We need more Non-Binary representation in comics

We need more Non-Binary representation in comics.

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What we need is less narcissistic faggots making up titles so they can feel special/important, and pushing it in everyone's face.

>could have added aliens or robots who don't have conventional genders or genders at all
>instead we get this

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Why can't you fucking weirdos just be normal?

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Friendly reminder
Denying the binary is denying science

>make non binary characters
>they look completelly retarded and child-like by wearing toddler clothes and haircuts
>add incestous poses to make them look gross

Better no representation than that

>non binary
Are you a fucking robot or something?

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Identifying as anything but your born sex is just pure self delusion. I get trying to be tolerant and whatnot, but don't expect me to deny science

Non-Binary is a term made up by attention seeking faggots who want all the attention of being part of the LGBT community but dont want to commit to the role. You need to actually fuck a person of the opposite sex to be homosexual, you don't get enough attention for identifying as "bisexual(even LGBT knows this)", and you actually need to change your lifestyle a bit to be Trans.

Non-Binary is a way for young white women to continue shopping for all their feminine products at Target and getting dicked by Chad whilst still soaking up all the attention of being LGBT.

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That sounds pretty based. Maybe I should list myself as non-binary, so I can call it a hate crime when people call me out on my stupid bullshit.

These LGBT gay shits don't even buy comics. They just really just pirate everything they shit on, on the website readcomicsonline.to

Comic companies should market towards people who buy their comics.

oh really? You don't say?

like casualgater boomers

People don't identify as anything other than their born sex. Some people just don't identify as their given gender. That's science.

we need war
we need bodies in the streets
we need millions to perish so people can be normal again, too much comfort turns you into a total fucking faggot and lunatic

I actually feel really bad for gay people living today. I think it's great that they're widely accepted now, but I'm sure its a HUGE pain in the ass being associated with the alphabet autists
>Some people just don't identify as their given gender
Which makes them fucking retarded.

go sign up then

That's pretty binary, there are two of them

Speculator boomers are the only ones who buy floppies, specifically because they don't actually read them.

I think they are interesting.

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Fuck representation.

>Some people just don't identify as their given gender. That's science.
no that's a mental illness. Its like identifying as a different race or age

>Old enough to remember when every attention seeking woman claimed being Bisexual or Queer
>Old enough to remember the Pansexual, Asexual, Demisexual, etc craze
>Now Non-Binary is the new hotness
>A new tag will be invented next year and we will all be expected to pretend it isn't bullshit

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>Which makes them fucking retarded.
Not really. It's no different from a woman changing her surname after she's married. Names, like gender, are a social construct. Unless, you insist on referring to a married woman by the name she given at birth. Which is pretty weird, not gonna lie.

He wrote in the comfort of his home and not in a battlefield.

>implying neoexpressionistsexual isn't real
um shitlord do you really?

Your race and age are physical. Your gender isn't.

>Old enough to remember the Pansexual, Asexual, Demisexual, etc craze
>Now Non-Binary is the new hotness
NB was a thing before the asexual craze, user.

Me masturbating my dick right now is proof otherwise.

>Your race and age are physical. Your gender isn't
Its literally in your DNA you fucking retard.

>like gender, are a social construct
No its not you baiting fag. I'm sorry to break this to you, but there are only two genders, and you're stuck with the gender you're born with. You can pretend to be whatever the fuck you want, but it doesn't change basic biology

In my country women don't change their surnames after marriage so for me it's very weird that they do in other places

Same in my country.

No, it wasn't.
Nobody used to go around calling themselves the nonbinary meme until gay rights became old news.

Your sex is in your DNA. Your gender isn't.
There are only three sexes. Gender is a social construct. There's nothing stopping you from making as many as you want. Just like borders or currencies.

Are you guys icelanders? I've heard it can get confusing whenever you book into a hotel.

Is this what a brainwashed cultist sounds like? Your sex/gender are the same damn thing. Again, you can identify as fucking whatever, but that doesn't change anything about your body. You're lying to yourself

Gender and sex are one and the same you degenerate. This only became a debate because of that pedo John Money.

South Korean here

Are you a cute plastic K-pop idol

>Your sex/gender is the same thing
A physical construct and a social construct is not the same thing. A physical construct is found in nature. A social construct is created by society and can be changed at a whim. For example, pink used to be a boy's colour and blue a girl's colour. Pink was seen as vibrant and therefore masculine and blue was seen as sedate and therefore feminine. This changed over time. However, sex does not change over time and cannot be changed on a whim.

So you're arguing that if a guy chooses to wear dresses, put on a wig and make up, then it's perfectly a-ok because they're biologically a guy and that will never change. Okay, glad we had this talk.

That's pretty neat, I'll have to remember that.

Men and women aren't social constructs you delusional faggot

That's a convention.
Gender differences are apparent from infancy, and there are no tranny babies.

Gender isn't a social construct. That's where your logic falls apart. Gender norms are a construct, not the gender itself.
Hey what people do is their business. So long as he's aware he's still a dude, he's fine.

Some old ladies add an "wife of (husband's last name)" at the end of their names but for modern women it's almost unheard of

>Are you a cute plastic K-pop idol
lol no


Male sex and female sex aren't social constructs. The male gender and female gender are.
These are conventions for a social construct. You can't have conventions for a physical construct. How we understand or envision gender can change. How we understand sex is fixed.

The difference is pink and blue are colors and do not have a penis or vagina.

Gender norms are, like gender expression, an extension of gender. You can't have an extension of sex. Because sex isn't something that we created unlike gender.

Yes you can, it's the way people who aren't mentally ill trannies like yourself know which bathroom is for men, and which one is for women.

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It's like talking to a brick wall. Tell me, what are you? Do you identify as anything?

that is a big lie, if it were not physical they would not be so much effort to pretend something that they aren't


Correct. Colour does not have a penis or vagina. So there is no scientific validity behind assigning colours to gender. It is an entirely social thought.

Explain how race or age aren't social constructs while gender is.

you shitpost but that's exactly what they do