Are you ready Yas Forums?
Are you ready Yas Forums?
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For Toonami?
Not quite, I still have to take a shit before then.
it was pretty good
It was like Regular Show but with Max and Goofball.
I honestly do wish Max all the best. This was enjoyable and I like that he's friends with all the porn artists that I like
Who's he friends with?
no one, he has no friends
That's not true, he's well acquainted with his hands.
Post Burnbot
Even his hands aren't too fond of him.
why the fuck did max have to give burnbot a body
now all the coomers are gonna start infesting his audience
Good shit.
Glad Max finally had an excuse to use a bunch of kaleidoscope effects.
His only good animations were and sonic too fast because they don't take 5 years and end before being funny, but it's good that he's gotten popular since then (I think)
Is it his weird penis?
how would you fuck a television, user?
>DMT clock work elves
>on shrooms
I want old burn back. What did I do to deserve this?
She is clearly much hotter now
I was thinking more aqua teen hunger force, though that's probably because the clockwork elves remind me of athf villians
like this
>art of her singing slag songs
Yeah this about sums it up
clockwork elf r34
Fuck you Cosbyfag, Michael is clean! Those documentals are a farce!
the hell are slag songs?
This isn't burnbot