Star Wars Comics and Cartoons

What does everyone think so far?

I can't fucking believe we are finally getting the Revenge of the Sith B-Side I've been wanting for decades

Attached: tcw-season-7-official-site-banner-022120.jpg (696x467, 374.4K)

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No one has really cared for this show, last episode was the only episode I've ever seen get actually discussion on Yas Forums
Decently surprising too

It's pretty interesting. I'm curious about the next episode. It's kinda hard not to have a feeling about how weird it kinda is to insert more phone calls for Obi in the middle of his EP3 adventuring. I guess it's not too unusual that Ahsoka's reaction to the Anakin premonitions is to disbelieve them; Otherwise she would have to do something and upset the events as we know they go down.

It's all been stretched into tedium.

The fuck? It's only an hour and a half

Any less episodes and it would have been rushed as fuck

I mean the show itself has been stretched into tedium. Ahsoka has been stretched into tedium. Maul has been stretched into tedium. It's just filling in backmatter for the sake of details at this point, however well-directed the episodes might be. There's nothing of interest here.

Where’s the mega files?

I’m interested to see Order 66 from the ground outside of Obiwan’s perspective, but that’s really the biggest thing.

Needs more Bo Katan lewds.

>the only hint of Ventress in this season is a Reused asset

Im fucking PISSED

Attached: latest-2.png (754x173, 89.82K)

I disagree. I think everyones arcs have been paced fine with this as the finale.

I will agree though that it makes me wish Maul was never in rebels

She's dead, jim

Would anyone have any magnets by any chance? I finally decided to give this thing a watch

2 episodes in and there's been almost no Rex kino, it's been great so far but goddamn it I wanted to see Rex kick some serious ass. I think Vaughn was more onscreen kills so far then Rex this arc.

>No one has really cared for this show,
You must be new. We used to have a general for this show when it was airing, before it got nuked by jannys. It's also extremely popular amongst fans.

MEGA for all episodes

I mean the current continuation

The first few episodes with the bad batch were tedious af.

I’m confused. Are there any more episodes or is 10 the last one? It really seemed like it ended abruptly if it was.

Thank you user!

Attached: happy maul 1.png (45x41, 5.08K)

two more of the current arc we get order 66 in the next episode

you should know by now with 6 other whole seasons that when an arc (almost always 4 episode each) "ends" by the mid way point, something else is going to happen somewhat-related to the main plot of the arc

Honestly, the Ahsoka mini arc was a missed chance. Too much focus on the sisters. Could have done something more

We know, they still need to being her back

Better than the arc that came after it, at least.

I fucking love him and what Sam Witwer has brought to the character.

Attached: tenor (2).gif (640x640, 3.61M)

Any time he's on screen my asshole clenches thinking he's about to pop a shot at Ahsoka

Agreed but I thought it was fine. They definitely should have put more focus on Ahsoka and what she's going through though.

Some better ties back to her novel would have been nice too. Let us see her use the name Ashla rather than her legal name on coruscant

I was like that the entire episode, especially when Maul and Ahsoka were on the rafters and the gunships were flying towards them. Was expecting some pure sheevil antics.

Because we aren't allowe. Janitors have autistic fits about Star Wars because its Yas Forums, even though its a cartoon.

Its not reused, Maul went to her tomb on Dathomir and stole her lightsaber to fix his.

>What does everyone think so far?
Don't hold your breath. If Disney ends up losing more money, they WILL end up selling Star Wars to the highest bidder to recoup the loses this year

>Janitors have autistic fits about Star Wars
It was never about star wars, it was about generals.

The only exception is pretty much when the general was first banned, because every standalone SW thread would just turn into swco 2.0

>this post again
no one cared last night and no one cares now

Too late, for what? The republic to fall? It already has and you just can't see it! There is no justice, no law, no order, except for the one that will replace it. The time of the Jedi is over, they can not defeat Sidious.

I love how shit scared he is of it all. He's that terrified of Sheev being in power that he struggles to say his name and tried to lure Anakin to Mandalore to kill him, even though he would have got curb stomped.

>Order 66
It might be interesting, but we've gotten a lot of looks at Order 66 already. Mite b cool though, I guess.
>everyones arcs have been paced fine
It's not the writing of this arc in particular that's a problem. It's the fact we're expected to even give a fuck about this arc to begin with. We know what happens with Maul, we know what happens with Ahsoka. This shit doesn't matter that much. If they weren't folded into Rebels -- and we could reasonably suspect that their characters would find resolutions in this arc -- it would be different.

>I don't know how anything works: the post

They would sell non-media properties first and things with zero income during corona.
It would start with their cruise ships, then Disney World property, then finally their D List media properties like Viceland. Only then would they move onto things like Star Wars which still brings viewers to D+

Especially when he wants Ahsoka to let him go and let him die, because he knows that being captured by the Clones at this exact moment, will just lead him right back to Sidious, right into Order 66. While true we know they survive until Rebels, but if anything, it also gives Rebels a bit more context. Maul's isolation after the criminal syndicates and what transpired with Sidious/Vader/Empire, Ahsoka and her seclusion and ultimate joining of Rebellions and Guerilla factions. Where it all goes down. We had the end, now we get the beginning. All we lack is the middle.Though I guess technically Ahsoka still has a end yet to come with Post Rebels/Ezra/Sabine/Mandalorian hunting. Maul had a satisfying conclusion, even including this. Ahsoka though as much as I love her, as overstayed her welcome. She should have died against Vader or during Order 66.