Are you ready Yas Forums?

Are you ready Yas Forums?

Attached: 871.jpg (1280x720, 126.19K)

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For Toonami?
Not quite, I still have to take a shit before then.

it was pretty good

It was like Regular Show but with Max and Goofball.

I honestly do wish Max all the best. This was enjoyable and I like that he's friends with all the porn artists that I like


Who's he friends with?

no one, he has no friends

That's not true, he's well acquainted with his hands.

Post Burnbot

Attached: 70794393_767079310372996_5162177150614104411_n.jpg (640x640, 51.75K)

Even his hands aren't too fond of him.


Attached: Burnbottwopointowe.png (954x646, 742.36K)

why the fuck did max have to give burnbot a body
now all the coomers are gonna start infesting his audience

Good shit.
Glad Max finally had an excuse to use a bunch of kaleidoscope effects.

His only good animations were and sonic too fast because they don't take 5 years and end before being funny, but it's good that he's gotten popular since then (I think)

Is it his weird penis?

how would you fuck a television, user?

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>DMT clock work elves
>on shrooms

I want old burn back. What did I do to deserve this?


She is clearly much hotter now


I was thinking more aqua teen hunger force, though that's probably because the clockwork elves remind me of athf villians

like this

Attached: burnbot lewd.jpg (700x666, 83.84K)

Attached: 84561316_3548650871843735_1258613350568340178_n.jpg (320x320, 15.33K)

Attached: EDUJ5uXXsAAKCd2.jpg (1200x1022, 153.63K)

>art of her singing slag songs
Yeah this about sums it up

clockwork elf r34

Fuck you Cosbyfag, Michael is clean! Those documentals are a farce!

the hell are slag songs?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-25 Max Goofball in A SATURDAY NIGHT CARTOON - YouTube.png (193x228, 29.72K)

This isn't burnbot