Toonami General #2

Toonami Drinking Game

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Demon Slayer Eyecatchers

Toonami Hours Update

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Why are all food commercials now about how they never touch your pizza/etc as soon as they're out the oven/etc what the fuck were they doing to my food before?

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At least we've got one fearless leader back

Who wants a hug?

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Watch Magical Girl Friendship Squad on Syfy instead of Toonami if you hate it so much.

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they were totally poking your food

>not waiting until page 10

I miss her bros...

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>TTGG is back


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>it’s late May
>a new post goes up on the Toonami Facebook page
>”we know how much you guys love MHA, so we are showing season 4 again at 12a!”
How do you respond?

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I do not know, man
But I do like drawn porn
It’s snowing on Mt Fuji

tonights lineup is
>Gary and his Demons
>Dr. Havoc's Diary Ep 1
>Cyanide and Happiness TAS
>Dr Havoc's Diary Ep 2

Why isn't she on the block?

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So last week Demarco said this is the THIRD(3) most requested show for Toonami right now. Do you believe it? Or is he full of shit?

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I don’t know what that even is.

>get a Retro Crush subscription

oh damn, julia's period is late

>Eh, I've stayed this long...

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That’s just for the original garbage they have lined up. And considering one of those ended up being that Rick and Morty short, I’m not confident about the rest

EEnE but with girls and writing manga instead of scams

I believe that Demarco is full of shit


im starting to think it's never going to happen

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Explain to me why the reruns are not at the end. I saw this earlier in the week and thought this was Mob S2 so I didn’t think any more of it.

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Describing a plot/concept of something doesn’t answer my question, but I suppose you get some points for trying

Welcome chum, you got the eats


Isekai shit will never be on Toonami

Why would anyone be surprised MHA is the block's best savior since Super and could hold the fort until Bleach comes back

what's she doing with that finger

Too much boobies for the faggitman sorry

So that you have to wait through them to get to the new content.

Best girl

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I want to go back.

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>holding down anything
How many times have we had to go through this? Even Super reruns couldn’t cut it

Big things.


If the poll was done recently during it's flavor of the month status then it's possible. Basically any popular anime at that time ends up on the list. Also these polls are done on facebook(?) so aren't reaching the greater Toonami audience.
It's Demarco though so he's probably full of shit. Not like Eizouken would fit on the block anyways.

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Is that supposed to be surprising?

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why not just fuck the doll?


But sword art though. Bleach too

Are you retiring too tonight

It's last season's fotm, so I don't know why it wouldn't be highly requested.


Megalobox is the best new show this block has had since Parasyte

In world where anything is possible I'd like to think we got to watch this.

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Now this was peak To-
>Naruto hour at fucking 10pm

Too small.


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>2 hours of bloat on the end
>Kai rerun out front
Yea no thanks, this was one of the weaker schedules

please save our block

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it proves one of two things for me
1. demarco is full of shit
2. the people demarco gets suggestions from dont even watch the block

Pretty much this: If they put the reruns at the end, then nobody would watch them.

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I follow their Facebook page for news. I have literally never seen Eizouken mentioned a single time

That's not Pop Team Epic

Fuck you, it was comfy.

Yeah except that it was shit

>kny ending next week
>manga wrapping up
>movie won't be out until october
>no word on s2

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What did I miss.

It's the best time of the week, with best girl! I hope all of you and your waifus have been in good health? Not too many cases of mahjong mumps? No marathons in the near future, which is a good thing. Reruns are another matter.

>not season 2
I fucking loved season 1, so it's not too bad. All the same, this blows.

I was mostly ambivalent to jans until now but this is going too fucking far. My week was mostly okay until today, now I'm fucking pissed. Please at least try to come back after a while, I don't like this trend people have been setting since the week started. They're going too freaking far now. Hell, I'm probably gonna get deleted at this rate.

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are you implying parashit was good

Excel Saga on Toonami when?
>Le too old.

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Nobody will watch them where they are at. But that also bleeds into no one watch Black Clover, Jojo and Naruto

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Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! It's the latest anime by auteur Masaaki Yuasa

Excel Saga is too good for toonami

Samurai Flamenco on toonami When?

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I think the KotH guy just quit because of the shitty schedule

Not isekai retards

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the movie is adapting the next section of the manga were s1 leaves off

so even if there is a s2, toonami will never air the movie. there would be a huge plot hole for us

Save your own block.

>Nart and Bort up that high

I would genuinely like to see how much editing it would require to air.

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Does Toonami need more strong competent women?
Please keep answers in the form of a limerick.


It feels like they'd do a recap thing at the start of the season because out-of-series developments are rare for movies.

la brava has awakened something in me, /tg/

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>trapped in another world
>not isekai

Would the block survive long enough for pic related to air?

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Holy shit they were playing Bort in 2018? Man my concept of time is entirely fucked.


theres only some nipples right?

>implying that toonami would get it
based but it's probably a bit too niche for toonami
it'd make for a good late night burner show though

Demarco said in the Q&A that they have original series lined up until 2023. This means nothing however, as there's nothing requiring Adult Swim to air these shows on Toonami.

It was December.

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I’d like to awaken something in her if you know what I mean

Oh thanks I don't watch the Q&As. I hope it's not a bunch of bullshit but also it's going to be a bunch of bullshit with maybe one gem in it per year.

I'd rather go a little further back.

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Dub Neverever

Never. No more new shows. Only reruns and sequels they're contractually obligated to air.

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>i will not be a cliche
little does he know what his actual character type is in american clichefest dad

>bit too niche for toonami
At this point. Is there a single new anime that didn't come from SJ that isn't too niche for Toonami?

I was literally just going to post this tonight. Glad I'm not the only Excelbro

One of them was the Rick and Morty Samurai thing

I know, that was mostly aimed at Brock user. People shouldn't be bulled out of here.

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>chun li cosplay

thanks for the erection

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demarco went out on a hunt
for strong women as part of a stunt
he searched long, far, and wide
but no matter how hard he had tried
he found "strong" was a codeword for "cunt"

This alone couldn't even be shown

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I was talking about the 2 hours at the end.


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They tried really hard to force Boruto to be block lead popular didn’t they?

>Francine peeing herself

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Isn't that just a short? What does that have to do with a lineup?


i think ive got a shrinking fetish now
not me shrinking. the girl

This anime makes me wish whore houses were a real thing

bloated, bland, not worth 6 hours

the condensed version now is better than that

Some anons are just gonna be that way

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>tfw we will NEVER get a dub

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The term is shortstack aonn

If by some act of God, this block survives a couple of years, we'll have Stone Ocean

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September 2018 - October 2019

They really did. Also, I just realized I posted the wrong one.

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Admit it.

You miss them all.

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Demarco said they have CONTENT in production to 2023. Content does not mean full fledged series

Competent women are few and far between,
Toonami can not hire an unclean queen.
I say pay high pitched boys
or mayhaps faggot soys.
Fuck women, our precious time slot they demean.

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The are. You just need to be in a non-first world country.

even when they keep getting shorter?

Be careful, there's a lot of /tg/ people that have recently started getting retarded about people posting the same thing every week. I like you Ryukoanon.

I thought this was a preflight thing or something from tonight (as in, after the short aired), forgive the misunderstanding.