Saturday Superman Thread!

"God Damn Cocksuckers" Edition!

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Well shit, I was just daydreaming about this game yesterday, wishing it existed. I didn't even know they were considering it for real. Why no Superman bamham?

He's not hip with the youth.

Reminder- This suit is kino as fuck and only manchildren that can't grow up hate it

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Here is a article about a much older Superman game that was canceled.

I really like pic related Brainiac design.

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I'd rather they make a Suicide Squad game.

What mechanics should a Superman movie have?

I kinda liked the idea of Metropolis having a healthbar as a way of getting around Superman's invulnerability, acting to minimize property damage.

something something bendis

Can we just do a Rockstar Studios Silver Age Superman game.

You play as superman, almost invincible, and fly around Metropolis, causing destruction, to teach people lessons.
The first stage, you're pretty much invincible.
In the second stage, Luthor gives the criminals, Kryptonite guns.
In the third stage, Brainiac comes and turns the sun red, so you have to conserve your power.
In the 4th stage, you're still getting your powers back, but Apocalypse is invading.
Phone booths are save-areas.
At least one optional side-mission will have you flying through floating hoops.

>I kinda liked the idea of Metropolis having a healthbar as a way of getting around Superman's invulnerability, acting to minimize property damage.
It's a good idea but it's not that much of a fun mechanic. Maybe just ignore the whole healthbar and just do a game that makes you feel like superman.

A prequel to the DCO game?

I only heard one good idea for a superman game, from /tg/, it's essensially a puzzle game that rewards you for using his powers in the most subtle way possible so no one knows clark is superman.
though I could see a kryptonian character action game where the protagonist has some sort of restraint on their powers, physically or mentally. release of the restraint would be a great dt mode. the main character would have to be a younger Clark, Kara, superboy or Zod, just so there's a reason why you arn't crushing planets.

This was literally the only game I wish existed. But NOOO the public doesn't want a grand story with brightness and hope, they want more shiticide squat stuffed down their throats, Fuck WB. FUCK WB.

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Lego Batman did it right, when you play Superman, you're invincible.

Yes, that would be nice. You fly around, help people, kick bad guys asses.
In the dcau, superman is punched a lot, but he doesn't really take damage. Most of the time, it feels like he moves just so the bad guys don't break their fucking arms.

they are making a suicide squad game with harley quinn as the star now

I think it would be cool to have a superman game take place in bizzaro world similar to the John's arc or all star superman. Superman could cut loose, fun interactions with the people . Open world Apokolips would be nice too (that type of game could work with other characters too).

This is one of the few times i’d actually say WB made the right choice. A superman game would never make money in a world where gta and god-mode exists.

>people love dicking around with god mode in games
>Superman is basically the closest to god mode for a character from a well-known franchise

People want the power without the responsibility, being Superman means that they're super powerful but technically can' t be a dick about it.

Cry me a river. Sound boring as shit.

I thought that was cancelled

>superman isn't profitable
Imagine my shock

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Correct me if I’m wrong but I kind of feel like outside of comics Superman doesn’t seem to get that much material made for him or has much of a strong mainstream presence anymore at least compared to other heroes like Batman who has mountains of movies, cartoons, shows, video games and other adaptations about him and is culturally absolutely everywhere and do I really need to mention the marvel heroes?

I think it's less that and more it's conceptually and technologically difficult to make a Bamham Hero Sim for Superman.
Batman and even Spider-man are far more limited than Superman. It's easy to make a Batman game where he's confined to a Burroughs of a city or even a building and it still feels like you're Batman. Superman meanwhile needs to eventually be the Superman literally everyone has a concept of in the back of their heads. He needs to fly and you can't feel like you're constantly shirking or failing your duties as Superman. Also you need a reason why there's an invisible wall around the city because the first thing a player will probably do is fly straight up or out of bounds. Though I guess they could just do the awkward GTA thing of "An Island in an endless ocean" but again I think the fact you can IMMEDIATELY do it will make it all the weirder.
Now they can probably do a pretty decent job of making a Superman sim, especially if they ape off of a lot of Spider-man's civilian friendly tech but it will take a lot of work.
But 10 years ago, a Bamham Superman couldn't happen.
Now a character action Superman with the right vision could have totally worked.

His iconography is well-known, but that's about it. Only older generations seem to give a shit about him or know him well enough from various bits of media, all of the younger people (literal children, pre-teens, young adults) only really seem to give a shit about the Avengers, Spider-Man, or Batman.

Eh, Superman will always be Superman but extra-media wise yeah he's primarily cameos in other DC shit.

Superman is better suited for a game like Bayonetta or Devil May Cray. Intense action against enemies of the same power level.

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Not really.

Movies are what makes superheroes popular. Batman, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman are the new trinity

That's only an issue if you're doing an open world sandbox. Which is another problem, everyone assumes that a Superman game must be an open world sandbox. I think a lot of this is heavily influenced by the Arkham series, but people forget that Arkham Asylum was highly linear.

What then? Superman doesnt need a
stealth like the Batman in the Arkham games. Cant be a a shooter. An open world would be too unfocused. Cant be a fighter when there is already Injustice.

Best fix? Don't set it on earth. Maybe a tutorial level in metropolis as Clark, but have most of the superman action take place on Apokolips or in the Phantom Zone, or space. Timed Zone missions with a volcano or a dam, if you have to have something on earth. That will keep the heroic vibe, but if you just fly off you fail and mssion restarts.

>everyone assumes that a Superman game must be an open world sandbox
That assumption would be correct.

Ups this was meant for

Open world sandbox has become the default style of game to the detriment of the medium.

You need someone with a real vision(like me) and a studio willing to invest a lot of money into it.
Fast DMC/Bayonetta like action is not what characterizes Superman.

Should be a Superboy game. So it's okay if he is not invincible

Old old old old fucks still basing what they should do financially off of the success of Superman 64 game,

That face cover is terrible no costume designer should ever use it again

or you know actually make the enemies stronger than superman