"Adventure Time, Steven Universe, and Gravity Falls suck!"

>"Adventure Time, Steven Universe, and Gravity Falls suck!".

Does Yas Forums just like to be contrarian? You know saying you think something popular sucks doesn't make you seem cool or smart, right?

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Uh hello? Based department

>he unironically watches little girl shows as a grown man
oh no no no cartoonbros say it ain't so

You know being an anti-contrarian doesn't make you seem cool or smart, right?

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Except nobody thinks those shows were completely bad.
Adventure time started great and became even better but the quality started to go the fuck down after pendleton left.
Gravity falls was mostly consistently great, with some shit-tier episodes here and there (hirsch is a simp) and a cheesy ending that invalidated the entire treasure hunt.
Steven universe is probably the most hated one here but if you dig through the thin layer of shitters you'll find out that the show started out mediocre to shit and became straight up watchable after season one and then straight up good after that.

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Explain to me how any of those shows you listed weren't complete trash you faggot

>You know saying you think something popular sucks doesn't make you seem cool or smart, right?
No, but they got popular more for being heavily advertised by corporate telling you to like it then their actual quality
In the same vein I can say you have to like Ninja and TBBT

>straight up watchable after season one and then straight up good after that.
Entirely subjective

I mean even if someone explained it to you you would still think it's bad because your skull is too thick to understand why other people enjoy things you don't

>i refuse to explain anything because fuck you

Yeah good work faggot you've still convinced no one why your opinion isn't trash

They do suck. How about trying to watch shit from another era? Those shows in particular are
>Adventure Time; okay premise that got up its own ass thanks to shipping and DEEPEST LORE
>Steven Universe; faggy bullshit that breeds a generation of pussies thinking every problem can be solved through crying and feelings.
>Gravity Falls;.......okay I know nothing about the show itself. It's probably fine, I just know the fandom is ass

I only like SU and GF out of those

Steven Universe and Gravity Falls, while they have their problems like any other show, are really good and Yas Forums does like to be contrarian.

even if I never visited this hell site though, I'd still say Adventure Time season 6-10 and the finale are fucking dogshit though.

I mean sure, I don't deny that.
But still won't change the fact that season one was not only the season where they didn't know what the fuck they wanted to do with the show, the most praised element about it is the fucking background art.

There’s no such thing as a good cartoon

>Gravity Falls sucks

Literally nobody thinks that

I’ve seen my fair share of people who shit on it,

Gravity Falls is an episodic show about Dipper trying to fuck Wendy and Mabel the crush of the week
It's a very poorly constructed show that theoryfags tried to force as a creative masterpiece when really only their theories had any sense of worth

Wendy thing lasted way too long

The answer of course is yes. NuChan just sort of gets off on it.

I'll spot you Adventure Time, if only because its weirdo fanbase was big enough to save it from development hell after the Nick pilot.

But nobody gave an owl's ass about Gravity Falls. It only lasted three seasons.
And Steven Universe had its fans, but it only existed because CN couldn't air Teen Titans Go 24/7.

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People here stoke their egos by the media they like and don't like. Don't worry about it.

>nothing but the broadest quote imaginable because you're addicted to arguing on Yas Forums

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I do. It's unfunny and dated

Adventure Time was a sandbox of a show. Everyone involved had the creative freedom to do what they wanted. Pen Ward didn't force his vision into the others, he let everyone involved experiment and have fun. Gravity Falls and SU didn't do this, since they were 100% Hirsch and Sugar visions....Personally, i prefer AT's approach. It makes the show more unpredictable and seamless in its storytelling

I know and it also makes AT suck more

It could make a better "whole" to look back on, but it definitely caused more than enough headaches during its run.
I like AT far more after conclusion than I did after the first couple of seasons airing.

The experience was better than the actual show itself. Looking back and rewatching it knowing everything makes it pretty average as a result, though it still gives me a smile thinking about all the theory and deciphering boards about it. [Spoiler]I did like it enough to buy the special edition book, at least[/spoiler]

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Um, early 2000's was the last time cartoons were tolerable.

I thought Adventure Time was legitimately bad though. The way the characters talked just really irked, me so I couldn't stand the dialogue. The humor just didn't do it for me. And I never ended up caring about anybody.