How long until she comes out as a lesbian in current year Ducktales?

How long until she comes out as a lesbian in current year Ducktales?

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she's dating donald as required by disney corporate law so 0%

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The only good thing to come out of Nu Disney.

Watched this tonight, why were people saying that Daisy was confirmed not getting with Donald? This seemed like the most obvious set-up for them dating possible.

This is the board that still to this day has autists spamming that Connie and Steven won't get together. Do you really expect your average Yas Forums poster to NOT be a drooling social retard?

Did you even watch the episode you absolute incel?

I think it was a ducktalesfag who was intentionally baiting to get discussion of the show

Why would anyone watch this trash show?

Yas Forums hates Daisy, in the actual Duck comics if you follow those (which are this entire huge Universe with five trillion comics and a fuckton of different titles), Donald has a billion other love interests. Most of those are traditionally hotter than Daisy (shapely, huge tits, etc.) or appeal to lots of specific fetishes. BUT

This guy is right. Individual issues of comics and even titles can fuck around as much as they want, but in the Universal Eternal "Canon" that matters, Donald and Daisy are together, period. 500 years from now, they will still officially be dating. The Mouse has endless Donald + Daisy merch. There is no chance of that ever changing for any reason at all.

Could Donald get the better treatment in season 3

>How long until she comes out as a lesbian in current year Ducktales?

>people saying that Daisy was confirmed not getting with Donald

looks like there are people that dont know any shit about disney, right? it's literally disney's most sacred couple after mickey and minnie

The real question remains: Is Emma as racist as her son?

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>yippee ki yay Mr. Falcon
Nice reference to the TV censored Die Hard line.


She's not racist, she respects people that respect themselves.

For the more perverted, she wants to be dom'd in bed and isn't getting any because everyone is a kiss-up and submissive.

We know Louie's into older woman.

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Said other love interests also just tend to be straight up nicer than Daisy too.

The real real question is why she fuck a gym teacher

But user, if this happens she'll also disappear for the rest of the series!

>dude that reference
Worst and most prevalent part of the show.

>There is no chance of that ever changing for any reason at all.
What makes you so sure?

because most of Yas Forums don\t read comics or watch cartoons and just bitch for the sake of bitching

We did it, guys. We found the only user who reads comics and watches cartoons. We're saved!


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Because it's good.

aNd because it's also "let's put all the disney 90's show in one single series"-the show.

Because some people here have reached a point where they are unable to get an erection unless they are furstrated and have to make up imaginary scenario when they can't get their usual fill.

I'm just waiting to see how they fit Gladstone into it

Good Daisy comics have her as nice, if with a temper that rivals Donald's, but ultimately on his side
Mediocre/bad ones have either one of them be a twat to the other for petty reasons (or none at all) - that, or Gladstone NTR
Shit ones have her go for Gladstone not because she wants him, but because she wants to kick Donald under the tail

And since most fall under the middle category no wonder authors with more freedom create waifus like Lyla or Kay


Thankfully never. In this case, I'm grateful to status quo.