Yas Forums Meta Thread

I don't know why the last one got deleted: I'm assuming it was because the OP image itself wasn't specifically Yas Forums. To rectify that issue, the OP image has been changed from an Yas Forums image.

Let's talk about Yas Forums. How do you currently feel about the board? Do you enjoy its current quality of discussion?
What do you think should be changed, if anything?

I wonder if /hyw/ counts as collaborative OC from Yas Forums or just a nexus for third party artists to chat with one another. What was Yas Forums's last board contribution to the site's body of work?

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Every thread started with this image is a piece of crap.

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We already have more than one meta thread on Yas Forums right now. Mods delete this.

The original image was different but the thread was deleted
I searched for both Yas Forums and "meta" and didn't see a thread listed. Could you link it?

>he thinks Hiro care about other thing than Yas Forums pass and ad money
This pic is also several years old and is no longer relevant.

This board is a shithole. Thanks Yas Forums.

Not only this, but mods apparently don't care and delete these threads or worse, send them to /qa/ which is a cesspool.

Why do mods hate this movie so much?

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The only thing I could find about it when searching archives regarding the announcement being outdated was essentially that some or all of the moderation team went "No, thanks," and resumed banning them outside of /qa/. I never found any official Hiro post revoking that rule, just moderation having the discretion to delete them. All the posts I found saying "The meta rule has been revoked" didn't explain why they were, just that moderators started counteracting what Hiro said.

I know some boards used to state that meta goes to /qa/, but that once again was never confirmed by Hiro in a post that I can find. I can only consider such an overruling of the site owner's own statement an act of illegitimate moderation until shown otherwise.

That's a really long way of saying tl;dr:
>Nobody has ever shown me where the rule was revoked, just that it usually isn't followed by staff.

Seeing as this thread is currently still allowed unlike the other one, I'm inclined to believe it was a matter of the OP image.

I like when the mods delete political debates since there are already 7 boards for this.
Too much cumbrain talk but that's what makes this board active. Otherwise it will be very dead.

dont need 5 su threads at all times

I really wish live action talk was banned from Yas Forums. It's literally never brought anything but shitposting.

I wish Yas Forums memes like "kino" were banned from this site.

Yas Forumsyard bait threads being outright ignored for hours needs to stop, especially when the janitor is at the same time, stalking threads and deleting posts in under 5 minutes, also fuck Yas Forumsutists as well it shouldn't take three months for the mods to actually think about doing something about the "how would they fare" threads just being an excuse for offtopic crap.

We need /su/ containment board

1. Ban all live-action discussion from Yas Forums. It belongs on Yas Forums.
2. Give Steven Universe the Homestuck treatment - that is, ban it to /trash/ until there are updates. It's a fitting treatment for spamming literally up to a quarter of the board's volume at peak.
3. Add LOL to the spam filter and/or ban those thread posters.
4. Ban Yas Forums bait threads.
5. Permaban posters that start threads with a Twitter screenshot.
6. Reduce image post cooldown to allow for storytimes without buying a pass: If your board topic works best when people are paying to use the site, it's no surprise the board will go to shit.
7. Send DB and "How would X do in Y?" threads to /trash/ or ban them.

>ban live-action, SU, twitter threads
Good. Also add bait wojack threads to the ban list

8, Make all forced memes a bannable offense.

>without buying a pass
Why would they implement a change that loses them money?

Can we just add a /screencap/ or /socialmedia/ board in general? Then when people post Twitter shit, we actually have a place to tell them to take that shit. People post enough of it across every single board that it would get activity.

That and eceleb talk

What's the deal with the IP range bans as well?

One board, and it's full of wignats.

I want My Little Pony images to be allowed on Yas Forums again, if not discussion.

Mods should stop strangling self-moderation. It should be okay to spam bait threads with hentai doujins.

To clarify, when I say "ban" I mean banned from uploading images, not from posting

this image exists to get threads deleted

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Make Wojakposting a bannable offense.

I'm getting tired of seeing this stale as fuck meme get reposted without any sense of originality. Hell, Pepe hasn't gotten this bad and has always done it better than this dumb meme.

Someone tell me why Yas Forums passes will allow and disallow paypal payments at random.

Ban live action shit
Ban Steven Universe shit
Ban Twitter shit

Unless all three are done this board will forever be a fucking shit hole

What's the deal with "VPN/Proxy" bans? I never used either of those and I constantly get those bans.

