You can't tell me she wasn't autistic

You can't tell me she wasn't autistic.

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>she so autistic you guys
Shut it roastie

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She was that perfect blend of brilliant and slightly crazy where you can't really tell one way or the other.

Nothing wrong with smelly autistic blonde nerd girls.

Shes smart and funny.

Name ONE Rescue Ranger that wasn’t

>Samantha Carter
>the dumb husband smart wife sitcom trope
It was really weird when I found out that historically the stereotype was that men were smarter than women.

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You're autistic.

Historically as in before 1950?

Filename checks out with this kind of post.

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Chip is the pretty autistic one about running the Rangers

Any girl that is not autistic by today's standard isn't worth caring about

it's not autistic to expect your crew to not act like a bunch of retards

Affixing a mental disability to a fictional character is pointless. Stop projecting.

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It is a meme.

How so?

I mean thats a poor excuse.

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Gadget Hackwrench is actually a rat.

My world is 1: turned upside down and yet 2: don't care at all.

Somewhere in the 19th century, a ra-- er, big mouse is fuming with rage and jealousy.

Of course she was.
I mean did they even try to hide it?

Literally the evilest villain in all of fiction.

Attached: Mouseigan.png (1754x1071, 2.6M)

Autism can be bent to useful purposes

[Insert obvious innuendo here]

No fucking duh she's a...
>A rat, as in not a mouse.

That... huh. I guess I just saw how much bigger Monterey jack was and never thought about it.

Fucking hell.

I do not care for this version of Steelbeak.

Never forget that this cartoon rat has a real life Norwegian cult that worships her

She wasn't autistic.

This show seems obsessed with """ironically""" over-explaining the joke.

It's pretty clearly being written towards Jason Mantzoukas.
Fun voice acting, but leans into the "dumb (evil) dad" trope harder than I'd like. Or maybe not even that, just cyborg-rooster-Raffi.

No shit sherlock.