Is there truth to this?

Is there truth to this?

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All you need to do is pay for a prostitute

Is it bad that I recognized the exact porn comic this was fun.


no. if anything she would complain youre working too much and not spending enough time to see her

get mooney , scare bitches away, go home masturbate

LSP will put out for free

Just lower your standards bro

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I mean just look at her though, she's clearly wants it.

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No. If you wanna be in a relationship with someone you first better fucking make sure you two are compatible. If she friendzones you there's no need to simp.

Yes, in the real world women like a guy who puts effort into pursing their attraction. The whole thing about "women not liking nice guys" or simps is that those men never had the woman's attraction in the first place.


The Vampire Queen by N3f

ok simp

thanks bro

>no new pages since 2018

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Hey you asked, take this as a lesson porn artist are terrible at updating/finishing their comics.

based gara

You still need to work.

Yes op! Princesses love a refined sword dance from years spent honing your routine. However, they mostly just want a display of your affection and attention. They want you to read their minds/emotions telepathically or jump through rings of fire to understand them. Then once they open up and feel all cozy with you, you can "get laid".

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no, the harder you try, the more desperate you seem
you have to try a little bit, then act like you don't care, rinse and repeat, like your reeling in a fish, eventually she'll tire out and just jump into your boat

Depends on the girl. Sure show you care but ultimately work hard to better YOURSELF rather than just to please some broad. They will probably take notice on their own and if they don't forget em.

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the duality of man

for all his simping, Finn still doesn't have a clear endgame so the audience projects one onto him, leaidng to this belief that because Finn didn't get with either BB or Marceline, he got cucked.

Finn just needs to say "screw it", take over Ooo with the other humans, and become King. I mean if one of the human drones could body the fucking Gumball Guardians, Ooo would be absolutely fucked if the humans decided to just take over.

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There's gonna be some changes

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>one of the human drones could body the fucking Gumball Guardians,
wait what?

What if cartoon but grotesque and violent?

In the Islands mini series thing a Human scouting drone looking for Susan ends up in Candy Kingdom. The Kingdom defenses perceive it as a threat and it proceeds to no sell them completely. They need Finn and the crew to stop it. That was one simple scouting drone that completely shit on Candy Kingdom's best defenses.

not my problem

He bangs HW what are you talking about.

Thank you based Emperor.