Why does Marvel keep bringing this hoe back?

Why does Marvel keep bringing this hoe back?
The only thing she brings to the books is love triangles, we had 14 years without her and everything was great.

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>and everything was great.

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Her hair reminds me of instant noodles.

Better than more love drama at least

I'll never understand Yas Forums's collective hatebone for Jean Grey.
>a bunch of fags and degenerates who are into doms
Yeah, I can see why you'd be Emmafags.

>>and everything was great.
What kind of diseased mind would read X-Men comics from 2004 to 2017 and think they were great?

Emmafags. Muh Scemma eclipses everything else.

Fuck off the X-books didn't go to shit until 2011

You're 10 years late on that, user. And they'd been bad for 3 or 4 years before that.

Yes, how could I ever forget such quality?

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Who knows, its not like there are a billion other telepaths and some that do her job better or anything.

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The user I was replying to said
Both Morrison and Chuck Austen where working on the X-books in the early 2000's and both stopped at 2004. meaning at the start of the considered time period

It's not the character's fault that the writer's are incompetent.

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Jean is the worst and most boring x-men of all time, followed by storm

>The only thing she brings to the books is love triangles
t. cuckquean Emma

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Imagine being a misogynist instead of having sex.


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>Why does Marvel keep bringing this hoe back?
>we had 14 years without her
You are dumb.

lmao cope

Imagine shilling Jean when pic related exist. Literally just let rogue consume Jean's bitch ass power forever and be done with it

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The issue with Jean isn't that she has bad stories or a poor setup, it's that she doesn't have stories that are actually about her as a character. She's got stories featuring her, she's got stories about her as a plot device, but none of her major storylines are about her as a proactive, distinct character. Her iconic storyline, the Dark Phoenix Saga, is her getting mindwhammy'd by 3rd string member of the Brotherhood, flying into space, eating a star, then killing herself. Later retcons then revealed that she's not actually present for the Dark Phoenix Saga and all of that happened to copy of her body. Think about that, her most high profile story doesn't actually feature her in it. She lacks a distinct personality to easily identify and play off the other X-Men, and writers tend to put her powers at the upper end of the scale, which means she's mostly just used to unceremoniously end conflicts or conveniently taken out to facilitate fights, but is expected to be around because she's a classic X-Men character. More than any other X-character, she needs a solo book that isn't defined by whatever is going on the X-titles; put her in some cosmic book where she can be the fish out of water, put her in some high powered book so she can go all out and not have to worry about overshadowing other characters, develop the Phoenix into an actual cosmic entity with its own inscrutable goals, perception, and viewpoint that Jean has a connection with rather than a powerup, or just put her on the Avengers since she was dead for all the bullshit that went down between House of M and AvX. Just get her away from the X-Men for a couple of years.

She's Marvel's Martian Manhunter.

>develop the Phoenix into an actual cosmic entity with its own inscrutable goals
They sort of did that in the Rachel era. The problem is that since AvX Aaron has been shitting all over Phoenix lore and it's reduced to it's dumbed down adaptation personality of
>Muh Phoenix will inevitably become Dark Phoenix
Ignoring that like you said the Dark Phoenix Saga only happened due to brainwashing

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The weirdest thing is that there isn't much malice in the Phoenix's actions during the DPS. It didn't eat the star because "fuck this star and broccoli people in particular" it ate it because it needed to replenish itself after jaunting to another galaxy. It was callous, not cruel.

that is one of the truest takes of all time.

>She lacks a distinct personality to easily identify and play off the other X-Men
But she got one Post-XF. Early Jean was generic, but after she came back, she was motherly but also a hotheaded, short-tempered redhead. She's no Tony Stark complex or anything, but she's fine.
>put her in some cosmic book where she can be the fish out of water
I agree with that though. Honestly, she should've been spin-offed to a solo act after coming back, or at least in the 00s. Morrison could've had his shitty Scemma, and let Jean just break ties and become a cosmic character. Maybe she could've even joined the Avengers or whatever. She should've just absorbed the Phoenix and hanged out with Strange and the other Top Dogs.

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Alan Davis had an issue of Excalibur half devoted to the Phoenix Force as a character and Claremont even made a anti-Phoenix called the First Fallen.

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I personally like the Phoenix as a cosmic baddie and love the Phoenix on the Guardians of the Galaxy.

I don't mean she doesn't have a personality, it's that she doesn't have a personality that allows her to be easily distinguishable in the team lineup of X-Men. Scott's the cool-headed leader, Wolverine's the loner with a heart of gold, etc.; short-tempered and hot-headed describes several X-characters, and for a long time she hasn't even really been that.

Best girl Emma deserves better

>Best girl Emma

Fuck off Storm