Which of the currently running cartoons have the biggest fandom on Yas Forums?

Which of the currently running cartoons have the biggest fandom on Yas Forums?
Is it one of these?
I missed Gravity Falls and Star VS and Adventure Cuck and I want to be part of the conversation this time.

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Fuck off, asshole.

you've literally missed the train


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I think to consider what show has the "biggest fandom" you have to consider the proportion that's actually a fandom. As in the interest and discussion isn't just interest in sexualizing the female (and sometimes male) main characters but is discussion and fan interaction with the actual program, because that isn't a "fandom" that's just liking porn designs
So cartoons like Glitch Techs and Owl House and those similar "tribe" shows are out of the running

so you just want to do what the hivemind tells you to watch?
go back to fucking leddit you absolute moronic asshole, get a brain of your own retard

Do people discuss infinity train?

Probably Amphibia

Actually yes, although some of it is just wanting to see Jesse and Lake fuck.

Loud House
Glitch Techs
Owl House

Fandoms are only worthwhile if they generate content.

Any of these enjoyable to people with actual taste who are not coomers?

Mainly season 2

None of these are fandoms they are just there to fap to non-canon porn

Curious about that now, too. Owl House does always seem to have a thread going, don't know enough about the show if there's much to discuss though. Glitch Techs I think is sizeable but I don't know if the threads are still talking about the show since it's half the season and no word of another one.
Just from the largest threads, there's Clone Wars and Harley Quinn, two properties that wouldn't be hard to find material for, since that's basically all of Star Wars and DC to theoretically talk about.
There's also Ducktales, which has all the duck comics and years of animation to talk about alongside the reboot that's at least attempting to mix and match that stuff.
Hilda seemed kind of popular so you could watch that before season 2 comes out. Same situation with She-Ra and its final season next month.
There's Cleopatra in Space, which I believe is in the middle of airing new episodes and that Santina cartoon seems pretty popular.

Glitch Techs is pretty fun, and largely has pretty good production value. Video game slang is slightly cringy but pushing past that it's pretty sincere and can be enjoyable.
Haven't watched Loud House in ages, but it's slice of life, not much to say about it, I think.
Nothing to say about Owl House.

Low IQ take. Anyone watching these "mystery lore shows" has the plot figured out within the first few episodes if not day one. Look how quickly people solved the Stan twins mystery, so much that Alex the Manlet had to post fake screenshots here and shit to try and get people off his scent.

After that the only thing left to discuss are the characters. Pretty much anyone showing interest in a female character is a le coomer apparently but there are plenty of hot females in recent cartoons (Xochi for instance) that aren't enough to carry their shows because they are legitimately bad shows and/or the characters are poisoned by obnoxious writing. Too much TORtanic mentality is around these days where you want everything to fail so you can pat yourself on the back for not being a consoomer while you wait for the next mediocre CN or [as] product to consume.


It's not that you don't have a point, but whether going to reddit or going here, there's still "going to an online area to discuss a specific thing with others.
Half the fun of being here is supposed to be enjoying things with other people, OP's basically just asking for recommendations.

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Hilda is actually comfy and good.

Which is different from wanting to fuck lake themselves, but barely.

generally the current infinity train threads tend to have interesting conversations and comfys moments from time to time but there is less and less to talk about the show. Tthe first threads were about season 2 and especially Jesse and Lake but not in a bad way, it was about ideas of how they could spend time, ideas for fanart wholesome content but everyone also talked about things, like how the lives of the protagonists will be like after their seasons, who will be the protagonists of the next one, and ideas to create everything for all characters, IT fan material in general.
but it is also not possible to continue taking more from where there is no more, the content is little and it finishes quite fast compared to the other shows (although this does not make it worse or at least for the story they wants to tell) so it is obvious that Its fandom would end up decreasing until it almost disappeared, so no, it is the show that has the least fandom and if you ask me I think the winner would be amphibia for the time it takes, we would need more time to compare them better.
I don't know anything about the owl house

I just watched an episode of The Owl House the other day. It looked interesting, and I'll probably watch it again. Same thing goes with Amphibia. Right now, I'm on a huge Infinity Train kick, though.

For the past moth or two there have been quite a few Infinity Train threads. Before Book Two, there were a lot of coomers just talking about all the nasty things they would like to do to Tulip, and then after Book Two was aired, people were talking about how they want to see Jesse and Lake hook up.

Of course it's not all sordid and tawdry. There are many serious fans who engage in discussions of what was good about or bad about what episode, character(s) etc., speculation on what's in store for Book Three, and lots of people including fan art. Infinity Train threads tend to last about a week. It seems that true fans are quite protective, if not somewhat fanatical about the show.

As I said, I'm starting to watch Amphibia, and have enjoyed what I've seen so far, and the one episode of Owl House was interesting. Any fans care to shed any light on these two shows? (And please be objective. I don't want to be pulled into any "Tribe Wars". If you have a favorite or preference, that's fine, but I want to watch each show and judge them on their own merits)

Your assessment of past IT threads is accurate.

I truly hope this doesn't turn into a "Tribe War" thread.

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how do you measure how active or productive a fandom is?

Owl House is on Disney, of course it's bigger than Infinity Train


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the thing is that Jesse and Lake have a well defined personality and relationship, it is very difficult to project yourself into them and it is very common to get attached instead, most people do not talk about wanting to be with Jesse or Lake but rather they talk about wanting to be with someone LIKE Jesse or Lake, it's nice how they respect their friendship
in both cases IT keeps losing, at least in the board
Nah I think everyone already has their show well defined and in any case I don't think IT "tribe" will participate

You never know.....

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No, you want to be part of the hivemind. Hell no, you don't want that. If you like these shows, just watch and enjoy them, maybe collect some good fanart along the way. THAT is all you gotta do.

[Tribes Wasr Flashbacks]
T-thats dabs...
Stop. I-I cant take it anymore.

This is unfortunately true for Yas Forums, due to exactly how this place is infested with pedos mostly watching these for you-know-what, rather than those who like to actually discuss things worth a damn.

This is why Yas Forums sucks so much ass, really.

Tribe wars in general suck ass and that's all OP is continuing to encourage, yeah.

OP is a fag.

Relax dude as someone would say, we don't know that

Comparing/summing up both and examples (Amphibia, The Owl House), so far...

It doesn't look as good as Owl House, but it is far better written & executed in what it wants to do & be. Slow start, but no time is wasted in making us like / endeared to the MCs - plus, everything is properly built up by the 2nd half of S1, so that S2 going forward shows nothing but promise, honestly.

>The Owl House
The show suffers from a bad first impression and only so many episodes alongside it are truly any good. It doesn't help that the show has this huge & wonderful/demonic setting to explore like Amphibia actually does right for itself, whereas THIS show doesn't do exactly a good job of that. Even worse, later episodes / S2 in general are setting themselves up (at worst) to be just another generic high school joint, when there should be more exploring of the actual setting outside that Harry Potter crap (and Harry Potter had thr common courtesy to be more than just about the school, which is what makes it memorable even today.).