How do we fix Birds of Prey? It seems like it's been broken since New 52

How do we fix Birds of Prey? It seems like it's been broken since New 52.

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That's because comics have been broken since New 52.

>Babs in the chair
>More members with Bird themed codenames
>no Harley or Ivy

Birds of Prey was never good

It's not the Birds of Prey unless Babs is in the chair as Oracle

I'm so tired of Harley Quinn you guys.

>That's because comics have been broken since January 1990.

Shatter Babs' spine for starters.

Get lost incel

While different, the Nu52 Birds of Prey was a pretty good comic for a couple of issues before editorial started relentlessly fucking with it.

Whatever happened to Azzarello's run?

Got reduced from an ongoing to a miniseries, and then reduced again to a one-shot.

And yeah. Like others have said, Birds of Prey needs Oracle to work.

>because of that shitty ass movie harley is now a bird of prey
thanks i hate it

Eh, even in the nineties we still got stories like mad love. But, looking at clone wars, death of superman and image, I see your point.

The "Oracle: Brains, Canary: Brawn" dynamic worked.
So did "Oracle (Brains) and Canary (Brawn) try to make a good hero out of young loose cannon Huntress"

"No Oracle at all, and its just a random largish group of heroes, usually but not exclusively women" dynamic is trash.

Cannot be fixed without bringing back Oracle, which would require DC admitting they made a huge mistake, and would probably generate negative PR for "recrippling" Babs.

TLDR: Birds of Prey cannot be fixed.

I'm still laughing that the sales of "Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) + Birds of Prey (led by Oracle)" were better than the sales of "Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) + Birds of Prey (no Oracle)"

Well done DC, you fixed shit that wasn't broken, hurt sales, and killed one the most organic piece of "We're diverse actually!" writing you had in your stable.


What if we could crwate a replacement "Oracle". Like Harper Row got shot or Gotham girl got depowered and shot or some other character nobody cares about and Barbara set them up and trained them to take her old role? Could it work with another disabled former superheroine turned computer genius?

I’d say 92, but close enough.

bring back back the tits and ass
stop making them all men hating feminist that scream far leftwing propaganda

It's non canon and is more of a continuation of Palmiotti and Conners's Harley run which wasn't canon to begin with. Publisher make comics to cash in on movies in theaters all the time. You can still say that Harley is part of the Justice League because of that one page of her hanging out with a bunch of heroes in the Hall of Justice during that one Superman issue from Bendis.

Ironic because that's Simone on both counts.

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They've been building up Barbara's friend Frankie to be the new Oracle

Imagine thinking DC ended before its peak in the 90s and 00s. Please go back to the Atop the Fourth Wall comments section.

She's been around for years and they haven't made shit of progress towards that. And Frankie isn't as visibly disabled as Barbara was or remotely as important, being only a minor supporting character rather than full team member and co-protagonist like Barbara was. Right now I'd say she's nothing more than halfhearted lipservice attempt at addressing the disable representation caused by making Barbara Batgirl again.

Barbara Oracle or they can fuck off.

People often don't know what they want.
Like when bitched about Starfire in Outlaws wanting her to be like cartoons starfire. So they made a new series that was just that and it was way worse.

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That series was way better than anything Outlaws has to offer.

Pre-Flashpoint Starfire was equal parts cute and a tough girl. RHATO went hard in one direction and her ongoing went to the other extreme. It really was a kneejerk reaction but at least we got some nice art out of it.

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>Frankie isn't as visibly disabled as Barbara

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They also had her show up in crutches in every other appearance.
>remotely as important
>only a minor supporting character
Frankie was essential to the burnside arc and was shaping up to be Bab's Sidekick before Rebirth dropped her and Burnside.

That ongoing didn't go to the other extreme really, Starfire was naive about idioms and come customs but that's because that's fun when you're dealing with cute alien girls. It didn't show her to be dumb or easily manipulative but actually very emotionally mature.