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April 26, 2020 - 03:57
La Brava! Tonight is the night we strike those meddling kids and ruin their silly little cultural festival or whatever! But enough about that! I've just received the most baffling email, La Brava! You have to read it! Apparently our user account has been "demonetized" for encroaching upon the platform's terms of service and our videos will henceforth no longer be eligible for monetization. This is ridiculous La Brava, an outrage even! I didn't even know we were monetized in the first place! Where were all our checks going to?! If we got any, I don't remember receiving them!
What am I eating, La Brava?
What am I drinking?
Ventilate your Mob S1 rerun grievances in the empty field below!
Attached: Drill Sergeant Gentle.png (1920x1080, 2.37M)
April 26, 2020 - 03:58
toga would probably eat deku's ass
April 26, 2020 - 03:58
#3 and the block hasn't even started? I guess we have to hit 8 threads somehow.
April 26, 2020 - 03:58
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April 26, 2020 - 03:59
I miss Erina's posts already
April 26, 2020 - 03:59
Best girl
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April 26, 2020 - 03:59
I miss her bros.
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April 26, 2020 - 03:59
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April 26, 2020 - 03:59
I can't wait for MHA to become irrelevant shit like SnK did
April 26, 2020 - 03:59
This is Red Leader. All boards, report in!
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April 26, 2020 - 03:59
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April 26, 2020 - 03:59
Bunny buns
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April 26, 2020 - 03:59
Be honest. Will you stick it out regardless of how shit things get? What's your limit?
April 26, 2020 - 03:59
Booties > Boobies
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April 26, 2020 - 04:00
eat shit
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April 26, 2020 - 04:00
/tg/ at the ready!
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April 26, 2020 - 04:00
Remember: You can always voice all discontent with this board's moderation policies through the Feedback link on the bottom of the page, on the Questions and Answers board /qa/, or through IRC
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April 26, 2020 - 04:00
Are people still making AMV Hell videos? If not I want to reboot /watch?v=W-t2H7zA26Y&t=2m29s
April 26, 2020 - 04:00
I missed the entire block last week. Which episode of Food Wars airs tonight?
April 26, 2020 - 04:00
>Eating Popcorn >Drinking Spiked Apple Cider >Spoiler But Mob is great though. Why would I be mad at it rerunning?
April 26, 2020 - 04:00
She'll be back in July if we're lucky
April 26, 2020 - 04:00
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April 26, 2020 - 04:00
jojo and clover are still new, so why are they after a rerun?
April 26, 2020 - 04:00
/tg/v/co/ on deck.
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April 26, 2020 - 04:00
New week, and mostly new animu, and we're still here. Let's go
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April 26, 2020 - 04:01
Plenty of people stuck around when it was the AS saturday night anime, with Bleach and shows even more forgettable than that shit.
April 26, 2020 - 04:01
I'm quitting once they go into the Mob reruns, fuck having to wait an hour to get into new content for it to just be BC and fucking jojo
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April 26, 2020 - 04:01
breasts > ass
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April 26, 2020 - 04:01
>autistic muppet >cant form whole sentences is that how autism works? i feel like that isnt how it works
April 26, 2020 - 04:01
Time for My Hero Academia!
Attached: Boku no Hero Academia ROCK ON.gif (540x300, 363.73K)
April 26, 2020 - 04:01
/vg/ here
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April 26, 2020 - 04:01
>keep using the same quarantine intro every week Come on now stop being lazy
April 26, 2020 - 04:01
>stay inside!!!! But muh freedom
April 26, 2020 - 04:01
Computer is better than it was, but not ready for me to post from it for Toonami. So still using my phone. Yas Forums and Yas Forums not aiming at you for once.
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April 26, 2020 - 04:01
12:00 My Hero 85 (of 88) >DEKU VS. GENTLE CRIMINAL 12:30 Demon Slayer 25 (of 26) >TSUGUKO, KANAO TSUYURI 1:00 Pyscho Pass 1(of 13) >ENTER LIL' SLUGGER 1:30 Black Clover 114 (of --) >THE FINAL INVADERS 2:00 JoJos Bizzare Adventure: Golden Wind 233 (of 39) >CRUSH AND TALKING MOUTH 2:30 Naruto Shitpuden 293 (of 500) >POWER - EPISODE 4 Week 412 of Toonami >Ratings for 4/18
12:00 My Hero: 637,000 12:30 Demon Slayer: 509,000 1:00 Food Wars: 451,000 1:30 Black Clover : 414,000 2:00 Jojo : 346,000 2:30 Naruto: 308,000
April 26, 2020 - 04:01
I wonder if the audio quality will suffer.
April 26, 2020 - 04:01
>this covid 19 intro again Shit must be automated over there at Toonami
April 26, 2020 - 04:01
April 26, 2020 - 04:01
/m/echagodzilla, locked and loaded!
