Star vs the forces of evil

ITT: we try to come up with a better ending
Hard mode:you can't scrap out the last two seasons

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Star genocide the monsters to save the magical beings.

Instead of killing magic and getting Marco as a boyfriend she keeps Marco as her personal sex slave

Battle for Mewni should've been the series finale

can I least REMOVE episodes that literally do nothing for the plot? There's a lot of them, surprisingly even towards the end and I don't understand it. The ending as it could COULD work if given more time to actually build to it properly.

Marco and Star start dating the end of season 1 and cut out all the relationship garbage
>Hard mode enabled
Before the monster kkk and genocide any of the monsters, Star and her family/friends go to the never zone, the spend 40 years preparing and after using multiple callbacks from the show are able to defeat the bad guys.

write your own shit you lazy fuck

>Marco and Star start dating the end of season 1 and cut out all the relationship garbage
Great, now you've ruined the first two seasons.


Marco and Star separate and return to their respective worlds. They promise to never forget their time together and remain besties for life.

Star doesn't destroy magic and doesn't listen to some shitty painting. Instead, Star, Marco, Moon (after she realizes what she did was bullshit), Eclipsa, and the rest of the magical beings create their own army Endgame style to defeat Mina. Once defeated, Mina is the one who is crystallized. Mewni celebrates the victory, and the finale timeskips to Star being queen with Marco.

I would have gotten rid of the "will they/won't they" shit with Star and Marco as early as the season 2 finale. Shit was starting to get old even then.

I would've had Eclipsa be an actual big bad like they were implying early on. The implication season 2 seemed to give was that Star could become Eclipsa if she isn't careful but all that went out the door when Eclipsa, and by extension Monsters, all became dindu nuffins.

I wouldn't change Janna coming to mewni, she was the only great thing about the last 2 seasons. Only thing I didn't like was the Jantom shipteasing.

>Only thing I didn't like was the Jantom shipteasing.
You mean the one episode that just Janna telling Tom to chill the fuck out and does the complete opposite? Did they even interact at all after that?

Maybe it's more overblown in my memory because I remember a lot of Jantom fan art being made around the time of season 4.

Jantom has to be one of the worst pairings of the show, and I'm glad the writers put a stop to it. Janna is too good of a character to be suddenly chained up with Tom.

You'd have to remove like 25-30% of the last season and most of the third. So much wasted time on such pointless shit. And then you have retards like Adam saying the finale was rushed. because there wasn't enough time. There was plenty of time, it just your retarded writers spent it on Starco and Pony Head episodes.

Jantom was basically a excuse for Starco to happen, just like half of season 4

>Jantom was basically a excuse for Starco to happen
The writers obviously knew that if they paired up Marco with Janna in S4, she'd get ripped apart by the Starco machine. They liked her too much to let that happen so they probably chose Kelly as the sacrifice knowing that most viewers wouldn't get upset about this.

Globgor is actually a monster supremacist who married Eclipsa in order to remove the wand from Mewmen.

It's not surprising to hear Adam defend the show. You kind have to defend shit in the industry to not get blacklisted.
probably isn't worth losing money to eat food for shittalking Star Vs

Marco wakes up from a coma and realizes the entire show was caused by severe brain trauma.

Adam actually defends the show because the fans are probably the only thing keeping him relevant. He posts about the show frequently, most of it being "hey I was the voice of Marco!"

I'm trying to imagine how hilarious the reaction would have been had they actually done this.

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Well atleast season 3 and 4 can't happen.

Still a better ending than Cleaved.

pretty much like pic related.It could be one of the first cartoons to use the coma theory as it's proper ending.

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>It could be one of the first cartoons to use the coma theory as it's proper ending.
I actually never thought about that, why does it sound like a cliche even though I can't think of a single thing that has done it save for Wizard of Oz, and I'm pretty sure that had something at the end to hint that it wasn't really a dream.

star wants to make a spell so powerful that it use enough magic to short the enchantment of the super soldier armors.

she takes mewni and drop the planet in the solar system with the help of the other spell casters.

there's no free magic for a time and the armors are destroyed. spells and the commisionners are weakened but not dead because they are embodied magic

magic comes back after a few years and the two are reunited with portal magic. the end.

Even hack writers know it's cheap to write off your entire story as never actually happening

I know it's shit, but it shouldn't be classified as a cliche because nearly no one has done it.

Yep, you hit it on the head. I don't really know where he goes from here.