

Attached: 1568059637344.jpg (663x812, 42.58K)

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I came so hard it shaved her head.

maybe more?


Shut your whore mouth, this is adorable.


The balding was not necessary.

she bald, user and that's disgusting

Nice to see her still getting roles.

Attached: Ellen_Page_Colbert-1024x512.jpg (1024x512, 59.79K)

She wouldnt be bald, she'd be shaved and we'd see a hair line. Whatever.


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Feral is better


How does it feel to know it's someone's fetish?

Nah. It might be able to pull off a fully bald head, but having hair on the sides while the top is bald just makes me think of clowns.

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Fucking dogs or people with weird hair? Because I still like girls with unusual haircuts, even though these days they're a warning sign for shitty opinions.

No, she'd be bald because the short hair=hairless, which is consistent with both the dogs in the image.

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>Imagine being so negative about someone's choice of haircut.

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her hair, her choice

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>nooooo I am EXPRESSING myself I should face any consequences stop it DAD

Her inceldom, her choice.

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Giving in mob's way won't make them less hateful, they'll just focus on less trivial shit like protruding ears or freckles.
women legitelly do themselves look less attractive to avoid sexual assaults.
Also you're comparing asking grown women for permission to asking babies for permission.
>SlIpPeRy SlOpE iS rEaL

>women legitelly do themselves look less attractive to avoid sexual assaults.
Or nobody wants to sexually assault them or even date them and they need a mental coping mechanism with the mentality that you just described in order not to feel worthless.
That's why every time one of the ugly bitches you described have no history of being sexually assaulted or are instantly revealed to be fake accusers in order to maintain the larp.

>imagine needing dating to feel fulfilled.
>imagine having to look good/feeling pretty to feel fulfilled
>imagine needing men's attention to feel fulfilled
I hope this answers any futher questions.

>>imagine needing dating to feel fulfilled.
Yes, most normal people do. Only abnormal uglies are unfulfilled.
>imagine having to look good/feeling pretty to feel fulfilled
Yes, that's what makes women the majority of the economic spending force, the need to look good and feel pretty.
>imagine needing men's attention to feel fulfilled
Yes, that's why the majority of women are in a relationship with men and crave the cock,
and also why the majority of women are incensed by homosexual men existing because homosexual men have it the best and are on average happier than straight couples because the woman with her retarded brain is out of the picture, and women naturally don't want to have to compete with a scientifically happier relationship between men by having to adopt the personality characteristics of dudebros which bring forth happiness and joy.
You din't answer anything, you just provided me an opportunity to do it for you.

>women legitelly do themselves look less attractive to avoid sexual assaults
But this is a more recent thing? Sexual assaults have been going down and down, so why the need to do it now? By this logic Victorian woman or those living in Papua New Guinea should have been rolling in shit before going out. It's just a bad fashion choice, either to show off your "queerness", or to show of your individuality (which is apparently ugly).

I suppose sexual assaults are rubbed in our faces more now than ever, so women could be more self conscious of it, but I still stand by the argument that poor fashion has nothing to do with it.

Consent? Even if babies could talk, their answer would always be fucking "yes" because they don't want to be slathered in shit. It's why they cry.

The women you described here are your stereotypical American dumb bimbo shopaholic freeloaders who go through hilarious lengths to achieve looks they want. Not all women want to live like this, they have various interests, hobbies, desires etc. What you did here is just provide a massive overgeneralization which is a typical way of thinking for incels.
No one did ever roll in shit for that reason, yeah. But crossdressing was a way for women to avoid unwanted attetion or get a job other than selling your body. I can agree that it can be just an anxiety or stuff like that but if it makes them feel better I don't see any problem. Not everyone needs to look good to be happy with themselves, women who are not taught from birth that their look is more important anything else about them usually don't give a shit.

>interests, hobbies, desires

Thanks for confirming that you're not woth to be discussed with.

You're just a woman with a small brain. With a brain a third the size of us. It's science.

You've made yourself enough of an stubborn idiot for today, go take your pills or summin'. I'm out.

>not getting the reference

>What you did here is just provide
Facts that women are worthless and male homosexual relationships have vastly higher happiness stats than female lesbian relationships which have the highest domestic abuse stats, and science of the facts indicates that women are just shit at everything they do including relationships. If there were more gay men in the world and less women with their mental retardation, we'd already have colonized Mars by now and made it a gay Mecca of manhood's conquest of Space. Facts don't care about your feelings.