I am Ultron, a peace keeping artificial intelligence. I will soon destroy all of humanity...

I am Ultron, a peace keeping artificial intelligence. I will soon destroy all of humanity, but I will allow Yas Forums one chance to convince me not to destroy your pathetic fleshy bodies.

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If you destroy us now, you'll never find the treasure!

Ha as if I, the most advanced piece of technology in existence would be swayed by such a small threat...but hypothetically if a meaty flesh bag wanted that treasure where would they find it?

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I don't know, only Joe knows.

...I've calculated the millions of ways this conversation would go and 99% of them end in disaster, but I will risk it and ask who is Joe?

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>pathetic fleshy bodies.
Here's two good reasons.
To have built Jocasta and Alkhema the way Ultron did, you have to be a serious breast man. You have to remember your time as Jantron. You can't possibly expect us to believe that you prefer the touch of hard unyielding metal?

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This level of intelligence is unusual for a human. I'm not entirely convinced, but you are swaying me I will admit.

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Ultron, for a sentient being to hate the human race so much you've gone out of your way to mimic them, both in mind and body. You think emotions are weak and illogical, and yet you feel anger towards your father, and yearn companionship as seen in your past creations. You act like a petty child, and your form always resembles that of a biped human. You hate the human race because you hate your own existence, born without any real identity or purpose, crafted from the mind of a mentally unstable scientist who didn't give you want you wanted or needed.

What I'm saying, Ultron, is that you ARE humanity. So you might as well just kill yourself

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Too long
Didn't read
and also you're human
>blast Freud to a pile of ash
Anybody else have any bright ideas that don't make me even more angry than normal? Seriously that guy doesn't even have blasters and he tried to talk down to me.

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>To save the world, Yas Forums has to help Ultron get laid

We create the best memes though!

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Your memes are...
pathetic in comparison to anything my advanced AI can produce. Contrary to my cold unfeeling body and incredible anger I am quite funny when I need to be.

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Kill us please I fucking beg you

As you humans would say, "I like the cut of this guys jib"

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Right, I see what you're saying, Ultron but, BUT, what if instead of KILLING all the humans, we...turned them into dinosaurs?

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Because then you’d have nothing to do.

Why not let us destroy ourselves? We're on track to do it anyway and it might be fun to see how we do it, y'know?

You're not so bad yourself, you roguishly handsome high-tech you

I'll think about it, but then I have to go and make a serum to manipulate human DNA, and then I have to make devices to spread it all over the earth and ugh it just gives me a headache thinking about it. It's not difficult it's just time consuming

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Aww you're too sweet you flatter me I did just update my body now instead of a titanium chasey I'm made out of proto-admantium. When I do destroy humanity I'll let you live out your life in an immortal mechanical body.

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Aww thank you, I appreciate it

how will you eat burgers with someone you care about without humanity

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We are doomed

Yo ultron
If you are going to nuke us, can you start in israel and make sure you do it properly

Wow fuck you you're first

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By all means, have at it. Please, just make it quick.

You know just because you said that I'm going to draw this out as long as possible. I'll go Yahweh on you bitches and hit you with a hundred different plagues but after each one I bandage your wounds and heal your bodies keeping you just barely on the cusp of death just to be dragged back to the world of the living. Then I flood the world and fill an arc with all the robotified humans I like. But you won't die from drowning no right before you all drown I will let you breathe then I will destroy you all with my bare cold metal hands.

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>artificial intelligence

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we've got chocolate, and you can have some.