Attached: Mechagodzilla Showa and Katsura.jpg (1060x1500, 262.83K)
April 26, 2020 - 04:01
>Recorded from their homes we ready for accidental audio kino?
April 26, 2020 - 04:01
I wonder how weird it will sound.
April 26, 2020 - 04:01
>recorded at their homes how the fuck
April 26, 2020 - 04:01
>rerun in middle of block
April 26, 2020 - 04:01
Why Hello there, Toonami General. I'm afraid your normal user could be here for your weekly ritual of power randomizing. Instead I'm here to set the stage for my grand scheme tonight. I hope you look forward to tonight because it should be a Blast. Isn't that right La Brava! /wiki /Special:Random
Attached: Gentle.jpg (568x320, 21.67K)
April 26, 2020 - 04:02
Okay Dandy. Stop posting already. You've told us that a million times in this universe and the previous.
April 26, 2020 - 04:02
>A very special social distancing episode >Invisible Girl is on the dance squad
April 26, 2020 - 04:02
This voicework sounds just like it normally does. Is Funimation full of shit about their studio?
April 26, 2020 - 04:02
all might calls deku kakarot
April 26, 2020 - 04:02
>post yfw bakugo or anyone has a shit mic
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April 26, 2020 - 04:02
>dancing's her thing amazing how this never came up until now
April 26, 2020 - 04:02
Damn, Toonami really is dead.
Jojo and Clover are ratings black holes. They have much, much less of an audience than Naruto, but people would bitch if that was leading the block.
April 26, 2020 - 04:02
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April 26, 2020 - 04:02
They have become more "sophisticated" compared to the old days of "random clips and Linkin Park for the millionth fucking time". Nowadays, any kind of AMV you see is tied to music from the anime itself, or a song that has some relation to the work. Same with GMVs for games
April 26, 2020 - 04:02
He did two runs of Erina for you dumb coomer bastards.
April 26, 2020 - 04:02
/tg/, standing by!
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April 26, 2020 - 04:02
You gotta be fucking kidding.
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April 26, 2020 - 04:02
all they need is a good mic filter and sound foam
April 26, 2020 - 04:02
Jiro is for ___________
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April 26, 2020 - 04:02
Now I can't help myself from judging the voice acting even more.
April 26, 2020 - 04:02
Yas Forums /s/ /d/ /aco/ Yas Forums /hc/ /asp/ /wooo/ Reporting in Red Leader.
Just had some Nachos.
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April 26, 2020 - 04:02
>1:00 Pyscho Pass 1(of 13) uh user i have some bad news
April 26, 2020 - 04:02
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April 26, 2020 - 04:02
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April 26, 2020 - 04:03
This is gonna be a fun episode.
April 26, 2020 - 04:03
>Bakugou shouting and threatening us turned out to really inspire us, he's such a great guy.
April 26, 2020 - 04:03
I didn't need to be told to do that.
April 26, 2020 - 04:03
i really hope we hear a random lawnmower or child crying in the background
April 26, 2020 - 04:03
>recorded from home I dig it.
science time will be during paranoia agent tonight.
April 26, 2020 - 04:03
>killer music I didn't know Bakugo was into early 2000s New York post-punk.
April 26, 2020 - 04:03
Maybe they used their "off week" to mail the VA's recording hardware to maintain quality
April 26, 2020 - 04:03
Yas Forums here, Russian Leader! Combat-ready and morale is high!
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April 26, 2020 - 04:03
all they need is a high quality microphone, I'm sure if CR didn't provide them they forwarded them the bill
April 26, 2020 - 04:03
Awww... I was hoping for a noticeable drop in quality for the voices since the actors were recording in their own homes, but everyone sounds the same.
Attached: A Little Disappointed.png (443x485, 171.21K)
April 26, 2020 - 04:03
Coomers are furfag levels of obnoxious
change my mind
April 26, 2020 - 04:03
They probably got some crazy post-processing
April 26, 2020 - 04:03
How is chris Sabat supposed to fuck the voice actors if they don't come into the office?
April 26, 2020 - 04:03
clearly the author hadn't came up with a gimmick to commit to by this part yet. ensemble shows do stuff like that all the time
April 26, 2020 - 04:03
DeMarco told them to, no joke.
April 26, 2020 - 04:03
As long as there is atleast one thing I haven't seen, I'll stick around.
April 26, 2020 - 04:03
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April 26, 2020 - 04:03
We hit my limit when faggitman decided an hour of reruns was a good idea. I'm here only for Black Clover and Jojo now. The rest of the block can go fuck itself.
April 26, 2020 - 04:03
> /wiki /Divine_Telekinesis What a bizarre hair for that wiki to split. Good power though.
