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>asking a doctor to do his laundry while she is doing important work
wow what a fucking asshole

why is he leaning like michael jackson?

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Jesus, it's not like they can do anything else. No reason to make them feel guilty for doing all they can at this point in time.

>>nursing staff is minimum wage

>If we had socialism nurses would be unnecessary

Took me like 10 minutes to actually get it

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Why doesn’t superman use his kryptonian science to make a vaccine?

based tranny

I thought he grew up on Earth why would he know anything about Kryton?

Hold on a minute.
Is he saying that if we abolished capitalism we wouldn't need grocery stores and nurses during a pandemic? or that capitalism is to blame for the pandemic?

He's retarded, user

Any of you guys think that all this bad corona art is like how it was in the 1700’s with a bunch of fags painting shit about whatever was popular at the time and we only like those ones because we were taught to in school?

I read it as saying they should be paid better for doing essential work not sure what kind of shithead would disagree

Ummm, sweetie. Superman is an expert in kryptonian science and culture and even practices kryptonian martial arts

Wait what?
Comics are stupid and for children.

> Superman please cover your nips you look like even more of a fag than you already did you trunks-wearing queer
What did she mean by this

he needs to strip further

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Granted I'm not an american, but there's no way in hell nursing staff and bus drivers make anywhere near minimum wage, nurses are in very high demand AND require an education. bus drivers are almost universally unionized and that too is in high demand (because no kid wants to be a bus driver when they grow up).
I also can't imagine delivery people make minimum wage, around where I work that's where you go to make big bux as a poor student because of tips. (that and being a waiter, but that's not really relevant during the CORONA thing).
The only people who might actually get minimum wage in his list are grocery store workers.

So he's just going to put his ass on the nurse and make her breathe out of that? I'm not sure I'm following your thought process here.

Y'know, this is the first time I actually agree with one of these comics
>blames capitalism
And there we have it, that complete disconnect from reality. Fucks sake.

my sister is a nurse and she makes fuckall, and she's still doing better than when she was a paramedic
a week ago she was put in charge of a corona suspect because she was the only one who had a mask (she bought one with her own money)
but again my country does love its socialism so I guess the author is still proven wrong

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Most minimum wage earners aren't essential, and most essential workers aren't minimum wage.
Everything about that comic is retarded, as usual.

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I mean a lot of them don't actually make minimum wage but they still have awful low wages, I personally think the wage should go up at least temporarily to like double while it becomes a high risk of death job.

Why can’t we have robot nurses? They won’t nap on the job. They won’t seduce patients.

>Christ, what an asshole.

>capitalism is to blame for the pandemic?
Breathing is to blame for the pandemic. If we stop breathing corona dies.

>They won’t seduce patients.
Robots are all sluts for the Big Human Cock and you know it.

>>high risk of death
Yeah, not really

"yo why this man just rip up his smelly clothes and is giving em to me"

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>Tfw I actually make minimum wage and still have to go into work and everyone in this thread is insulting me and it's actually making me genuinely angry

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Then why do we have to stay inside?

Get a better job

Japan tried it, and they are going back to human ones.

>or that capitalism is to blame for the pandemic?

I mean absolutely technically the pandemic has been exacerbated by capitalists reee-ing over short term temporary inevitable losses. Also Trump gutted every agency that exists specifically to deal with this exact situation, presumably so he could continue to throw wads of money at his billionaire fuckbuddies.


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It's not even about what this 'person' is trying to convey anymore, it's the sheer fucking ego and self-gratification radiating off of every phrase they spew forth. If SJWs ended this whole 'holier than thou' attitude and actually had discussions with other people, instead of parroting their fucking platitudes over and over, maybe we wouldn't have elected Trump and nationalism/populism wouldn't be on the rise.

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Italy and China are run by Capitalists?


I really am starting to hate this "le frontliners are heroes" patronizing bullshit
I just wanna be invisible again and shop normally again without every single person coming up to me telling me thank you for your service
Since the same people telling me thank you are the same shitheads who's been talking shit behind my back for years and they're just riding on whats popular right now
That and its been 4 days since we actually had ppe other than a flu mask while working in the covid monitoring ward


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if you wanna blame any "ism" blame globalism for spreading it outside china so quickly
although i do suppose unscrupulous capitalists are making their unessential staff come to work to keep the bux coming which could spread it faster


I mean yes, but I'm only talking about in America. The comic didn't really deal with the global situation either.

Yes both of those countries are capitalist.

Network, take online courses, apply for a gross job that'll make more money, etc. It's tough atm, but normally you can make more money if you really want to in a Capitalist system.

I'm saying that the tranny in that comic is an arrogant piece of shit and needs to stop guilt-tripping everyone, even if they make legitimate points. A broken clock is right twice a day, but that doesn't mean you should pay attention to it to tell time regardless.


>I mean absolutely technically the pandemic has been exacerbated by capitalists reee-ing over short term temporary inevitable losses.
Hardly, actual capitalists can appreciate the fact that if a quarantine is released too soon we'll get another spike in patients and deaths which would throw us back into quarantine, it's best to lose a month than lose half a month, reverse what we've achieved in a week and THEN lose a month.
Being an economic conservative is, if nothing else, about playing it safe.
The retards sperging out about muh rights in america are just the idiots that think everything is a conspiracy. (and undoubtedly a negro-judeo-bolshevik one)

it's not wrong, though, radical leftism drives people to vote for populists, nationalists, and conservatives.