
I honestly don't see why this guy exists. Why's he not killed already to give Wanda some angst? Who likes Quicksilver? What purpose does he serve? He's got no personality past arrogant faggot and fuckup. And why is he this arrogant? It's not like he's a brilliant supergenius who's ever accomplished anything.
>inb4 that X-Factor page
Yeah, whoope, you are fast. Just an hero already... I honestly cannot stand this faggot because he ruins my enjoyment of Wanda.

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calm down Engleheart

>isn't even marvel's fastest speedster
>has never had a good costume

True, Pietro does suck

Him not being Magneto son ruined his character.

Him being Magneto son ruined him in the first place

At least it gave him an excuse to be conflicted and a purpose, hes pointless now.

No, user. What gave him excuse to be conflicted and a purpose is being mutant not Magneto son. Being Magneto son gave him a scapegoat.

You’re a dumb faggot with bad opinions. Quicksilver is a great character who just needs the right writer to give him a truly great mini or ongoing so more people can see that. The main thing holding him back at this point are him not being a mutant anymore which is genuinely pointless now that marvel has the full rights to mutants. People also need to make up their minds as far as how powerful he is. He isn’t used more in media because “super speed broken”. Yet in the DCU you have Flash in nearly every DC related media adaptation. It feels like a very weird double standard. They need to give Pietro a power boost to make him stand out from all the other generically fast characters at marvel. Honestly 616 Quicksilver being at Ultimate Quicksilver power levels wouldn’t even be that bad. It’d at least make him a force to be reckoned with. He’s a former teen supervillain and one of the first new recruits the Avengers ever had. He’s a great character with a lot of history both as a hero and even anti-villain after House of M. It seems like Hickman has something planned for Wanda at least so I could see him incorporated into the current X stuff in a year or so.

You’re right in that he should genuinely be the fastest. There’s no reason he shouldn’t be Marvel’s Flash in terms of his speed abilities. Like maybe tie in that weird speed dimension from his recent mini. Give him a speed nemesis in the form of Ultimate Quicksilver. Make Tommy Shepherd his Wally. Bring in other characters he’s had close ties to like Finesse or Multiple Man to flesh out his supporting cast. Also false, he’s had several good costumes before. His most recent one was just ass.

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>Quicksilver is a great character
He's trash

>triggered characterfag
>"nah-uh, muh character is like, super interesting, and if they had more exposure more people would agree!!111!!11"
>never actually says why his fave is super-interesting and just goes on a power level tirade
Always a sight to behold.

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>What gave him excuse to be conflicted and a purpose is being mutant not Magneto son.
This does not work when every single character was a mutant as well, it makes him looks like a massive crybaby and faggot you can't take seriously. Him being Magneto son in the other hand forces him to be conflicted, he will always be in a bad light and infamous no matter what he do, no one will ever fully trust him so he got an excuse to be struggle to be a good person or say "fuck it" while his negative feelings for his father make the brotherhood look like something he would want to rebel as well.

Great argument.

You obviously haven’t read much of the character and it shows. Also you don’t have very good reading comprehension skills because I flat out say he’s an interesting character because he has a lot of morally complicated history behind him from being both a founding Avenger and a sometimes supervillain. And even after the he’s toed the line of moral ambiguity several times over. All the while he’s been able to be a loner, team player, and mentor while still making his way in the world. And all that is leaving out his relationships with Magneto and Wanda which have been the most central to the character. I bring up the power levels because that’s a big reason why he’s in a lose-lose position in terms of exposure. He’s either seen as too weak or too powerful or because he hasn’t been consistently used too obscure. You can scoff at the X-Factor monologue but it does give his character depth and works as an explanation of why he’s sometimes so hostile and abrasive. Anyway you’re the one who started a thread just to say he should be killed off to elevate Wanda so really whose the more obnoxious characterfag here?

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>arrogant faggot who's arrogant for no real reason
>"but, like, he's angry and like, his dad is evil, so he doesn't like, wanna be like him"
Wow, complex character right there!

The worst part is that Magneto is neither his biological father nor the man who raised him (Django), so he was just having overmotional daddy issue moments for some random guy he just meet.

>”I can’t understand multifaceted characterizations or character development because I’m a shallow little waifufag”

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Quarantine boredom really is driving people to post really bad b8 huh

>character development
The faggot just run round circles at super speed
Lmao, fuck off quicksilver is a shitty shallow character acting edgy because the writers don't know what to do with him without adding pointless conflict.

>Give him a speed nemesis in the form of Ultimate Quicksilver
Nah, give him that Wanda Pietro fusion clone made by the High Evolutionary as a nemesis.

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>multifaceted characterizations
>character development
>for a guy who went from being an arrogant faggot to an arrogant faggot with daddy issues to an arrogant faggot with general issues
>said character day is a Berniefag
Yup, it checks out. user, you’re a massive faggot.
Sorry not everyone likes your awful fave.
Retcons aside, he’s just a useless character.

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That was a great series cut short.

This is why Pietro needs to be cut free from Wanda. On the Avengers, he’s just her whipping boy because their writers are too cowardly to call out a woman for being a narcissistic coward that nearly killed off an entire race because she though she was too good to just fucking adopt.

Pietro otoh confessed to his crimes, from House of M to trying to pass it off on a Skrull, at a live press conference. He’s always been proud to be a mutant, even when he disagreed with his father. Hell, the man even tried to work things out with his abusive father just so they can try to make Genosha work! I can easily see him putting personal stuff aside and joining his brothers and sisters on Krakoa.

Pietro being stand-off is due to seeing his clan slaughtered by anti-Roma bigots, being homeless while trying to protect his mentally ill sister who can’t control her powers, and then being made to join a terrorist cell by someone who turned out to be his biological father. Whereas Wanda became a people pleaser that wants to assimilate into dominant human culture so they don’t burn her at the stake instead of fight for her and her people. Pietro became rightfully distrustful of the human dominant Avengers and only really opens up when he feels safe and included, like when Jean and Scott has him over at the mansion after Onslaught went down.

His powers do need a upgrade, too. Just say he’s warping time and space around him like a living Alcubierre drive. Then give like feats like super aging up people to dust or making space pockets to carry things like a mini-Tardis. You just made him stand out from Flash while not making him too outrageously powerful. The writers and editors just need to take an interest.

This. Also the inhumans shit.

Yeah, you just described any Supes fag ever.

I’m still waiting for writers to reveal that all the times Maximus messed with Pietro’s mind to make him gas Luna was just the lead up to him gassing the planet . He just wanted to make sure that it would actually make a human with some Inhuman DNA become Inhuman or die. Finding out it killed muties after Son of M was probably what made up his mind to carry through.

I feel like this is more indicative of Batfags, but go on.

>isn't even marvel's fastest speedster
Who's Marvel fastest speedster?

Isn’t it supposed to be the Eternal, Makkari?

>living Alcubierre drive

Hello, new character concept.

>anti-Roma bigots
Fuck off gyppo.

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How to fix Pietro
>He's Magneto son once more
>Upgrade his power into light speed lvls
>make him use his powers creatively like Flash reading the entire internet
>Mature, stop acting like a teenager
>turn him into a competent strategist like Magneto
>age him into a 40s man, he's a holocaust survivor son for fucks sake

Done, make him grow into the serious A-list powerhouse and leader he's supposed to be

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This exactly. Pietro should be treated the way Scott is: as a leader and heir in a faction of mutant affairs. I also still can’t believe those two don’t have any relationship past their rivalry in the early days. Let Scott have a best friend, no the short Canadian cucking him isn’t it dammit.