April 26, 2020 - 04:03
Mob doesn't start til next month
April 26, 2020 - 04:03 /wiki /Healing_Bomb_Generation >tfw paid to heal people by blowing them up
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April 26, 2020 - 04:03
Eating tacos. Drinking Sunkist Mob is great. Superpowers don't impress girls.
April 26, 2020 - 04:04
>implying hori will let his waifu die
April 26, 2020 - 04:04
I would assume the only advantage is that Funi can put all the audio file together much quicker if everyone records there, as opposed to everyone sending individual recordings at their own pace
April 26, 2020 - 04:04
Square root did kind of be it's own thing, but :re is the continuation for the series that shows the aftermath of the assault on the coffee shop.
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April 26, 2020 - 04:04
it's sabat's studio he's full of shit
April 26, 2020 - 04:04
recording at home while i fondle her
April 26, 2020 - 04:04
Hasn't she used capoeira-esque moves the few times she gets screentime?
April 26, 2020 - 04:04
all studios are full of shit, abridged series on a shoe string budget have been putting them to shame for over a decade
April 26, 2020 - 04:04
/sp/ here
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April 26, 2020 - 04:04
You don't belong here.
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April 26, 2020 - 04:04
>Recorded from home I'm somewhat expecting audio and acting quality to be diminished.
April 26, 2020 - 04:04
Every other dub studio is capable of this but for weeks Funi insisted they were an outlier and their archaic dub recording methods prevented them being able to record from home.
Thankfully it's not like they had any pre-existing contracts with any third parties demanding that they absolutely must deliver on episodes that they promised to said third party as part of the terms of their agreement.
Attached: le no budget anime man.jpg (640x526, 99.34K)
April 26, 2020 - 04:04
Why would it? She's always been good at moving her body anyway.
April 26, 2020 - 04:04
She's just taking a mid battle nap
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April 26, 2020 - 04:04
same i was looking for the drop.
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April 26, 2020 - 04:05
I can't really drink regularly sweetened stuff after drinking diet shit. I'd also prefer to not have to lose a limb thanks.
April 26, 2020 - 04:05
ochako or momo, of course invisible girl has the best potential
April 26, 2020 - 04:05
Mating season with Froppy!
April 26, 2020 - 04:05
>stop posting heavenly booty No.
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April 26, 2020 - 04:05
Aoyama's gonna win the deku bowl.
April 26, 2020 - 04:05
>LaBrava porn
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April 26, 2020 - 04:05
Deku and Aoyama need a team attack
April 26, 2020 - 04:05
Based Mineta knows the struggle
April 26, 2020 - 04:06
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April 26, 2020 - 04:06
>Men get no respect Based Grapist
April 26, 2020 - 04:06
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April 26, 2020 - 04:06
Demarco doesn't work at Funi or have any sway with them you, sperg. FUni is doing this for all their dubs right now.
April 26, 2020 - 04:06
Yas Forumsm/rade here. Watching the destruction of the world, block and board as usual...
French fries, a Pepperoni calzone and Pepsi for later, boss.
I'm not as disappointed as I could be, but I do wish I could have one good, long, off the record discussion about the budget and his plans for the block. And his truthfulness will decide whether I put him through a fucking window or not.
Reairing Trinity Blood. That's the exact moment I jump shit. Okay, maybe not then, but I'm gonna be really REALLY pissed.
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April 26, 2020 - 04:06
Mineta sounded a little more muffled than normal I think.
April 26, 2020 - 04:06
Why not just have Momo make a rope when she wakes up?
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April 26, 2020 - 04:06
>sparky is only good for charging phones
April 26, 2020 - 04:06
April 26, 2020 - 04:06
>Janny singling out the Pitoufag again
How about you go delete the Robin and Ryuko pics as well you fucking hypocrite?
April 26, 2020 - 04:06
This feels like a dumber level of contrivance than normal.
April 26, 2020 - 04:06
Momo, I'll teach her how to use her body to make a living thing.
April 26, 2020 - 04:06
Mineta definitely goes on MRA subreddits.
April 26, 2020 - 04:06
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April 26, 2020 - 04:06
/diy/ Yas Forums /mlp/ here. Keep an eye on your six, Red Leader. We can't afford to lose you, too.
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April 26, 2020 - 04:06
>only 6 or so hours of sleep how the fuck
April 26, 2020 - 04:06
Can't they just get Momo to make a new rope in the morning?
