It’s not that bad

It’s not that bad.

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It's pretty good in fact

I’m just gonna fucking love when this shit comes out and it’s gonna be below Wabbit

good so far

which studios did Warner contract to make the animation? it's rare seeing this kind of animation anywhere in US shows, 99% is shipped off overseas and the inbetweening is usually pretty stiff and unsatisfying to look at.

>tweeing slapstick
into the trash it goes

>pretty good
clown talk for "it's shit bu the group must like it"

i'm beginning to think that the "the savior of modern animation" shit was just shills trying to create hype.
Why spend money on making an entire series of well animated shorts when you can just focus on the trailer and use shills.

So your home?

Yup and this new poorly animated shit will be with me

I mean while the design was bad the writing was pretty good for Wabbit/New Looney Tunes

It is out? Where's the mega?

Whatever, I like Jones Daffy better anyway, I want screwy, I’ll go hang out with Woody Woodpecker

Enjoy user, LTC looks fucking awesome

animation is shit and will be shit with tweening
>tweening looks awesome

It won’t be out until May 27, spergs are just having meltdowns because of a trailer

>advertise the show as high quality animation
>see shit animation in trailer
are you a shill or do you lack common sense

No one cares if it’s Tweening or Not, hell most people have no idea what that even is. your just being an autistic nutcase


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>tweening is ok guys, come on it's the saviour of animation
Your completely transparent

There you are
You're so transparent, you're replying to everyone the same way you did with your John K death threat shit

Never in any advertisement or press release did they say that they were going back to Hand Drawn Animation. They were stating they were going back to their roots with the style and writing

The fuck are you talking about?

user, literally no one cares about how it’s animated.

Also again no one knows what Tweening is, it really just sounds like a made up buzz word you created to bitch about something

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>it's shit
The animation is way better than anything on Disney right now including their Mickey shorts, how the fuck "it's shit?"

I swear, most of those posts trying to bash this look like straight up shitposts.

Reminder that you fucks hated The Looney Tunes show

We know who you are

>it's the saviour of animation
Except none of the guys you replied to ever said that. If anything I'd say you're the transparent one here

It's the same Korean studio that animated all of their past Looney Tunes shows.

>Who cares about the animation guys
>Slapstick doesn't need to be animated competently, tweening is just as good

keep seething boomer

your comment makes no sense you know, with the character designs trying to emulate the classic look of the originals

You didn't care until you could find something to "trash" on this show like you made up shit ages ago and kept spamming shit on all LT thread

no idea what you're talking about, I was exited for this since the dynamite trailer and was let down by what we saw in the most recent trailer.
One had excellent animation while the other didn't