Be honest, he would wreck Superman AND Thanos

Be honest, he would wreck Superman AND Thanos.

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literally all of them at the same time

Yeah, he'd fuck Thanos up and then he'd use the gauntlet to finally get Vegeta to kiss his wife

Okay masturbaiter

Kill yourself.

Not Venom


I'm gonna level with you, you sound like my 5 year old nephew. He's the kind of person who removes all character traits or story lines from works of fiction and asks me the tough questions of if Batman could beat an Indominus Rex in a fight.

Would his powers even work in the cape universes?

Because I don't think so. If qi could make you that powerful in the DC universe, for instance, Batman could take on Superman as a matter of course. It's something you can learn, after all.

>Son Goku arrives in the Marvel universe
>An hour or so later he realizes he has about a percent of a percent of the power he usually wields

Physics also work outright differently. Master Roshi blew up the fucking MOON at one point. And his power is nothing compared to that of Goku et al. a few years later!

Based and truthpilled.

You correctly told him 'yes', of course. And then added "Where do you think he got the tyrannosaurus in the Batcave from?"

Holy BASED. This is now a DBScholar thread now

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Saitama one-shots everyone.


Who's the strongest DC character that Yamcha could beat?

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Green Arrow

Goku would get one-shotted, then train by doing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10km run everyday. Then he would win the rematch.

He could probably fight Thanos, and only lose slightly.

*DC/Marvel, no need to limit it to DC

But the same rule applies.

>Saitama is transported to the Dragonball universe
>Finds he has no superpowers there
>He's elated: finally he can have a fight that means something... and he might not win

Are we being raided?

Anyone with no superpowers (except Batman).

Yes it would work it’s a crossover

Nope, because training in the Dragonball universe doesnt have that effect, we've seen this with Goku and Vegeta already (they did more than just 100 of those and with increased gravity too). Also, Saitama as a character is meant to win every fight with one punch, that's literally what his character is. It's not a technique or anything, it's just what he canonically is. Unlike Goku.

Sounds about right

Goku as a character always surpasses his limits though

Still stuck on that idea, are you, laddie?

....Saitama thinks that's how it works, but literally everybody tells him he's nuts.

But could he beat this guy?

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Nobody can beat King.

Goku would use the gauntlet to wish for unlimited resources, aka infinite food. Then Vegeta would grab the gauntlet out from Goku's hands to wish for somethng as well, but after a few moments he would put it back, because Vegeta already has everything he wants, and the only thing we really wishes for (beating Goku) has no value if he can't achieve it by himself.
Piccolo would just eye the gauntlet and walk away with a "meh" because he already knows that wish granting objects rarely come without attached problems, Krilling would try to pick it up, but after a few moments of reflection he would walk away as well, because he also has everything he could have wished for and more and he knows that nothing good comes from being greedy.
Then Mister Satan, Master Roshi and Oolong would brawl for the gauntlet until settling down for a shared wish where every woman ever is hot, barely clothes and with a craving for unnatractive men, until 18 comes by, grabs the gauntlet and wishes for money.
All of it.

That guarantees nothing. In 'JLA/ Avengers', the Flash lost his super-speed in the Marvel universe. Scarlet Witch got her power insanely boosted in the DC universe.

The core of Saitama's character is that he's so OP nothing really hurts him and he wins with a single punch. The core of Goku's character is that hard work and superior DNA will make you stronger. Goku couldn't even beat Cell and Buu in their arcs, he needed help. Saitama's character is the opposite of that. He one-shots regardless of location.

That's because he's a Saiya-jin and every time he's injured and heals he comes back stronger.

Kind of like Doomsday.
The difference being, if he dies, he still comes back.

>his limits
But that's just his limits. Which is always below somebody else's. He couldn't beat Cell, Buu, Jiren without outside help and that's already with the zenkai boosts.

Doomsday’s died a shitload of times, his whole thing is he comes back better after every death

Thanos? Absolutely. Chi-Chi could beat Thanos.

Superman? Not if this gay koala is anything to go by.

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Oh I guess that makes sense.

But since DB characters are enhanced by ki and both the Marvel/DC universe has Ki then yeah, DB characters would have all their powers. Depending on how the ki operates in capeshit they might even be stronger.