ITT: Yas Forums material that aged poorly
ITT: Yas Forums material that aged poorly
user how the fuck am I supposed to top this
Based Ben
that guy deserves the capeshit salute comics more than the nurses
You first op
What do you mean by aged? It's pretty accurate.
This seems perfectly accurate still
Is there literally any pic in which Ben is wrong? he's more accurate than Kelly.
No, it aged like wine.
I know very little of american politics but Ben's work consistently amazes and humors me. Just so bizarre
Yeah, I mean an X-Box? Really?
it's crazy how this guy went back on every single one of his beliefs to fully back fascism
genuinely disturbing
this is your reminder that fascism is an inherently violent ideology and can only be opposed on its own terms
No, there is only one God, and Based Ben is his prophet.
>our real violence is necessary to combat the violence we imagine the other side committing!
>Pinkie Pie
What the fuck? Ben Garrison created /mlpol/!
Also, those fucking nazi dubs
What did Argentina do?
But this couldn't possibly be any more correct.
It's so fucking correct the military is needed to deal with this.
pretty accurate shit.
I thought Garrison was a right winger himself.
he is. He later drunk the Yas Forumsaid when he noticed it gives him attention.
It's that or selling diaper flyers on the streets.
>Inside the boomers' mind, AKA rent-free
Why is PayPal there?
That's Honduras
Based Ben