If mutants are "the next step in evolution", how come a lot of them have mutations that prevent them from reproducing...

If mutants are "the next step in evolution", how come a lot of them have mutations that prevent them from reproducing? That kind of defies the whole point of evolution.

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They can just keep making 20 year old clones of themselves so standard reproduction is kinda moot at this point.

Evolution is mostly nature fucking around, it's not a totally directed process and it doesn't really have a point.

Sometimes the next step leads to a dead end.

Because they're not the "Next Step". They're freaks.

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But that's what happens for every species ever: mutations are random in nature and some make you infertile or less likely to reproduce just as much as some give you a specific trait that happens to be useful for your reproduction
you're confusing mutations and natural selection

They didn't answer Rockslide's question. How can he feel horny if he has no balls and therefore no hormones? He should be like an extreme eunuch, no sexual desire at all.


the whole thing was a fucked up experiment by apocolypse and mr. sinister, though? Right? I mean it's not 'natural' evolution.

>How can he feel horny if he has no balls and therefore no hormones?
It's Emma Frost fucking with him.

X-Gene mutants are just a science experiment by cosmic spacemen.

Better question, why did the X-Men let failures such as Beak into their racial special-operations militia?

Mutants with mental powers are 200% justification for people to hate & fear muties.

If anything the mundanes and the non-teep mutants should band together to fight the mentalists.

It just means those guys will eventually find some other mutant that they can breed with. Or they will reproduce asexually.

But they didn't? Unless I missed some story, Beak's just one of the students and not an "X-men" as in being part of a team to be sent into the field.

Also actually he's a prime example of a freak that eventually found a perfect partner that will match his genes.

Who could Rockslide breed with? A female mutant that's also made of some inorganic material and appears to have no working uterus? So Mercury?

>Charles’ absolutely assblasted face

isn't it possible he does have balls internally, behind his rock skin layer?

That lip couldn't have been an accident. Zdarsky must have written the script for Dodson to draw it like that.

Rockslide has no skin layers or internal organs. He is literally just living rock. Every time he gets smashed or blown up, he reforms by using new rocks. He's basically a conciousness that inhabits rocks.

Beak is super important in that alternate future where Beast gets high on mutant cocaine

No shit user, its clearly the focus of the panel.

Artists and writers are capable of communicating

Jesus. Look at those freaks! When did the X-Men become Morlocks?!

Blame Morrison.

He's a psionic being that literally possesses rocks to form a body. It's probably never occurred to him and other writers that he could switch back to his human form since Quentin was able to do the same.

Glob Herman is probably in the same boat, yet he still has a crush on Pixie.

Why is Endeavor talking to children about sex?

Does Charles know what diplomatic immunity is?

That isn't the case, its nature fucking around to see what sticks.

OP doesn't understand that part of evolution is natural selection. So those mutants that can't reproduce will die and that is that.

Rockslide is pretty much immortal. He doesn't need to reproduce.

Because Endeavor knows everything about sex and eugenics.

Evolution is never about being better, after a crisis it tends to go full random and then pick what works for a next era of stability.

but the glandes that cause sexual desire are in the brain.

Making characters was more important than the idea of mutants as a species.

Never mind having no dick, Rockslide has no organic material to have an x-gene, he's a soul that can inhabit rocks and that's not counting all the other mutants that where spirits or made out of non-organic material like metal or sand

So what you're saying is...

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