She did nothing wrong. Dipper was a bitch

She did nothing wrong. Dipper was a bitch

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She threw a tantrum because she thought she won't get what she wants and unleashed the apocalypse trying to force people to conform to her desires. And the crisis was resolved by her getting what she wants.

Trying to gauge if it's a good idea for Dipper to stay with Ford is missing forest for the trees.

This again ? Get over this show already. It wasn't that great in the first place

Fuck this show. This was the start of western animation's decline. It took the emphasis on lore and wacky humor from Adventure Time, and turned it into a gimmick, into a shallow way to sell

And yet it did better with it than AT ever did

Says you. AT had heart and sincerity, this had none. For all of its colors and cutesy faces, it was heartless

Why you gotta shill AT like a little whore? Is it because the fandom died?

You know what's funny ? AT will have a new miniseries in a few weeks, while this show is completely dead, since the creator is a total slacker

>As he shills GF

At least he followed through, look at Pen, walrus looking motherfucker, doing a shitty Joe Rogan impression, the GF comic was a best seller and there’s another one coming out, AT specials will be lucky to get one viewer, GF fandom is stayed strong, AT fandom moved on after Breezy
Oh, this guy just sucks

>Dipper was a bitch
Define "bitch"

Cartoons were never good

We know that. That's why we are still bitching in the first place. Dipper getting cucked from a proper end to his arc is what pissed us off in the first place!

You don’t have to yell, what do you think would be satisfying?

Dipper and Pacifica's wedding


Unfortunately I have thought about this a lot and the core issue of dipper I felt is that the little dude just fucking hates himself. I know that christianity values self-sacrifice and martyrdom, but I always felt that Dipper never learned how to be selfish in a proper, non-toxic manner. I wouldn't be mad if he went back home after the summer ended, if I had felt that he actually went soul searching a bit. Why is it that every time he tries to socialize it goes wrong in a way? Where does his neurosis come from, and how can he fix it? Why does he immediately cave in to guilt instead of trying to solve the problem for both parties?Shit like that would have made the ending more satisfying I feel like. Alsobecause I am a dirty classical fairy tale sap and want my prince and princess wedding ending. I get that Alex was tired of the show, but come on, man, we had obsessed over your codes and foreshadowing for 7 years at that point, and he knew that because he posted here.

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When Mable is older, will they pork?

>I know that christianity values self-sacrifice and martyrdom
but alex is a jew

Oh, I didn't know that.

I myself personally wonder if the apprenticeship was good, I think Ford projected a lot with Dipper and wanted him to isolate himself like Ford did

Like I said, what makes a good story is if the audience can, when all the cards are on the table and the veil has dropped, can feel that their hero is going to make it in his world. Maybe we can learn some things with him. What ethos, beside not to treat women like objects that can't get hurt, did Dipper achieve? I am unironically asking here. I haven't rewatched the show since the series finale.

Mabel is a qt.

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Why hasn't this guy been banned yet?

he said nothing wrong. The show wasn't heartless, but in the end, codes and riddles aside, it was kind of a shallow experience. The greatest part of this show was experiencing it with Yas Forums.


Dipper was obviously going overboard but for her to go out of her way to beat her head on a pole for a month because of a fucking pig she just got? What an obnoxious attention whore.

It’s pretty clear she’s a very emotional person

Don't forget that she literally became a tourist attraction, since Soos is shown giving a tour and saying to the tourists : and here is miserable Mabel...

That's probably one of the few situations where she was justified

Dipper's end state was more based around his pathos. He started the show as an outsider to the town and then he left the town as a valued member of the community. With friends who look forward to his eventual return.

Bashing her head and becoming all dirty for more than a month for a pig you only met for a few hourse was justified ?

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And what a community that is. A blonde primadonna that winces in the presence of poor people, a ginger that apparently considered suicide had the twins not come along(How did that get solved anyway? Wendy just dropped that line like I wouldn't be curious about how my waifu was feeling), two over-emotional wrecks from Mabels entourage, a fat psychic ex-felon, and 50 gravesites of the magic critters that Dipper turned into enemies over the course of the summer. I don't think ANYBODY developed in this series outside of Stan and Ford.

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