Was this the beginning of the end?

Was this the beginning of the end?

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Of what?

Any chance of Jean Grey not being a supervillain in any of her forms?

That ship was long gone before this

When they started using webcomic copy and paste techniques for lazy amateurs with no style or creativity for their panels?

Yes. That entire page is 1 panels worth divided.

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Bendis had/has been doing that for years before this.

>What's happening?
Shit always gets me

I don't care when, its still amateur shit tier quality.

If Marlel had any nads at all it would be canon that she brain-raped him into teh ghey.

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It was the end for me and X-books. I'm not buying a new release until Iceman is fixed.

>Was this the beginning of the end?
No, the end of X-Men being readable was many years earlier. This was like a post-credits scene to tease the horrors to come.

All New All Different was really the turning point. The post MCU publicity hype distorted the comics into a vessel for attracting new readers who had no interest in getting to know the characters if they weren't comparable to their movie counterparts. In order to compensate for a lack of interest the took to "controversy baiting" wherein dumb people who didn't know jack shit could be goaded into getting mad that Falcon took over for Cap "Captain America is black and gatekeeping nerds are furious!". Ice Man being gayed in a very strange and disturbing fashion was just the most gross of the stunts. One which couldn't be undone without severe lefty backlash.

Bobby had exactly one "girlfriend": Opal Tanaka, aka the "normal human girl" he brought back to meet his insanely racist/anti-mutant dad.
If Opal had been like "ooooh Robert; come back to my place and let's do sex" I wouldn't have believed it at all.

....If Hank McCoy so much as wiggled an eyebrow at him, Iceman would have been on that fuzzy blue dick like white on rice. The difference is Hank actually IS straight (though he might have fooled around a bit).

That page was out before All-New All-Different though; Bendis left X-Men during Secret Wars.

Trolling this hard and expecting us to have forgotten all of Iceman's other girlfriends, when everyone knows Bendis only did this to keep Bobby away from his waifu Kitty.

Just bring back that one extra horny shi'ar and let her rape him straight.

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When has Bobby fucked? Never.

Every original X- and Giant-Sized-X-man has gone to pound town except for him. Iceman has only ever had chaste dinner-dates.

Off the top of my head, he was on a date with a girl when he first encountered Peter Parker in ASM.

Now post the edit

He slept with Mystique.

>Bobby had exactly one "girlfriend": Opal Tanaka
And Zelda Kurtzberg
And Judy Harmon
And Terri Sue Bottoms

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its more Bendis is a diversity drama pushing queef sucker. When its hard for him to create quality he instead goes for controversy because any attention good or bad is good at the end of the day for the media and the fanboys always react.

Oh, I'm sorry, you're right. What I meant to say was

"Bobby had a series of meaningless perfunctory relationships, while all the other X-People were gettin' busy with actual romantic partners. Eventually he found an ironic 'beard' in Opal."

Nigger, he turned into a flaming homosexual because that's what Bendis wanted. All evidence beforehand was to the contrary.

>Oh, I'm sorry, you're right. What I meant to say was

That you're a shill? Yes, we know.

No, fuck off you giant baby.

I want super hard-dyke Jean fanart.

Not that user, but people have been reading Iceman as a subtextual legbutt for decades. That wacky issue where he took Rogue to meet his parents and everyone was dressed super 90s was so on the nose critically acclaimed sexual predator Bryan Singer decided to reference it but make it even more overt.

This reeks of Bendis

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