What did the mean by this?

What did the mean by this?

Attached: md.png (1282x642, 866.17K)

Other urls found in this thread:


hahaha +10

Attached: 1583393654919.png (800x733, 430.58K)

I'm a sucker for the funeral dancing meme, but those were pretty on-model, which I always appreciate.

Attached: lolface.png (428x510, 138.31K)


>le funny facebook maymay

Pretty impressive level of autism.


>69.8K subscribers


If I ever get this autistic just shoot me.

your on Yas Forums user, your already a lost cause.

More like twitter.

Do any Yas Forums fags know which version of Astronomia this is?

It's not the Tony Igy and Vicetone one, the bassline is completely different and all the white noise swells are gone

Attached: 1502355362212.jpg (200x200, 12.61K)

Is this one of the better normie memes to come out lately?
I actually like it.

I admit that this video is the most perfect job I have ever seen, it is too perfect, his autism level exceeds 9 thousand

w-we got too cocky harembros...

Attached: 4f0fff149f259bfa9b5763cbbd778d37.jpg (584x396, 45.07K)

lel.. someone on the mod staff is a butthurt little ban reason making up fag isn't he?

Attached: 1587829552651.png (1282x642, 619.8K)

>Yas Forums MEME GOOD



>These two videos
>The many fanart featuring the same list of characters
Alright, who's commissioning these?

Attached: 46346346.png (720x890, 327.69K)


I believe the artiest just did that by themselves.

What I like to know is why everyone is doing crossover fan art of these bitches?

Because Macro self inserting.

>leni and scitwi
Fucking based.

>there's more
Alright this is pretty great. Spic autism is second only to jap autism for being entertaining.

entropic nigger

This channel truly is another brick in the wall. I feel better knowing that I recognise only half of the characters.

There's still a bit of additional hope in me that I didn't know I had.

Attached: EVmB3Q0WkAEzQC4.jpg (256x268, 20.08K)

It's Cringe but in a way that you can't help but admire.

Why are self-insert haremfags the worst?

>not only being a loser but FAILING at being a loser
>good thing
You either need to jettison your austism for good or deep dive in the nigger and see where it takes you user. No one likes a fence sitter.