Gave up waifu and friends to go back to the past and erase the aku future so that he can live as a royal instead of...

>gave up waifu and friends to go back to the past and erase the aku future so that he can live as a royal instead of defeating Aku in the future so that he can live a life with his friends and waifu.


ok well its common for series to resolve that the intended solution isn't always the best one.

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he can basically rule the world since he has seen the future. made the right choice

It's like the ladybug. He briefly interacted with something gentle and then let it go.

>live in the desolate wasteland of the future full of evil robots, demons, kaiju, aliens, toxic waste, and the remains of billions of dead


>live in the unharmed past where your family is

Not a hard decision

One has a waifu and friends and one has ur shitty feudalistic family

>waaaaah why couldnt he have BOTH

how selfish are you? He went back to save billions of lives, free his people and create a better tomorrow. Yes, he would have had his waifu and friends but at what cost. He had the sole responsibility of setting things right he swore he would. Samurai jack is a man in ways you will never understand, he put his own life and sacrificed everything to fix what happened. If he had lost everything in the future then all his struggle would have been for naught. Stop thinking with your penis, ascend and rise above yourself and what you want faggot.

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I can always spot the sub-25 immature retards on this board, ask me how

The hardest choices require the strongest wills. Aku's reign destroyed civilizations and killed billions across more than the world the series played on, basically a galactic North Korea. It wasn't depicted as such, cause it was ultimately a kids show and mass murder and genocide is usually frowned upon when its shoved down a 6 year old's throat.

Jack sacrificed his own happiness (in the form of his waifu and friends, the latter of which didn't die but would live out their lives in the Aku free timeline) to save the world from a 50 year long, world dominating dictatorship of what is literally depicted as pure evil.

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Everyone in that future lived miserable lives.

Is spurning the fate of hundreds of billions of sapient creatures just to look cool and nut what the kids call hole logic?

>its common for series to resolve that the intended solution isn't always the best one
Name three.

But it was fucking cool

You’re not giving them better lives. You’re killing them and replacing them

Star Wars

Anakin was profecied to destroy the sith but joins them, and years later redeems himself while fulfilling prophecy after the damage is done. Do you see luke or anakin going back in time to kill palpetine? No

Lord of the rings

Isildor had the chance to destroy the ring but in the end was consumed. Instead, after all the battles and heavy casualties, Frodo destroyed the ring. Do you see any of the heroes going back in time to convince isildor to destroy the ring? No.

At the end of the day, time travel to stop a bad thing from happening is shit writing.

Both those examples are resolved by the original solution. Star Wars litterally and LotR can only be argued to be technically different because different people did the thing.

These are bad examples but it seems like your problem is that Time Travel was used... but that was an established aspect of Samurai Jack since day 1. Different user btw

chin up, Jack

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The bearded Jack that comes to the Guardian is the one who had already went to the past, defeated Aku, lived his life there (potentially longer than a normal life, since he doesn't exactly look like your average emperor, maybe he went on to become a king of another civilization entirely) and now wants to bring Ashi back from another timeline.

My problem is the huuuuge fucking Deus Ex Machina they pulled when Ashi realized she was part Aku, Jack asked her if that means she would have his powers, and boom, instantly created a time portal. The solution was so cartoonishly bad that I actually laughed for 5 minutes straight. 16 years of waiting for that? Not to mention that creates a time paradox instantly when he kills Aku, thus meaning Ashi would've never existed to create the time portal. and dont say the time travel is based off going to another dimension, cause otherwise she'd still be alive.

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>It wasn't depicted as such, cause it was ultimately a kids show and mass murder and genocide is usually frowned upon when its shoved down a 6 year old's throat.
What's funny is that the show actually heavily implied or outright showed Aku destroying entire civilizations, it just didn't literally show people falling over dead in the streets as he did so. People seem to forget that there were literally thousands of years of Aku going around fucking up EVERYONE that dared to oppose him, and while the ending wasn't really narratively satisfactory, Jack did save billions if not trillions of lives by going back in time.

Now Ashi sticking around JUST long enough to die at the wedding? That was bullshit.

>Not to mention that creates a time paradox instantly when he kills Aku, thus meaning Ashi would've never existed to create the time portal.
Yes, just like Terminator. The way Marvel did it is not the only way to do time travel mr zoomer.

>Anakin was profecied to destroy the sith

prequels aren't canon

They would probably thank you.

>The solution was so cartoonishly bad that I actually laughed for 5 minutes straight
No you didn't.

She literally phased out of existence. So she never existed. Time paradox.

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Is that what you tell yourself? Don't you have some Disney wars to mindlessly consume?

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All of that shit depends on what the author wants to convey. It doesn't have to be anything over any other thing.

I mean she literally did exist at some stage because all the future stuff obviously dd happen.

Anyway arguing about time travel shit is pointless.

Neither of those things had fucking time travel Samurai Jack had it in episode 1.

Time travel isn't universal. It works how the author says it works.

>Do you see any of the heroes going back in time to convince isildor to destroy the ring?
I mean time travel was literally impossible in-universe and it was outright stated multiple times that nobody could willingly destroy the Ring. They placed hope in Frodo but even he failed, he just got lucky that Gollum showed up and tripped, even if they managed to go back in time Isildur still would have said "no" and walked away like a faggot.

There's a comic that was made after the show that added some lines of dialogue that would have fixed the ending with maybe like, 30 seconds of extra footage. I can't find it though. Involved Scottsman telling Aku it was worth it for Aku to lose.

>applying rules to a fantastical concept
u think u smart yet u still most dumb