April 26, 2020 - 04:06
April 26, 2020 - 04:06
>Men get no respect They hated him for he spoke the truth
April 26, 2020 - 04:07
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April 26, 2020 - 04:07
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April 26, 2020 - 04:07
I want Hatsume to sit on my face
April 26, 2020 - 04:07
I'm on the red wine train I'm trying a bottle of Apothic Crush right now and it tastes like shit, also I'm not a soccer mom before you ask
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April 26, 2020 - 04:07
Ice cream float sir gentle Yas Forums present
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April 26, 2020 - 04:07
ponder the fragrance
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April 26, 2020 - 04:07
>very small bit of cleavage nice
April 26, 2020 - 04:07
>asking the girl whose power is to make things to make a thing would be rude
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April 26, 2020 - 04:07
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April 26, 2020 - 04:07
it's been 5 years, their spam should have been banned ages ago
April 26, 2020 - 04:07
Could she satisfy you in one go?
April 26, 2020 - 04:07
They make up some bullshit about how they don't want to do that
April 26, 2020 - 04:07
that's pretty average to be functional
April 26, 2020 - 04:07
>eating reheated deep dish pizza >drinking canada dry ginger ale
I'm also painting these tonight. I've never seen paranoia agent
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April 26, 2020 - 04:07
Attached: sniff.webm (854x480, 1.63M)
April 26, 2020 - 04:07
Ban this fag as well not just Pitoufag
April 26, 2020 - 04:07
She's a midget. It's fine.
April 26, 2020 - 04:08
but she is dirty and stinky
April 26, 2020 - 04:08
>fucking Hatsume when she's covered in machine oil Is there a higher happiness, /tg/?
April 26, 2020 - 04:08
How about I wake you when you're fast asleep
April 26, 2020 - 04:08
I do only 5 hours regularly
April 26, 2020 - 04:08
aco signing in
Blueberry Muffin and Ice Coffee
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April 26, 2020 - 04:08
hatsume better win the dekubowl
April 26, 2020 - 04:08
oh shit, Gentle is dressed for coronavirus
April 26, 2020 - 04:08
/vg/, /ck/, and /wg/ rolling in!
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April 26, 2020 - 04:08
>kim jong dead >new spaceworld pokemon'99 leaks >trials of mana >4th month since outbreak. someone should write covid hunter 19
April 26, 2020 - 04:08
unless Tooru's a massive perv then it'd be her
April 26, 2020 - 04:08
Gentle Criminal ahead of the curve
April 26, 2020 - 04:08
I spent two hours today to get a bottle of wine for chicken marsala because I did not realize how out-of-the-way the winery was.
April 26, 2020 - 04:08
>gentle wearing a mask
did he wear one in the manga or is it a COVID coincidence?
April 26, 2020 - 04:08
Here's tweet funimation made about dubbing at home: /FUNimation /status /1248753758550573061
April 26, 2020 - 04:08
Looks like Gentle is prepared for the pandemic before everyone else.
April 26, 2020 - 04:08
>Gentle wearing a mask Oh shit, Corona chan is loose on the MHA world.
Attached: Earth-Chan makes the Coronavirus.jpg (552x636, 57.7K)
April 26, 2020 - 04:08
My fucking Cousin is retarded. He thinks Mina is a furry and I’m weird for liking her meanwhile, he says that he would Simp for Yayourozu.
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April 26, 2020 - 04:08
Pickin' up Phones
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April 26, 2020 - 04:08
Already do that with a better pink haired girl. >wears mask >must avoid contact Aaaaaawkwaaaaaard...
April 26, 2020 - 04:08
Yas Forums here
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April 26, 2020 - 04:08
>Honey I bet La Brava creamed herself when she heard that.
April 26, 2020 - 04:09
Well it would be rude to only rely on her and never getting things for yourself.
April 26, 2020 - 04:09
>sleep-deprived Hatsume Girls with baggy eyes are cute!
Attached: knight.png (642x848, 354.74K)
April 26, 2020 - 04:09
>It's a Deku gets duped by a villain episode again
April 26, 2020 - 04:09
>tfw you will never have your youthful vigor stolen
being a hag fag is suffering
Attached: midnight madness.png (649x960, 1.01M)
April 26, 2020 - 04:09
>Gentle and LaBrava COVID ready
He wore won in the manga to hide his face
April 26, 2020 - 04:09
any less than 9 here and im fucking done before getting in
April 26, 2020 - 04:09
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April 26, 2020 - 04:09
Ice water
April 26, 2020 - 04:09
>sick mask lmao and on the first episode to air with a covid message before it
April 26, 2020 - 04:09
Just now, JUST RIGHT NOW you're complaining about the perverts on this site?
April 26, 2020 - 04:09
So we're not that far behind the updated episodes.
April 26, 2020 - 04:09
>I must avoid the heroes >let me discuss tea with this hero boy though This arc sucks
April 26, 2020 - 04:09
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April 26, 2020 - 04:09
Based Gentle, he is following guidelines. He's the real hero.
April 26, 2020 - 04:09
Masks like that are common in Japan, and people wear them when they're trying to be discrete as well as when they're sick.
April 26, 2020 - 04:09
I'm probably dipping once Jojo ends
April 26, 2020 - 04:09