What's the deal with range bans for ISPs?

stop being picky with homestuck threads.
People still complaining about it on the sole reason of "it was big" are bitches who probably still get triggered from MLP, and having to fester in an /aco/ thread with self-hating nerds suck dick.

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I don't know but it's getting really fucking old. And no I'm not buying your shitty fucking pass gookmoot fuck you

This. I'm not paying a bastard who constantly ignores my reports.

All my Yas Forumsmplaints are userbase related, there's literally no discussion happening anymore, no one reads comics, even storytimes get barely any replies, any shows that are less than the biggest hypest most popular ones around get 30 replies before archiving in most threads, the shows that ARE popular don't get any actual discussion either, just spam/chat-like talkback threads and then coomer imagedumps (because they're only popular due to waifus). The only threads approaching the long form thought out discussion format are Yas Forums bait threads.

I guess it could partly be blamed on the content output of the current industry, but I remember a time when you could make a thread about a non-contemporary piece of media and get a discussion going even with people new to it, this doesn't happen nowadays even with the relatively slow board speed.

In general, please, please, please stop banning Yas Forums-relevant threads just because jannies don't like the show or whatever.

There was a point around the time SUF ended that jannies were deleting every single SUF thread except for one and it was an overkill response to controlling spam.

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Just put them in /mlp/.

Promoting hussies hackery is retarded.

My ISP is apparently banned (or was?). Found out 2 months ago when I moved and changed to a better one with the best speed in the country only to find out that it was banned. Then I had to phonepost for a day. Next day, I could post again from this ISP.

Shame the jannies missed a thread. SU fags deserve the MLP treatment

>Still seething about MLP
Quit acting like you were here in 2010.

I'd be OK with this.
Get on that shit Hiro.

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I've had an ISP image ban for about 3 days now and it sucks ass

I just want to make a thread about a shitty britfag cartoon bros

Aw, still seething about be banned, brony?

Actual oldfags don't give a shit about MLP anymore and agree the rule should be lifted at this point. It's only people LARPing trying to prove how "Yas Forums" they are that act like MLP is still a cancer. Everyone's moved on, we're doing fine, "fellow kids".

Barnyfag still exists, don't forget about his autism.

>and agree the rule should be lifted at this point

Oh I'm sure you all agree with that on /mlp/, brony.
Too bad

MLP has been replaced by SU. How active is /mlp/ anyway?

SU demonstrated they will flood the board with 40 goddamn threads that all have ~50 posts and are generally one of the lowest quality fandoms on the board, so I think they should have been relentlessly pruned down to one active thread at a time honestly.

It's already been proven that he's the one who posts the images for the sheer purpose of posting, "die, barneyfag". It's why he shows up in a heartbeat for certain threads and then doesn't show up for several days in others.

Not him but horsefags ARE cancer. You guys can't post about how coomers are ruining this board but then insist we should let the most NSFW blue board on Yas Forums back in here

my thoughts exactly

>lowest quality fandoms
The fandom reflects the quality of a show after all.

It was during the series finale. It's completely normal for a popular show to get spammed for a couple of days during the series finale. People act like SU was some special case.

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Probably because SU has been spammed plenty outside of events and you autists drag your shit into everything. SUfags are the new bronies and are utter cancer.

>SUfags are the new bronies and are utter cancer.
Until people start posting SU across every board from Yas Forums to /z/, no it's not. That's just what faggots who pretend to have been here back in 2010 like to say.

>you autists drag your shit into everything

Fucking this. I hate being on a decent non-SU thread and some retard starts posting Spinnel or Channel

SU flooded the board for every episode release in Future's run and between, it wasn't super active just during the finale.

That happened for Samurai Jack, too.

I'm watching 18 threads right now and that hasn't happened in any of them.

Point these threads out.

A lot of shit is retarded, having a personal vandetta towards one is extra.
We get it, a lot of people hate how homestuck and hussie ended up but at this point you're just bitching and moaning under the guise of having standards, when at the same time a thread devoid of a subject, or a different subject that no one in the thread even actually likes will be fine because "lol well it's not homestuck".

Just for instance, what the fuck is there to talk about with Star Vs that's any different with Homestuck?

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>Handful of finale episodes vs entire series

You SUfaggots are getting awfully defensive and deflective. You DO realise that everyone who isn't an SUfag fucking hates you right?