

Attached: DC Superhero Girls.png (967x703, 1.16M)

I know it's a small thing but what's with Ursa hair?

Zatanna best hero
Ivy best villain

who is best girl? to this point Im not sure

Best girl is still not in the show.

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i'd say that fusion casey is cheating considering how she looks normally

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I'm in love with Ivy guys, I wanna just feed her steak

You get very bored in the phantom zone.

would she be fond of human meat?

Attached: Autism sandwich.webm (1280x720, 907.75K)

Babsbros report in

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Yeah but she spent years in there, someone could have mentioned it.

Who do you hope shows up?

god I hope so, she's a goddess

Attached: ivy.png (1852x992, 1.95M)

i bee flossin'

Attached: Karen Floss.webm (400x600, 488.79K)

Attached: beestings.png (1920x1080, 1.27M)

shit taste

the popular opinion would be zee or jess
but zee? he's more like best boy amirite

For me, it's Rose

Attached: Rose.jpg (2801x1896, 2.74M)

then, we have jess

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a lesser show would have made Ivy vegetarian, simply because "lol uh she likes plants right. naturey and shit"
glad they actually had some semblance of knowledge of the character

based and autismpilled

God Tier

Great Tier

Good Tier

Meh Tier

Bad Tier

Shit Tier

>great tier

Attached: Fact.png (1366x1152, 999.87K)

whoever you want it to be, user

>Ignoring that Zee and Jess are god tier

>the dyke and the tranny are God Tier
You have to go back.

Attached: zee dies.png (790x441, 327.38K)

any drawing requests, anons?

Attached: Zee ghosting Bee.webm (640x540, 374.38K)

babs doing the circle game at diana

Attached: circle.jpg (800x450, 87.36K)

any of the girls with a vore belly

Ivy saying "I'm au natural" or "wanna see my rosebush?"