If mutants are "the next step in evolution", how come a lot of them have mutations that prevent them from reproducing...

If mutants are "the next step in evolution", how come a lot of them have mutations that prevent them from reproducing? That kind of defies the whole point of evolution.

Attached: Rockslide no junk.jpg (1042x1600, 595.38K)

They can just keep making 20 year old clones of themselves so standard reproduction is kinda moot at this point.

Evolution is mostly nature fucking around, it's not a totally directed process and it doesn't really have a point.

Sometimes the next step leads to a dead end.

Because they're not the "Next Step". They're freaks.

Attached: RCO018_1585158888.jpg (1988x3056, 1.28M)

But that's what happens for every species ever: mutations are random in nature and some make you infertile or less likely to reproduce just as much as some give you a specific trait that happens to be useful for your reproduction
you're confusing mutations and natural selection

They didn't answer Rockslide's question. How can he feel horny if he has no balls and therefore no hormones? He should be like an extreme eunuch, no sexual desire at all.


the whole thing was a fucked up experiment by apocolypse and mr. sinister, though? Right? I mean it's not 'natural' evolution.

>How can he feel horny if he has no balls and therefore no hormones?
It's Emma Frost fucking with him.