Who would win?

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Hulk. Billy almost always comes off as a jobber to play up a threat.

I don't fully see the point behind this matchup. Wouldn't Billy vs Thor make more sense?

Hulk is stronger than Superman. Superman is stronger than Shazam. Thus, Hulk is stronger than Shazam.

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>Hulk is stronger than Superman.
Is he really tho?
>Superman is stronger than Shazam.
I thought most interpretations have them as being equals, besides, Shazam has magic.

just move hulk to outer space. he will have no momentum and float gently forever

I'm pretty sure that's how Thor beat him in one of his fights, just punched his suit so he couldn't thrust and control his position, drifted away helplessly. It was professor hulk I think, or at least a version of hulk that wasn't in a frenzy enough to use said suit.


When Thor was consumed by a warrior's madness, his version of the berserker rage, during the Infinity Crusade, Drax and Hulk decided to take down Thor, whi was serving the Goddess in his enfeebled state.

Thor quickly sent Hulk adrift and that was that, Hulk had to wait to be caught in Earth's gravity and crash. Thor then spent an entire comic fighting Drax, who to Thor's credit, had the infinity gem for power.

Scared of Shazam's Wisdom verses a potential Banner Hulk Super Scientist intelligence or do you lack the imagination to posit that Shazam could lightning bolt Hulk back to Bruce at any time?

Billy claps those green cheeks.

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Solomon is a dumbass that told Billy to break his relationship with Stargirl because its pedophilia.

Pre-Crisis Billy could actually defeat people by turning them into Captain Marvel.

He summons the lightning down but has it hit someone else and they turn into Cap. He's done it before. So Billy could just turn Hulk into Cap.

Solomon was trying to warn Billy of the dangers of flirting with John's little sister.

Given that his is the only corner of the universe to not revert from Nu 52 because Johns has a kung-fu death grip on it, Solomon was right.

But what about Hulk vs Doomsday?

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It's time to leave Golden Age in it's time.
Current Shazam (yes I call him Shazam, grow up too) isn't Golden Age Shazam


I will never call Captain Marvel Shazam. Shazam is the wizard. It's been that way since the 1940's. It was that way in the comics until Johns decided to go full retard.

>Have Mary Marvel cameo in your webcomic
Otto, what are you planning?

You know exactly what I'm planning.

>Muh purity! Change bad!!!!
grow up

Captain Marvel > Hulk > Shazam
Captain Marvel was Superman's equal, n52 Shazam isn't, it was developed by Johns, a Superman fanboy that believes that flying bricks being equal to superman makes superman less special, Shazam is in the same tier as Apollo and will remain there for a long time, but i'm hopeful for the character going back to it's rightful place as superman equal, Captain Atom is the one that is fucked and will never comeback.

You should call it Shazam because it's clearly not the same character as Captain Marvel, different powerset, different origin, different supporting cast.

Dr.Manhattan confirmed the Green Behemoth is even more stronger than Doomsday

So like what happens to Billy, does also jump into the guy?

Only good comics are canon, Doomsday isn't canon.

No. He stays Billy.
Before Secret Origins 3 it was pretty firmly established that Cap and Billy were different people. Cap wasn't just Billy in a man's body.

>Doomsday isn’t canon
So Hulk definitely beats him then

You know if Disney burns Johns on the crossover option years from now he's going to write it as Earth-8 Behemoth, the one with the diaper, green from power he drained from "some guy" from "another universe."

Johns is that petty.

So did the former person have any control or? Like, were they in the back of Cap’s mind?

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Yeah. I can totally see that happening.

Billy, hulk needs time to power up while he starts with around superman level.