Been rewatching his old Spongebob Reviews...

Been rewatching his old Spongebob Reviews. The biggest problem is that he views them as if they were episodes of a reality show instead of a silly cartoon.

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That's retarded.

Spogebob is a documentary.

butt butt reality is really real

Just watch RebelTaxi
It’s like MrEnter if he wasn’t extremely autistic and angry all the time

It's almost as if enter is a massive autistimo.

Enter is obviously one of these guys who needs cartoons to fulfill an entire lifetime of reality and be as serious, because he honestly has nothing outside of cartoons. Most people can understand simple animated gags when they see them occasionally alongside a day of work and socialization, but without anything besides cartoons in his life, Enter is left complaining that Spongebob isn’t as good a friend as he’d like to have, or that Bikini Bottom is too silly a place for him to live in. He’s far too close to cartoons to understand them, and it shows in Growing Around

>if you just wanna be left alone, that's the biggest crime in cartoons
Because some cartoons are supposed to be entertaining and not your personal psychoterapy maybe?

Eceleb board when

Maybe watching all of spongebob for the 75th time I can figure out the big secret it’s trying to teach me

Stop shilling yourself mr enter you fucking casual.

I don't get his problem with that episode of Recess where that kid just doesn't like TJ. He doesn't hate him, he just doesn't like him. Enter's argument is that this somehow teaches kids that it's ok to hate people you don't know but that's complete bullshit. The moral of the episode was that you have to accept not everyone will love you and you can't please everyone. Enter is unironically too blinded by his actual autism to understand cartoons aimed at children.

The episode tells a good lesson about accepting not everyone will like you, but it still falls a bit short by explaining that’s because there are honest reasons people don’t like each other. It wouldn’t fit for a kid show, but realistically the kid who didn’t like him would have some reason, maybe has disdain for popular people as someone who learned to handle loneliness, maybe his dad hates TJ’s dad’s job, something. Enter is an autismo though and there’s no reason to file an actual complaint about the episode, let alone make a video refusing to accept some people don’t like each other

By not explaining* there are honest reasons for people to hate each other.
Meaning it isn’t as random as the episode suggests, TJ is a specific person and there is usually some reasoning behind dislike even if it’s an incoherent reason

His videos are actually really fascinating because of how passionate he is.

The kid didn't dislike TJ, he just didn't like him.
Also, kids aren't necessarily capable of articulating why they do or don't like someone. A lot of the reasons why we do or don't like things are unconscious so it only appears to be for no reason because we're not aware of the reasons.

Because autists have a hard time understanding people as it is, let alone something as irrational as someone not liking you for no real reason. Besides, there are lot of adult people unable to grasp, and I'm not even sure you guys fully "grasp" it. There are usually two levels of understanding a concept, one is through the superficial portrayal in mass media, and the other is through actually living it yourself.
And yes, there usually is some reason. The best part is that often, even the person who dislikes you doesn't themselves realize that reason because it's subconscious

Dislike is the same as didn’t like. Yes I understand there’s a difference between neutral and hate, but if you are resisting communication with someone and telling them you don’t like them, you have an aversion to them and dislike interacting with them

He's an autist pedo who is obsessed with having little girls dominate him.

Has this actually been proven before?

