its staff like Marvel is doing right now, makes you wonder...

oh look, someone who doesn't know what furlough means

>muh DC
Marvel is protecting its employees and customers, like a responsible company would do in a crisis.

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Sad day for comics.
DC completely shit the bed.

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>Marvel is protecting its own ass

I know.


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DC fan here.
I'm done with it.

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>shilling for Diamond
>the monopoly that hurt the comic industry
>blasting DC for doing what they and everyone else should have done years ago
>making comics for Walmart to get other readers is worse than the Holocaust
I take it back. I am now with the casualgaters and Manga fans.

Let all comic shops burn.

Nah, they want to bitch and moan endlessly because their industry is dying horribly and none of these losers know how to run a business.

What DC has done here is shameful.
They are literally GROVELING to move their product.
>we need to sell these two copies of Daphne Byrne, fuck that people are dying

>industry is dying horribly
And nothing of value was lost.

>DC fan here
ok ladder

Thought all the marvel and diamond shills were furloughed

Retailers: "How are we supposed to survive if there are no comics to sell?"
Also retailers: "How dare DC be so braindead as to publish comics for us to sell?"

If only I could be sure that any and every store that comments in opposition to DC's decision finds themselves shutting down before the lockdowns finally end.

The only logical explanation is literal Diamond shilling

>suppoting Diamond
Just...get fucked ladder

Fuck outta here with the false flagging mouseshills

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You fucking cry-babies.
The government has compensated everybody who works.
You bitches are crying because your NEET ass isn't getting muh comics for a few weeks.
You would rather put workers on the road, in the print shop, and receiving and selling you your fucking paperback soap comic.
Piss off.

wait, the government paid for my LCS's rent? awesome

who the fuck actually buys physical comic books anymore anyway?

>Marvel is protecting its employees and customer
Nah as part of Disney they don't give a fuck, just like they refused to immediatly close their parks like everyone else when this whole mess started or pushing their shitty Pixar movie to the big screen.

Pretty much. Diamond doesn’t want anyone to abandon them. If DC leaves then they could end up successfully independent like Archie.

sunk cost fallacy fags aka most big 2 fans

Boomers wasting their money and house space.

DC has not signaled that they are willing to part with Diamond entirely. The two "new" distributors that they are using are Midtown Comics and DCBS/IST. So now those two (mainly mail-order) retailers can buy direct from them, likely at a discount that's higher than Diamond's max 57%.
That will end up being a blow to Diamond's bottom line due to them being Diamond's #1 and #2 largest customers (we know that thanks to Diamond fucking up last year and sending out retailer info to random retailers), but not as big as a whole as it could be since Marvel is still the largest publisher.
I can only see the two "new" distributors gaining momentum if either:
>The discounts they can offer are better than what Diamond can offer LCS's. Currently the Diamond discount changes based on how big of a customer you are. Someone ordering 5K a month of some kind of product gets a bigger discount than someone ordering 2K.
>Shipping speed. Lots of LCSs had been complaining last year that Diamonds reorder speeds are often too slow for customers.

DC pulls the biggest cock-sucking move in comic history, and
You blame the mouse.
How delusional are you?

Furlough =/= fired you brainlet

Sounds like a plan
>No new comics out
>People bored in lockdown
It could work that DC doubles their sales that week.
The only thing that could stop it are
- Comics are so shit that noone is that desperate to kill boredome
- People hoard money because teh situation looks bleak

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Ok Diamond, many stores have adapted and are mailing their stuff to customers or doing curbside pickup

He is crazy.
But he has a point that company warriors or other comic company shills could try to shame guild everyone to not buy these comics.

Yas Forumsermin are not and never will be real fans.