People always bring up Xavier's weird crush on 15-year-old Jean, but forget that Xavier was supposed to be around 28 at the time, given that he was 18 when he served in the Korea war, which ended ten years prior. He was bald because of his powers and disabled because an alien threw a rock at him, not due to old age.

Still highly inappropriate, so much Marvel nixed it pretty quickly, but the "dirty old man" trope doesn't really apply.

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Contrary to what some people think, Hickman's Secret Wars did NOT reboot the Marvel Universe or change any continuity like a DC Crisis would. The only real difference is that the events of the Final Incursion where everybody fucking died were undone and that the Molecule Man ctrl+v'd Miles Morales into 616.

Carol was seduced by, and gave birth to, an interdimensional being, then fucked off to live happily ever after with him only to come back and cry rape. Mainly because the creative team must have been on drugs and have slipped some into the break room coffee, because WTF?!?!?!?!

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Before being a playboy became his go-to cover story, Bruce Wayne simply acted as a tagalong sidekick to Gordon and apparently wrote crime stories based on things he witnessed.

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Really? Cause it would be believable that Ultimate Punisher killed 616 Punisher (as seen in Bendis' Ultimate End) and took his place which would explain stupid things like willingly working for Hydra.

Did you miss the part where Marcus outright stated that he used Immortus' hypnosis machines to make Carol love him?

Was this ever been mentioned in the comics again after Onslaught told Jean about it?

Miles wasn't the only character added, there was also Old Man Logan, Ultimate Reed, Ultimate Wolverine's son, and some Squadron Supreme members.

>there was also Old Man Logan, Ultimate Reed, Ultimate Wolverine's son, and some Squadron Supreme members.
The difference is, those guys were simply transported into 616 and everybody knew they were outsiders. Miles on the other hand had history rewritten as if he and his supporting cast had always been in 616.

Did he? Or did she let him?

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Peter Parker going quadruple-Pym on MJ. That's a full on spider-strength back hand on a pregnant MJ there.

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Peter also made out with Gwen's goblin daughter. Who is likely underaged because ACCELERATED GOBLIN AGING!!!

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People forget that Magneto's helmet protecting him from telepathy wasn't a thing in the comics until after the idea was introduced in the first X-Men movie. That psychic-proof helmet was always just Juggernaut's thing, Magneto simply had a immense willpower and magnetism bullshit that allowed him to resist telepathic attacks.

Never forget! Hawkeye wore a dress.

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You have two options. Either you believe that in a book with 3 writers working together on a last-minute re-write from the original plans for Carol's pregnancy, nobody working on the book ever considered that the line about Marcus using 'a subtle boost from his machines' to win Carol over would be interpreted as rape, and the most they're guilty of is being naïve, or you believe that they deliberately and maliciously implied a rape in the belief nobody would notice what they did. Everyone seems to choose the second option and believe the worst of them.

Blackfire spent most of her history as a flightless cripple, she got herself fixed at some point pre-Flashpoint

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In the 70s Batman was kind of like James Bond, travelling around the world and dating gorgeous women regularly and not just as part of his playboy persona.


The time Peter hit MJ and the times Reed hit Sue get brought up all the time, usually in Hank Pym threads. The previous several pages of context for that page are never talked about.

Pete angsting over (possibly) being a clone and Sue being in her sexy mega-bitch persona?

In comic books, depiction of Adults crushing on 15 year olds is not weird, considering the main audience and reader of comic books are 15 year old children.

Stop retroactively trying to cancel random authors because of your Tranny ideologies.

Or trying to shoot Reed with a Deathray while the two of them are under the influence of cosmic beings' mind whammy.

15 year olds were normal dating/marriage age for a long ass time, and the age of consent was only changed due to the efforts of early feminists. Mainly because they were spinsters that couldn't land husbands.

I like this much more. Magneto just is one of them fuckers who says "No." And it works. It's like how Dr. Doom took off his mask and went right up to Purple Man and told him to try to command him and nothing worked.

>barely given a 110 lb. woman a bloody nose

that is like less than 1% of his full strength and we both know it user

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I thought that the new main universe also isn't called the 616 universe? Like, it's exactly the same besides those additions tomaytos-tomahtos but still.

This was something Brevoort pushed for, his inability to stop writers from calling it 616 after he talked about it so much made him look weak and impotent.

Are you blaming feminists for the fact that child brides went out of style?

Yes but you forget.
>1 Alonso Marvel
so people use it to explain Lamo continuity bullshit of the time and
>2 Ewings Ultimates
thankfully Ewings Ultimates came in and said "Hey after Secret Wars time is fucky that's why a new cosmic entity can come into being and destroy others because their places as the pillars of the universe is fluctuating"

That really doesn't exonerate Peter.
Hank Pym had far better reasons than Peter and did much less

I'll say it again, standards for sexual maturity were way different in the first half of the 20th century. Lower average life expectancy combined with two world wars meant people in their late teens were having entire families of their own before 25. Kids got married as young as 16 in some places. For men in the 60's, teenhood was considered the beginning of adulthood. They looked at a teenager and saw a peer. Dating way younger was viewed more as a little risque rather than outright abhorrent. Nowadays you have people cringing at a 5 year age gap as though its' cradle robbing, but back in the day the rule pretty much was "Grass on the field, play ball"

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Peter wasn't angsting about possibly being a clone, he'd just been given proof he was a clone. He'd only recently recovered from a serious mental breakdown, and this pushed him over the edge again. He attacked Ben, trying to kill him. MJ tried to pull him away from Ben, and that happened. Peter was so far gone he doesn't seem to have realized it was MJ until that third panel.

The main person who demanded it be changed to what we got was Shooter, wasn't it? And he was EIC at the time.

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