passion bad , shitposting good

Since this is a pretty tame Mr. Enter thread, and not a Growing Around thread, what are some times Enter said or did something you thought was completely retarded?
>claimed it was illegal to not let kids see X rated movies because that violates free speech
>whine about Mars Needs Moms because they sometimes speak Martian and there's no subtitles, even though their emotions are clearly conveyed through their tone and body language
>tried to prove that a child could cook a satisfying meal for a whole family by recording himself microwaving ramen
>claimed you were a bad writer if you ended something with a cliff hanger and never finished it, then he published a book ending on a cliff hanger and abandoned it. When called out, he claimed the book was part of the old canon so it doesn't count anymore.
>said he wouldn't delete videos, then deleted videos
>refuses to review anime or european cartoons, is hesitant to review anything that wasn't on nick or cartoon network in the 90s/2000s/2010s
>said he wouldn't take review requests, then takes a request and spends the whole video bitching about how he didn't want to do it
>repeatedly compares the cartoon he's reviewing to his wannabe cartoon
>makes no effort to actually make his cartoon, just copies tropes from tvtropes and flings his money at artists
>tried to scam kids out of $350,000 with no plan to deliver on his promises
>doesn't even properly review shows, just kinda says whether he liked them or not and if he thinks they're good or bad for children
>doesn't understand Peggy from King of the Hill isn't supposed to be a role model
>constantly reviews low hanging fruit like modern family guy or fanboy and chum chum as if everybody doesn't already know those shows are trash
>made a writing tips series where episode 1 was about how to do a body swap episode
>also he doesn't know how to write

No one writes as much fiction and obsessively talks about the subject of having children in a dominating and authoritative position as Enter does without having some kind of fetish. Additionally, powerful or domineering children are a common fantasy for self-admitted pedophiles.

No,this retard is going full wishful thinking because Based Enter called his favorite cartoon shit.You fags are litteraly obsessed with a guy making shodily edited YT reviews,he lives in your head rent free

I’m only ‘obsessed’ with Enter because I come to Yas Forums no matter what anyways and there’s often a thread. Enter is a shut in with arrested development who thinks it’s his business to blame cartoons episode by episode for being for children and not being a proper surrogate for a parent

Your extensive study of Encyclopedia Dramatica and DeviantArt is sufficient authority

lol you probably started the thread like all the osbessed stalkers retard who still talk about Dobson or Chris Chan in 2020.You just need your little circlejerk about litteraly who to feel better about your own shitty life

I think the main problem is that if there WERE a reason then the episode would be made around TJ trying to solve that problem and the episode would ultimately be about the problem/reason itself (for example jealousy of popular kids or kid not being appreciating by him etc) and not the fact that someone doesn’t like him. It’d be like ‘these reasons can’t be changed’ rather than ‘not everyone will like you’.

Not the guy you're replying to but Enter has a clear fixation on little girls. The main character and main villain in his scripts are little girls, most of the supporting characters are girls and the boys are all emasculated and forced to wear dresses. There's also a fic he wrote a while ago that was basically his self insert rescuing and adopting a little girl. For a guy who doesn't have any children, he sure seems obsessive over little girls.

I didn’t start the thread. Yeah Yas Forums and Yas Forums definitely have a cheap hobby of following and gossiping about people like this. No need to be such a sperg about it

Finally, someone who gets the point of the story. Even as a kid I knew that was the moral before the episode was half over.

Damn, there are A LOT of Enter fans in this thread. I thought you had to be 18 to post on this site?

Enter has openly admitted he has autism, and I'm pretty sure its the kind where you have no sense of humor, that's Enter worst problem, he's too childlike to enjoy a reality show for his age, he would rather watch cartoons, but because he has no sense of humor, he prefers episodes that are comforting and mellow dramatic

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>claimed it was illegal to not let kids see X rated movies because that violates free speech
what does this have to do with free speech
this feels like something Chris-Chan would say
I'll play devil's advocate for some of the others:
>claimed you were a bad writer if you ended something with a cliff hanger and never finished it, then he published a book ending on a cliff hanger and abandoned it. When called out, he claimed the book was part of the old canon so it doesn't count anymore.
it's probably okay in his mind because he's still planning to give everyone the "full" product.
>tried to scam kids out of $350,000 with no plan to deliver on his promises
user he's very clearly passionate about his pet project, and the 3% that he did gather were all autmotatically returned to the original sponsors because the goal was not met. he earned nothing.
>constantly reviews low hanging fruit like modern family guy or fanboy and chum chum as if everybody doesn't already know those shows are trash
he hardly talks about them nowadays.
>just copies tropes from tvtropes
I don't even know what you mean by this, every work of fiction ever can be described that way

It ends up with the kid hating TJ for being a fake ass nigga who only tries to please everyone on a surface level so he can say he's popular instead of getting to know people and be a genuine friend.

