is it comfy?
Is it comfy?
It's some pseudo-intellectual post-modern faggotry by a "smoke weed every day" dumbfaggot who looks like a meth-head which is drawn and designed by the standards of 10-year-olds and thereabout. Whether that's comfy or not is up to you.
I heard some things about the final episode which seems interesting but I don't want to sit through 7 other DUDE WEED LMAO episodes to get to it.
It's wander over yonder but shitty and somehow more simplistic and less visually appealing.
i like it
The animation is cool, and I like to watch it, but the talking part is so so so so pseudo-intellectual pretentiousness.
Yes dude, you're totally a magician, I believe you!
I can remember the animation easily enough (zombies, cat magic, prison) but whatever they talked about in the audio portion leaves my mind right after they said it, it's a bunch of nonsense that probably sounds good when you're high, but if you're not then you can see how stupid it is.
Yes, dude, you
Anyone who doesn't appreciate the animation in this show and a dumbfuck and the reason why animation is dying.
Whether or not you care for the podcast aspect the visuals are stunning.
what life circumstances makes a person the way you are
It's not comfy but I liked it.
My guess would be...
>Borderline autism
>Years of Yas Forums
Tip of the iceberg shit
yeah I don’t know why Yas Forums keeps getting all pissy when the animation gets slightly choppy for like 5 seconds in scenes that don’t matter, the animation overall is really impressive with a lot of care pit into it
Ah, autism at its finest
They barely talk about weed at all you dumbfuck. Have you even watched it? Probably not. You just parrot what others say because you can’t think for yourself
Imagine being mad someone else believes something you don’t
Give it a chance OP. What’s the worst that could happen? You don’t like it and don’t continue watching.
It's boring at best and mind-numbingly self-indulgent at worst
The magic episode was the only one that really had my eyes rolling, luckily the fishman with kitten sailors was fun to watch
Anything Pendleton touches is gold, this is no exception. If you don't want to listen to spiritual conversations just focus on the fun goofy animation, if you don't wanna watch the fun animation try to decipher the background puzzles
>god you're all SHEEPLE I swear everyone knows the fucking peudo-buddhist beliefs of an upper-class drug abuser are superior GOD
Ok dude
What makes it post-modern? And what is it about shooting the shit and philosophizing in a cartoon that is so offensive? If almost no other cartoon has attempted this, then isn’t it worth trying? Doesn’t hurt anyone and lots of people seem to really connect with it.
Is conveying ideas poorly worse than not trying to convey them at all
Yep, animation wise this show looks more impressive than those new Looney Tunes shorts people have been shilling lately. Titmouse did a good job.
fuck the animation, if the writing sucks then the entire show sucks.
Thing is, it very poorly explores that "philosophy". a lot of it is vague mysticism masqeurading as a deep think when at best its emotionally resonant babble at worst, very poorly conveyed eastern platitudes at best.
I think the divides come from a couple types
1. People that dislike Eastern Philosophy in general
2. People that haven't explored philosophy at all and due to western decadence fetishize eastern philosophy because of its inherent exoticness compared to mainstream western thought
4. People that have a better grasp of formal philosophy than a bunch of washed up hippies and drug abusers that make up this show's content and are offended at the overall shallowness of the show
3. Assorted brainlets wanting to shitpost
The most praise this has garnered is "really makes you think".
So you run into that thing where people would rather you not try at all if you can't do it at least decently.
Overall I think the show is a mixed bag and just an indulgent novelty.
But looking at it meta-contextually, I object to the content because its coming from awful people with no sense of what they're talking about except maybe sitting down and smoking pot with their yoga instructor or maybe they read a pamphlet on buddhism once.
Or you run into that one black magic guy who's clearly off his rocker and you can see he's just attached to mysticism and magic because his grasp of reality is poor and he gets off thinking he can legitimately curse people.
If you think the people he interviewed at most read a pamphlet on Buddhism once then did you not look into who he was interviewing? Just saying that there’s a lifetime of study for some of these people being interviewed. And if you feel repulsed because the subjects seemingly know less than you on the topics being discussed, doesn’t that make you more elitist and more pretentious? To weirdly reference Scientology, that essentially makes to a “suppressive person”.
I would say it’s better to try than not try at all out of fear of sounding stupid to others.
Honestly, if they removed or restructure the podcast aspect of it entirely, I think lot more people will like it. I personally like the visuals way more.
Lol are you that retard from the last thread who admitted to not watching the show but still bitched about it anyway?
I think some of the guests trip over their words to a significant degree and they needed to edit their monologues more
The zombie president and the embodiment of death stuttered and repeated themselves to the point where my ears started bleeding
>these people have a lifetime of study
Then I pity them for it took their entire lives to reach the level of shallow discussion exhibited in the show.
I will admit freely to the elitism, for i recognize there are objective differences in individuals, but that doesn't mean it is morally correct to bolster the jackboots of a wannabe philosopher king over the man in the street.