Deedee's feet are huge

Deedee's feet are huge


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haha yeah :)

They're bigger than her head.

*Insert caption*

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>They're bigger than her head.
like.....every feet?

Well, not that much bigger.

your feet are bigger than your head...or are you a monkey?

They have to be. Her head is already so big, her feet have to be bigger to support it.

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They are, but girl's feet tend to be smaller.

>They are, but girl's feet tend to be smaller.
You don't browse Yas Forums I see

Well, not for feet.

>people bullied her instead of marrying


>10-year-old me: haha yeah what is this weird feeling in my peepee

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>not going to Yas Forums for feetposters
Are you new here?

is that a fucking deviantart filename?

I used to watch the Sasquatch and Shoe Gnome eps so fucking much when i was young buck.

I preferred the pool episode myself.

Big feet are sexy.

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She probably killed herself haha

More new there. I've used Yas Forums for about a couple of months away from a year.

first hit of 'dee dee feet' on google man

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>There was a literal foot fetish episode

I would like to do very naughty things to her huge feet...

Who is she actually?

At least two off the top of my head are the Sasquatch and the gnomes episodes.

For me it's Lee Lee. What the hell are the odds three separate girls would be born with equally huge feet and go to the same ballet studio?

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big feet > small feet

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Yeah it's almost like she's drawn in a styilized, exaggerated way. Almost, dare I say it, like a cartoon

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