The way he repeatedly blames cartoons for not being good parents to their audience, makes me think he has arrested development alongside his autism and blames his obsession, cartoons, for not curing it for him

>of how passionate he is.
being overdramatic =/= passionate

Yeah. Good episode. Fuck TJ

>think that episode where yellow horse becomes a cunt to everyone is hilarious
>let's see what mr enter thought of it
>he legit had nightmares of it because it reminded him of when he was bullied
Jesus what a pussy lmao literally the virgin reviewer

In general it all ties in to the idea that he’s an immature person with delusions of grandeur that outweigh his ability, and has a hero complex about creating the ultimate cartoon that would raise children in a way he feels his own parents did not

That's like 90% of the "animation community" on YouTube, they take shit was too literal and seriously which is what happens when most of a fanbase is actually autistic

Dude wrote an entire show about children being in control and adults being powerless. I had to go digging to find it, because it was memory holed years ago, but Salon did that article about the so-called "virtuous pedophile" who directly describes his fantasies about little girls.
>"A lot of my fantasies actually revolve around little girls who are in some way more powerful than I am"

The easiest way to tell if someone has an obsessive fetish or kink is the amount of specificity and detail they put into things when talking about it. Enter wrote tons of stories, scripts, and drew art about this one specific thing that would be clear as day as a pedophillic fetish if it were all put up in on deviantart. Quientin Tarrantino puts bare feet front and center in all of his movies and everyone knows he has a foot fetish. Mr Enter writes an entire show about little girls with power over adults and it's up for debate, for some reason.

He has a really incoherent view of what cartoons are, and what his purpose with Growing Around is. He’s a total authoritarian who’s willing to say the most harsh shit and accuse the show of crimes when watching a cartoon, but he has such a weak grasp on what he means when he says cartoons need to be moral and good. So Growing Around is a mess, he can’t hold on to his point, and most importantly he uses it to just cluelessly settle into this role of master over cartoons, like he knows the secret golden path of cartooning, and he’s gonna make the cartoon that will change the world, where every other cartoon is evil. It’s fucked

>Been rewatching his old Spongebob Reviews.
Why? Nothing he makes is good.

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This, why the fuck people watch Mr Enter videos? He literally never ever teach anything new to the audience, he never tells how the animation works or how the production was, he only try to push his personal taste as a fact.

>user he's very clearly passionate about his pet project, and the 3% that he did gather were all autmotatically returned to the original sponsors because the goal was not met. he earned nothing.
Poor choice of words on my part. I didn't mean that he was actually trying to take the money and run, I meant that when questioned what his specific plans were to turn the money into a cartoon, he came up incredibly short. He hadn't been in contact with any animation studios but he assumed it would be as simple as emailing some animators his poorly formatted script and wire them the money and it'd be done a year later. He never talked about being involved in storyboard creation, hiring professional writers, complexity of the animation, or anything. It was just "hey, read my script and here's the character designs. I can totally turn this into a cartoon with your money, I swear." There was also the implicit idea that he'd continue the series past the first episode but he refuses to work with a network so he thought he could possibly raise enough for 175 more episodes through patreon and youtube ads at a rate of $350k per episode. Absolutely bonkers.
>I don't even know what you mean by this, every work of fiction ever can be described that way
I mean Enter's goal with the series is to take archetypal cartoon episodes and do them "right." Think of generic episode plots. Things like the body swap episode, the boys vs girls episode, the whacky pet wanders the city alone episode, the sleepover episode, etc. Instead of trying to organically craft a good cartoon, many of his scripts are just responses to other cartoon episodes he thought were mishandled.

The fucking Nostalgia Critic does a better job than Enter. Hell, the Blockbuster Buster does a better job than Enter.

Enter is the Bendis of internet reviewers.

did he now? I'll have to look at this review, that sounds fascinating