So this is how Hazbin dies. If this actually goes to court and suspends production do Hazbin fans take the cake for worst fans
So this is how Hazbin dies...
>Hazbin Hotel
ok, like wtf is wrong with mutts and szeing left and right?
Shouldn't all those Deviantart artists sue her for plagiarism?
Based Vivziestalker taking legal action
Literally still don't get this image
Why is there like one guy on here's who is so obsessed with this woman?
Dare I say based and quite possible redpilled.
Legally she is the one who can demand the cosplayer to take down every single pic of the cosplay AND never use this in public again.
It's a meme you dip.
>sue her for plagiarism
Most Marvel comics are plagiarism of DC ones and nothing ever happened
>Cater to LGBT audience
>Audience feels more entitled to your work than you are
>It's a meme
No, you're just a lolcow with your own avatar/reaction image.
Couldn't they just counter sue?
Tell me about it. Anything they touch dies then blames other people.
Dumbass, you know this is a different situation entirely
Supposedly Yas Forums Hazbin fans doxxed a 15 year old on discord so they are already shit
Yeah okay. Have to bring out the buzzwords made by pedos like null, right? Avatar? You going to pull that card again? Want a free (You)? Fuck off you stupid coon.
I hate how I'm the guy who made that thread and you retards derailed it.
I am sure most sites that let you “reblog” or whatever have protections in place that protect themselves and other users against claims like this. Something like “You still own your content, but when you publicly post it on our site you waive certain rights that allow you to sue us or other users for reposting your content using in site tools.” Or whatever.
It's obvious the thread would get saged. Hell, this one will.
>hurr I will post this same pic over and over so it's a meme
Just like barneyfag
I don't talk shit about the show unlike barneyfag. Also, I don't ban evade every time I post, I'm not banned from every board forever on 50+ IPs, I'm not in my mid 20s, and no one knows what I look like or who I am.
Yes, exactly like barneyfag. You can apply this to anyone who posts a reaction image.
I guess you could say it's in development hell
They haven’t gotten to SU Fans driving artists to attempt suicide or Voltron holding spoilers up for ransom for a gay ship
Any evidence? If you mean the person who leaked the stuff, he was never doxxed, they only wanted to do it. If you mean me, go back to your server you fucking pedo.
Kinda nuts
>hurr I'm not Canadian so I'm nothing like
Nice logic there Soldierfag
What does being Canadian have to do with anything?
What, are you going to call me Willard next like the schizo has been doing for 3 months now? This is some low quality bait.
Don’t frick with us Hazbin Bros
Last ine is debunked. People were pretending they didnt know how Twitter works
I believe I know who the user is, and I'm 99% sure he is confusing someone else from a different community.
to be fair cosplay thots are absolutely deplorable. top 20 accounts on patreon are just whores doing cartoon or anime dress up making up to 3k a week but will get very vocal if you piss them off.
Well it worked for sneedfags.
Generally speaking, said cosplayer would only have the grounds to sue if Vivzie was trying to copyright or monetize her photos; a C&D is permissible depending on the EULA of whatever photohosting site being used, but that would require said cosplayer to have sent Vivzie the photo directly with explicit instructions that it is not be reposted.
Strictly speaking the SU thing was the result of existing tumblr beefs going back a fairly long time, which ultimately crystallized in people using complaints about her SU fanart as a smokescreen for their harassment.