im trying to get through steven universe future. but every episode is more cringe than the last that i dont think I can do it.
Im trying to get through steven universe future...
Then stop watching it?
You're cringe
but i Have to see the ending!
>im trying to get through steven universe future. but every episode is more cringe than the last that i dont think I can do it.
The watch it on Youtube, it you want to watch the rest, watch it at 2x speed
Can any SUfans give me an idea of when it gets good? If I didn't really care for the first episode, is it worth it to stick around for more or should I move on?
It gets a lot better somewhere in the middle of season 1 when Steven gets more endearing and less obnoxious and when the gems start to develop as well as the lore is when it starts to get good but like most lore driven series it still has a rough start with it's first couple of episodes still pretty fun though
If you don't like Future you won't like the show as a whole. Sorry OP.
holy mother of based
Thanks user, I'll give it another shot.
The first season is the only good one. If you don't like the second half of the season then stop watching because it will only get worse after that.
If you finished SU and the movie you can definitely finish eating the whole bag of garbage
Well, it's about an optimist guy descending into madness when everything around is changing and realizing he's not prepared for that.
It can hit pretty close, can't it?
Steven Universe Future is more of an epilogue than anything else so you don't really need to watch it but I still think its good so I suggest you give it another shot.
It's widely regarded to have peaked at Jailbreak, so keep that in mind as you go.
Her significance was always to be just the first of Pearl's conquests.
watch the movie and nothing else
It was never good to begin with.
Nah it was good
Then don't.
If you don't like it by now, you're not going to.
Don't do this to yourself.
Who are you talking to? If you're talking to the future guy then yea sure but not every series has a super strong start and some things do take time to get good. The guy only watched one episode you can't judge an entire series from one outlier
Dont bother, future a shit. The movie was the last great SU related content
It's going to be endless navel-gazing and hipster emotional theatrics for the whole run, my dude. They ran out of ideas to steal from other cartoons and anime years ago, so they made the mistake of thinking that they could write an insightful dramatic series about mental health and PTSD. The climax of the series is Steven deciding to leave his hometown and then driving back and crying with all his friends, and then leaving for real. You're not getting any good answers or DEEPEST LORE developments. You're getting more crying.
It does get more interesting for a few episodes, but then you have to deal with several dozen episodes of dumb townie bullshit that never really amounts to anything worth your time. Do you care about Onion and Lars? How about Sadie's mommy issues? Bet you really want to know about Greg's family drama! That's what you're in for. The actual interesting bits are few and far between, and even then, they're soaked in about 50 layers of unironic tumblr faggotry that can't even sort itself out before quietly brushing it under the rug so they can do an episode about depression or teen angst.
Someone's adamant about getting let down. I just skimmed the last episode after [Spoiler]the day was saved by the power of hugs[Spoiler], after that I just gave up on anything remotely interesting happening.
Skip the first half of season 1. If you don't like after that, you never will
You can skip 90% of everything in the entire series and not miss a damned thing. Someone needs to just make a viewing list.
I really liked the townie "filler" episodes they're cute and fun and while some are duds I don't think they're unnecessary