Concept art thread

original rebecca cunningham was better

Attached: EWfy1pdUYAAAWYG.jpg (2048x1542, 518.96K)

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i like the one we got
she looks more maternal than that concept art

Agreed. This concept woulda been good as like a sister for Rebecca though.

>original rebecca cunningham was better
Speaking of oddly sexualized concept art. You all should check out digimon concept art of the girls. Both human and Digimon.

Attached: 79AB3BDB-3FDC-44D6-924F-18BD24F056FE.png (476x334, 173.95K)

maybe she was not supposed to be a mother at first, just a business woman.

looking at this and early peg, looks like disney designers were really horny

Attached: DdLzWOIU8AAgXZz.jpg (746x622, 65.14K)

Attached: 757BB6B9-9945-480A-8D06-373034425234.png (424x548, 260.37K)

Who is this character?

How did you type that if you can't read?

my favorite
Sponge Robert

>Speaking of oddly sexualized concept art. You all should check out digimon concept art of the girls. Both human and Digimon.
Are you mormon or something, faggot?

Attached: Tachikawa.Mimi.600.405961.jpg (600x416, 68.86K)

She looks like she should be buying an exuberant amount of wonderbread.

Attached: xavier.jpg (1690x572, 688.59K)

Attached: concept art.jpg (1024x288, 71.73K)

Attached: 1555172251702.jpg (3502x1951, 3.98M)

This looks like how Rebecca would look if she had a successful business.

Attached: F62F7709-7C13-4BA3-9C4D-A9A930437C2A.jpg (1500x1130, 382.41K)

Bionicle fans always wondered why Makuta had a different mask design in the movies than in the toy. A few weeks ago it turned out the movie model was based on a cobbled-together toy prototype from before the mask was designed. The prototype mask was just two other masks stuck on top of each other, and that was carried over into the movie.

Attached: turkey dicks.jpg (1460x1250, 208.95K)

you know what he is talking about, faggot

Attached: D1461217-7677-4650-BD81-DCD48B80C7B0.png (1500x648, 1.62M)

Actually, no, I don't.

The movie mask was way better. It has more personality, it emotes better, it has a mouth. It gives off heavy Doctor Doom vibes.

>those dopey expressions on the right
Why is he kind of cute, bros?

No. He's right. Lurk more.
Probably posted a shitty example because this is a cuck board.

Early Pete reminds me too much of Bob Pataki from Hey Arnold

But wasn't the artist female or something.

Attached: a55a116aedaa209e1ca23a50bbdeb75f.png (750x1177, 344.93K)

The show was made ten years too soon for it to not look like total dogshit, but the concept art had so much work put into it.

Attached: 007_Fushia-Body_ROM_v001C.jpg (1159x800, 226.35K)

Some hidden anime

I'll do you one better. Here's concept art for Krika

Attached: KrikaDoc10.jpg (2500x1932, 420.77K)

I think the toy version of Makuta's mask has better shape language.

I'm not a furry, but GGAAHH I wish this hairstyle would come back for older women (even if it was dated by the time it came out).

Attached: TaleSpin-Becky-Cunningham-copy.jpg (1000x540, 320.27K)

>"I'm not a furry"
- a furry, 2020