It's kind of funny how because all of these things are planned months in advance...

It's kind of funny how because all of these things are planned months in advance, we're getting all of these Black Widow merchandise and videogame tie-ins now. I wonder what they'll do in November, re-release the merch and repeat the tie-ins again?

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probably some newer ones?

Future Fight is still alive?

I miss this Black Widow

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Why is MFF the only good Marvel game out right now?

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Yep! I'm even having my Co-Op missions running right now behind me.

OP, the game has been datamined, and there's a Yelena costume and a BW costume they are withholding at the moment, so likely they will come out when it releases in November. I doubt they planned so far ahead for Eternals content yet

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It's funny how unprecedented this situation is. While we're guessing what the big businesses are gonna do, the big businesses are scratching their heads wondering the same thing.

Shits gonna spitball into a mess for the next year or 2.
Even before Coronavirus Godzilla vs Kong got last minute delayed from March to November and now stores are being flooded with the first wave of GvK stuff but on the plus side they have stuff coming out in the fall as well.
>Scoob merchandise is hitting shelves this week so is decided to just release straight to vod in early may.
>Troll 2 released vod because all the Merchandise is out
>no idea when the new Top Gun is coming out now but Top Gun toys are coming out
>same with Ghostbusters stuff

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Stop bumping the thread dude

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If they give Thor more iframes, it's OVER. His damage is ridiculous. It deletes everything, all he needs are iframes to be meta in PVP

For Marvel Contest of Champions it's easy. This month they added white suit Black Widow and Red Guardian. They can just add Yelena and Taskmaster in November.
For Marvel Future Fight, give Black Widow another outfit from the movie, and have the new characters be Crimson Dynamo, Ursa Major and Darkstar of the Winter Guard to go with Red Guardian.

Attached: blackwidowassemble.jpg (1003x1045, 268.26K)

In fact, in the Legendary battle 2nd mission, you see Black Widow wearing the white outfit. They are holding back some content til November.

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Editing real people is gross

people edit themselves every day of their lives

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He doesnt have any healing or revives so he could be dealing a million dps and still not be better than someone like Jean

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MUA3 exists

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It's over for jean anyway.

>this was the year we were going to get the Ghostbusters back


Black Widow is a fictional character

can't a man coom-post in peace?

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