1950 Tom is the best Tom. Prove me wrong Yas Forums

1950 Tom is the best Tom. Prove me wrong Yas Forums

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Posting correct opinions like this causes threads to die early.

You could easily make the case for '42 or '55 though

there's one style of Tom that I actually like, and I'm not seeing it here.

'45 and '55 have that cute round head, '92 is also cute and innocent

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Picking the best Jerry is the real debate here.

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1945 has the most soul.

I fucking hate the 63 versions. Why did it look that way? It didn't feel like the same show at all.

His 1955 forehead is too big, and his 1958 look makes him too cute looking. 1950 is king

'50 and '55 are best for both

Eh 45' to 58' are all good

but thats not deitch tom

'45 and '50.

Is Jerry a girl lads?

animation was done by a Czechoslovakian team during the Gene Deitch era, and even the animation quality was equally abysmal. This was around the time the original creators left MGM to form their own studio, Hanna-Barbera.

55’ is my favorite

Chuck Jones shorts have Tom being the most consistent, while classic Tom, though from quality shorts, can be all over the place and more often than not gets fucked despite doing nothing wrong.

>Baby Tom

T&J had a "the same thing but babies!" show? When?

>he doesn't know


Obligatory reminder that Chuck Jones was capable of writing a female that was not the house owner, babysitter, or purely love interest. This white bitch actually had personality and a role in the episode.

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>Prove me wrong Yas Forums

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1963 is Chuck Jones.

2006 - 2008 or 63 - 67

>God Tier
'50, '45
>High Tier
'55, '42
>Mid Tier
'40, '63-'67
>Low Tier
>Shit tier
everything else

I prefer the 1955-1958 ones

The 40s Tom always bothered me growing up. I thought he was ugly. 50s Tom looked better.

Where, how, when did you get this picture of me? I'm freaked out

1950 was perfect. The ones before and after look weird by comparison.

I remember being surprised and amused when she throws all of that "protective/caring" image off that she had on for Jerry, just to fool him into thinking that she won't eat him when she's actually just preparing him for to be eaten.